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In order to assist in the preparation of the individual research proposals, a literature search of the Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA) data base was carried out at the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, Plymouth, UK in early 1988 in order to list all references to ‘shrimp’ and ‘prawn’ ‘culture’ and ‘cultivation’ since the data base was created. [The key words used in the search are indicated by inverted commas.]

The period covered by the first literature search is January 1978 to December 1987 inclusive. A bound copy of this bibliography was presented to the Director of FRI for use in the Library and Documentation Centre at Mymensingh. In early 1989 an addendum to this bibliography has been prepared covering the period January-September 1988, and a bound copy presented to the Director of FRI during the second part of the assignment. Until such time that the FRI has access to the ASFA data base in Bangladesh, annual or quarterly updates of this literature search can be requested from Anthony Farmer & Associates in the UK.

A number of aquaculture manuals of restricted circulation and particularly on the subject of penaeid shrimp cultivation has also been presented to the Director of the FRI. The individual volumes are listed below:

  1. Al-Hajj, A B & A S D Farmer, 1984. Shrimp Hatchery Manual. Kuwait: Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, 85 pp.

  2. James, C M, A M Al-Khars, S Al-Hinty & M B Abbas, 1986. Manual on Live Food Production for Aquaculture. Kuwait: Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, 63 pp.

  3. Tareen, I U & A S D Farmer, 1983. Shrimp Pathology Manual. Kuwait: Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, 116 pp.

  4. Kneale, D C, S E Salman & A S D Farmer, 1986. Shrimp Raceway Construction and Operation Manual. Kuwait: Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, 63 pp.

  5. Tareen, I U, 1984. Fish Pathology Manual. Kuwait: Kuwait Intitute for Scientific Research, 56pp.

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