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(27) The total amount of IDA-money available for civil (construction) work at HQ, FARS and RFRS totals to 144.22 lakh Taka, including contingencies (see section 08).

(23) For FARS the only civil work planned to be carried out from this IDA budget is the construction of a small building for the experimental feed mill, to be bought under the equipment head. An outline for such building, including the services needed, has been prepared in March 1986 by the Fish Nutrition Consultant, and was presented in TA-report No. 04. The building is budgeted as follows:

- 2400 sq. ft. × Taka 400 = (approx.)Taka 10.00 lakh
- electricity and water supply, drainage, = 12 % =1.20 lakh
- basic equipment (fridge, freezer, boiler) =0.50 lakh
TOTAL:Taka 11.70 lakh.

Purchase of the equipment for the feed mill (approx. US$ 90,000.-) should not start before construction of the feed mill building has actually started.

(29) For the HQ the wishes are as follows:

(30) For RFRS the wishes are as follows:

(31) Table 7 presents a complete picture of the planned civil works. The total amount of IDA-funds needed is 86.3 lakh Taka, which is 51.1 lakh Taka more than the available 137.4 lakh Taka. Even when 15 lakh Taka are re-allocated to equipment for MFRS, an amount of approximately 36.1 lakh Taka will be saved from the available funds. Together with the 0.2 lakh Taka from equipment savings (62.5 minus 62.3) total savings accumulate to 36.3 lakh Taka.

Table 7 - Budget for civil works at HQ/FARS/RFRS (lakh Taka)

HQ- administrative building0.0110.0    IDAhigh
 - residential buildings0.0….?medium
 - auditorium0.033.0  DANIDAlow
FARS- feed mill building11.0  0.0IDAhigh
RFRS- experimental pond complex5.10.0IDAhigh
 - pump-filter system0.80.0IDAhigh
 - repair RFRS building4.30.0IDAhigh
 - experimental paddy field0.01.5ContReshigh
 - repair/improvement hatchery3.00.0IDAhigh
 - boundary wall24.6  0.0IDAlow
 - repair approach road8.80.0IDAmedium
 - repair residential buildings9.60.0IDAmedium
 - repair guesthouse1.50.0IDAmedium
 - repair jetty0.30.0IDAhigh
 - electrification8.60.0IDAlow
 - Rangamati sub-station3.00.0IDAhigh
 - drainage facilities5.00.0IDAlow

4.2 BFRS

(32) The budget for civil works for BFRS in Paikgacha has been worked out in TA-report No. 13 (BFRS Design), and is in summary presented in the present report in Table 8.

Table 8 - Budget approximations for civil works at BFRS

1. Land70 acres75,0005,250
2. Earthworks   
 Main supply, wall 420,000 
 Main drain 40,000 
 Secondary supply 210,000 
 Secondary drain 16,000 
 1 ha ponds 210,000 
 0.5 ha " 330,000 
 0.2 ha " 310,000 
 0.1 ha " 300,000 
 Miscellaneous ponds160,000 
 Building area 240,000 
 Fill material, excavation2,000,0004,236
3. Water control   
 Main gate 360,000 
 Pumping station* 30,000** pumps excluded
 Secondary gates 600,000(in eqt. budget)
 Tertiary gates 900,000 
 Drain outlets 600,0002,490
4. Water supply, services  
 Saline water 300,000 
 Tubewell 40,000 
 High quality system 150,000 
 Storage tanks 300,000 
 Septic tank 250,0001,040
5. Buildings   
 Administration 3,100,000 
 Services 1,200,000 
 Rest house 1,350,000 
6. Services   
 Electrical, at 8% of (5)2,026,000 
 Plumbing, at 6% OF (5)1,520,000 
 Airconditioning, at 5% OF (5)1,267,000 
 Cold store 200,0005,013
7. Site works   
 Road, 1000m, at 800/m800,000 
 Bridges 400,000 
 Wall protection 100,000 
 Fences, huts 200,000 
 Landscaping 300,0001,800
TOTAL  45,159

The total amount needed for civil works at BFRS is 451.59 lakh Taka. In this amount is included a GOB contribution of 52.00 lakh Taka for land purchase, and a GOB contribution of 26.36 lakh Taka for construction (as per PP). The remaining needed amount of 373.23 lakh Taka is more than the original IDA contribution from the PP of 263.61 lakh Taka, but it is still within the SAR budget (including contingencies), which amounts to 383.21 lakh Taka.

(33) Table 9 shows the total budgetary picture for BFRS; enough financial space is created by the addition of the 36.3 lakh Taka savings from the other stations.

Table 9 - Renewed budget for BFRS (lakh Taka)

- Land purchase52.0050.00GOB, as per PP;
 2.00GOB, savings Chittagong.
- Construction399.5926.36GOB, as per PP;
 237.25IDA, as per PP;
 36.30IDA, savings other sttns;
 99.68IDA, contingencies.
- Engineering, 20 %20.0020.00IDA, contingencies.
- Equipment, general31.3031.30IDA, as per PP
- Equipment, research (estimate)26.026.57IDA, as per PP;
 1.25IDA, savings furniture;
 9.70IDA, contingencies;
 8.50GOB, savings Chittagong.
- CDST (estimate)52.2526.37GOB, as per PP;
 25.88GOB, contingencies.
- Furniture10.0410.04IDA, as per PP.
TOTAL IDA FUNDS NEEDED:452.09lakh Taka. 
TOTAL GOB FUNDS NEEDED:139.11lakh Taka. 

(34) The needed IDA funds (452.09 lakh Taka) are covered completely by the budget for BFRS (see section 10), to which the 36.3 lakh Taka savings from HQ/FARS/RFRS are added:

- civil works237.25 lakh Taka
- equipment  37.87     "     "
- furniture  11.29     "     "
- contingencies129.38     "     "
452.09 lakh Taka.

(35) The needed GOB funds (139.11 lakh Taka) are covered completely by the GOB budget for BFRS (PP-provision) with addition of 10.50 lakh Taka savings (no procurement of land in Chittagong):

- land procurement  50.00 lakh Taka
- savings Chittagong  10.50     "     "
- civil works  26.36     "     "
- CDST  26.37     "     "
- contingencies  25.88     "     "
139.11 lakh Taka.

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