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4.1 With the application of improved method of broodfish management (daily manuring, improved feeding and frequent replenishment of water) the breeding can be started 2–3 weeks earlier, wich render possible mass production of large size fingerling for the begining of rainy season, which is the most suitable time for stocking in open waters. Moreover, the broodfish prepared, are more productive (about 20 percent) than broodfish managed traditionally. This two facts, the earlier breeding and higher productivity increse the fish seed production capacity of broodfish populations by about 30 percent.

4.2 Those fish which were bred earlier, have longer time for preparation for second breeding, which facilitates the large scale introduction of repeated breeding. As a result of combined adventages of earlier breeding and higher production rate of those broodfish populations which are managed with improved technology, and repeated breeding of females, the productivity of the broodfish (i.e fry production) may be double.

4.3 Large scale introduction of the improved technology of broodfish management is highly recommended for public and private sector to facilitate the achievement of present and future aquaculture plans. Based on our results, the practice of leading fish seed producers of the country and the general principles of semi-intensive methods of broodfish management, a technological package was prepared (Appendix 1) for distribution:

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