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The major constraints affecting the development of the shrimp farming industry in Bangladesh are:

  1. Shortage of good quality shrimp fry.

  2. High shrimp fry prices, especially in the Khulna-Satkhira region.

  3. Reduced post larval survival resulting from poor sorting, handling, transportation, and aclimation during stocking, and absence of nursery management practices in most cases.

  4. Destruction of nursery areas (coastal mangrove forests).

  5. Inability of farmers to provide adequate collateral for agricultural development loans.

  6. Poor site selection.

  7. Poor pond design and construction.

  8. Poor water quality management

  9. Poor animal husbandry.

  10. Competition between alternative land uses (agriculture, livestock grazing, forestry etc).

  11. Shortage of animal dung for fertilising ponds due to its use as fuel for cooking in rural areas.

  12. General lack of use of fertilisers and supplementary feeds.

  13. Inefficient harvesting methods.

  14. Poor handling of the product after harvesting.

  15. Inadequate quality control in some processing plants.

  16. Insufficient container space for the shipment of the frozen product from Khulna and Mongla to Chittagong to connect with ocean going container ships.

  17. Weak extension service.

  18. Some inappropriate aid programmes.

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