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The project under Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) of FAO in the Fisheries Sector was launched to strengthen the rural pond fish culture extension services of the Department of Fisheries so as to increase fish culture production in rural areas. To achieve the objective, the project was expected to produce the following 8 outputs.

  1. 100 TFOs trained in improved aquaculture technology and technology transfer methods including aspects of fish culture extension management.

  2. 100 AFOs trained in improved aquaculture technology, transfer of technology know-how including farmer's training and aspects of extension management.

  3. 100 FAs trained in improved fish culture practices , methods of technology transfer, record keeping, data collection from Result Demonstration Fish Farmers (RDFF).

  4. Senior Officers of the Department of Fisheries including 5 DD, 5 AD, 50 DFO and HQ extension personnels trained in various aspects of aquaculture extension management.

  5. Developing training materials for thana level fisheries officers.

  6. 500 RDFFs and 2500 Fellow Fish Farmers ( FFF ) trained in improved fish culture.

  7. 500 result demonstrations in farmer's ( RDFF ) ponds by providing regular technical support. Technical support to be ensured through fortnightly visit by Thana Fisheries Officers and Staff members.

  8. Field documents ( Manual / guidelines )

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