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I joined the project on 29 April, 1995 on one year assignment. However, during this period I was also deputed for two months to Vietnam under FAO / UNDP Project VIE / 93 / 001. To cover this period my NTE was also extended for two more months ending 28 June 1995. Mr. Quazi Jamal Uddin Ahmed joined the project on 25th September, 1994 as National Fish Culture Extension and Training Expert and worked for three months. Since he crossed 62 years of upper age limit fixed by FAO, he was replaced by Mr. Gazi Nurul Alam who joined on 19th January, 1995 and continued till 28 June 1995 (Annexure-1).

Due to repeated request by the Govt. of Bangladesh to have further assistance of this nature and in the light of savings from the project it was decided to extend the project further till the end of the year 1995. Mr. Quazi Jamal Uddin Ahmed who worked initially for three months in the project and had similar experience while working under preceeding FAO/ UNDP project BGD/87/045 has been offered the position of National Expert. After joining, it is expected that he will continue till the end of the project.

2.1. Terms of Reference

The terms of reference for the Fish Culture Extension and Training Specialist (International) were as under :

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