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3.1 Work Plan

A detail of activities within the time frame of the project was drawn in the background of expected outputs and TOR. Consequent to my two months secondment to FAO / UNDP Project VIE / 93 / 001 in Vietnam, the planned activities during mid January till mid March were shifted forward for two months, May and June 1995 (Annexure- I).


Planned activities, delivery of outputs and level of achievements are summarized hereunder in tabular form which clearly indicate that not only the planned activities have been completed and expected outputs have been produced, significantly extra amount of delivery has also been made.


1. 100 TFOs trained in improved aquaculture technology and technology transfer methods and aspects of extension management. • Orientation training
• Field training
• Comprehensive training in fish culture extension
• Field exercise
2. 100 AFOs trained in improved aquaculture technology , technology transfer methods and extension monitoring• Field training
• Comprehensive training in fish culture extension
• Field exercise
3. 100 FAs trained in improved fish culture, methods of technology transfer and monitoring of extension programme• Field training
• Comprehensive training in fish culture extension
• Field exercise
4. 55 senior DOF officers (DD, DFO and AD) trained in various aspects of aquaculture extension management• Orientation training
• Field training
• Operational workshop / participatory training
5. Training materials for thana level officers • Training materials for TFOs
• Training materials for AFOs and FAs
6. a. 500 RDFs trained in improved semi intensive fish culture and conducting method and result demonstration.
b. 2500 FF trained in semi intensive fish culture
• First spell of training
• Second spell of in-situ or pond site training
In-situ training for 2500 FF involving their respective RDF.
7. 500 result demonstration in farmers ponds in improved semi intensive fish culture in 100 thanas of the country• Demonstrations in farmer's ponds (RDFFs ponds)
• Periodical visit
• Periodical visit by thana level fisheries officers / field workers in thanas to provide technical support to RDFFs.
 • Designing record keeping book for farmers
• Designing and introducing reporting proforma
• Designing and introducing socio-economic survey and impact study proforma
8. Preparation of guidelines and manualsManual/guidelines on:
• Aquaculture extension
• Instructional manual of fish culture for farmers (English and Bangla)
• Appropriate aquaculture technology for undrainable rural ponds
9. Computerised Aquaculture Extension Management Information System• Segment on personal details of RDFF
• Segment on technical aspects
• Segment on socio-economic aspects
10. Practical and cost effective extension teaching tools• Flannel board set
• Game card
• Audio cassette. Folk music and songs on fish culture
• Video - Fish culture in undrainable ruralponds
• Video- Trickle Down System for Aquaculture Extension
• Video - Drama (Dream of Rameez)


Expected Output as per Proj. Doc.Actual OutputAccomplishment
1. 100 TFOs191191%
2. 100 AFOs148148%
3. 100 FAs173173%
4. 55 Senior DOF Officers
5. 500 RDF 1st Spell727161%
2nd Spell
6. 2,500 FFs6,520261%
1. 100 Thanas170170%
2. 500 demonstration in RDFFs pond886177%

Training materials/manuals
For TFO (English)
For AFO/FA (Bangla)
For Farmers (Bangla & English)
Manual for Aquaculture Extension through TDS
Extension Teaching Tools
Game Card
Flannel Board Set
Drama (Bangla)
TDS for Aquaculture Extension (Bangla & English)
Fish Culture in Undrainable ponds (Bangla & English)
Computer Software for aquaculture
•   Software for Technical/extension aspects
extension management
•   Socio-Economic Aspects
Audio Cassette
•   Songs on fish culture tuned to the local folk music.

3.2.1 Extension Approach

As indicated in the project document and considering the field reality, extension programme was implemented following the Trickles Down Extension System (TDES) approach. This extension approach was developed and tried on a pilot scale by the preceeding FAO/UNDP project BGD/87/045.

TDES was designed as a participatory extension approach for aquaculture through method and result demonstrations incorporating both individual and group methods of extension.

3.2.2 Appropriate Technology

In the background of the existing culture practice, technical capability and ability of the farmers to meet the required inputs exclusively through their own resources, undrainable and multipurpose nature of the rural ponds etc., low cost semi -intensive fish culture technology was selected for the programme. This semi - intensive fish culture technology was also tried on pilot scale in the field during the preceeding project and was found to be economically viable, technically feasible and socially acceptable.

During the implementation of the project, however, certain modifications have been made for further improvement and making the technology more suitable to the local conditions. Following modifications were made:

3.2.3 Training

  1. Extension Orientation Training for GOB field Counterparts (FC)

    Extension Orientation Training of one day duration was conducted at 5 Divisional HQs of the country for the respective DD, AD, DFOs and TFOs. Soon after familiarising them with project objective, scope and functional design, their role and responsibilities as field counterparts were elaborately explained. Emphasis was given to convince them about the urgency to initiate demonstrations in farmers ponds after selection of RDFFs and conducting training for them. They were also motivated to contribute their services actively for the project. A total of 187 GOB FCs were trained through 6 courses (Annexure-IIa).

  2. Training for RDFFs and Field Training for GOB field counterparts.

    A total of 42 field training courses were conducted for RDFFs and the involved FCs covering 53 districts and 5 Divisions of the country. Altogether 727 RDFFs were trained.

    Respective DD, AD, TFO, FEO, AFO and FA were also asked to participate at the field training for RDFFs, which helped them in getting idea about impact creating points in result demonstration, logics for convincing the farmers, motivational tips for team building and inspiring the RDFFs to act as voluntary extension workers on behalf of DOF.

    A total of 500 GOB counterparts also received the field training (Annexure-IIb).

  3. Comprehensive Aquaculture Extension Training for Thana Fisheries Officers (TFOs):

    Six courses of 5 days duration each, were conducted through which a total number of 191 officers have been trained. As per the request made by the DOF, Extension Officers working under developmental projects were also allowed to participate in the training. Course outline and the programme is enclosed for more information (Annexure-IIc, III).

  4. Comprehensive Aquaculture Extension Training for Assistant Thana Fisheries Officers (AFOs)

    The course was designed for a period of 3 days each and a total of seven training courses were conducted. Altogether 148 AFOs have been trained against the set target of 100 AFOs (Annexure-IIc, IV).

  5. Comprehensive Aquaculture Extension Training for Field Assistants (FAs)

    Seven courses of two days duration each have been conducted to train the FAs of the five divisions. A total of 173 FAs were trained against the set target of 100 FAs (Annexure-IIc, V).

  6. Operational Training/Workshop for Senior GOB officers

    As per the provision made under the project, training for senior GOB counterparts (Deputy Directors, District Fisheries Officers and Assistant Directors) were planned in two spells of two days each. The first spell of four Operational Workshops cum training were organized one in each of the four greater divisions of the country for the senior officers of the DOF. A total of 60 senior officers participated in the training against the set target of 55. As planned the ongoing activities were reviewed, concept, objective, approach and operation of the extension programme were discussed and certain recommendations were made to further strengthen the system (Annexure-IIc, VI).

  1. Fellow Fish Farmers (FFFs)

    At the fag end of the culture operation when the final result was visible, one day in- situ training was organised for FFFs. Training was exclusively organized by the respective thana team members consisting of TFO, AFO and FA, at the result demonstration pond site. Major role was played by the respective RDs in conducting the training through method demonstrations related to daily manuring, application of feed, prophylactic treatment etc., and result demonstration through exhibiting the crop. The details of expenditure and income was also shown and explained through the record keeping book.

    Except for tea and snacks, no training allowance was given either to FFF, RDFF or the Field Officers. However, all the FFF were given note book, pen and an instructional manual of fish culture through their respective RDFFs. A total of 6,520 FFFs have been trained against the set target of 2,500.

  1. Refresher Course

    Considering the need and request made by the Govt., one day long refresher course was organized replacing second spell of Operational Workshop for Senior GOB Officials. This training was for the senior officers like Deputy Director, Asstt. Directors, mid level officers like TFO, Fisheries Extension Officer (FEO), Scientific Officer (SO) and junior officers and Staff (AFO and F.A.) Since a nationwide programme on the same line has been launch covering 400 Thanas of the country, repeated request was made to include maximum possible officers and technical staff members in the refresher course so that the training may help the GOB project covering 400 thanas of the country. A total of 46 courses were organized and 651 nos, of senior, mid level and junior officers and staff of DOF were trained. Learning from field experience, both failure and success, enabled us developing a more reliable and efficient technique for the selection of most ideal farmer as RDFF within shortest possible time. The course would be extremely useful for selection of RDFF for the extension phase of the project (Annexure-IIc).

  2. Computer training in Extension Management Information System:

    A week long training was conducted for the HQ officers and staff in the management of information pouring in from the field in the form of quarterly reports. Softwares developed for the management of data related to personal identification of RDs, progress, production and cost function of the demonstration, and the socio-economic aspects were introduced. They were trained in data entry and generation of reports using two softwares. Training was conducted by Mr. Zia, Administrative Clerk of the project (Annexure-IIc).

3.2.4 Demonstration

As per the project document, the expert had to organize demonstration in 500 farmer's pond selected from 100 thanas of the country. At the time of the very inception of the project and during the divisional orientation programme a large number of District and Thana Fisheries Officers came forward voluntarily and expressed their willingness and interest in starting project activities in their respective territory. Considering their interest, their positive attitude of ready to work voluntarily, the demonstration programme coverage was extended to 170 thana of the country. The number of demonstration in farmers (RDFF) pond also increased to 886 against the set target of 500.

Prior to initiation of demonstration, a base-line survey was conducted to record the existing culture practice, annual yield, cost of production, margin of profit and socio-economic status. All the selected RDFFs were provided regular technical support by the respective thana fishery office team.

Fish farmers were selected as RDFF from across the different strata of the rural society. Most of the ponds were owned by RDFFs while considerable number were also taken on lease. Such flexibility in the selection of farmers enabled us to also involve marginal and landless/pondless farmers.

All the demonstrations were organized by the RDFFs and exclusively through their own resources. No material or credit input assistance was provided either by the project or by the Govt. Reducing the role of material input/credit assistance made it easy for the extension officers to concentrate their efforts on extension activities rather than desperate credit recovery activities.

Final results have been received from 701 demonstrations. The data indicate that the average production has gone up from 1461.279 kg/ha/yr to 4,104.7 kg/ha/yr. Tabular and Graphic representation are given to give details about production, cost of production and benefit cost ratio (Annexure-IX). Incidental to demonstration covering 186.72 ha of water area (701 demonstration) 2,82,434.71 kg of fish were produced.

3.2.5 Seminar/Workshop

Operational Workshop/Participatory Training

Four divisional seminar cum operational workshop of two days duration each were organized in Rajshahi, Chittagong, Dhaka and Khulna divisions. Senior officers like Deputy Directors, Assistant Directors and District Fisheries Officers participated in the programme.

The main objective of the operational workshop was to review the progress of implementation, operational design including reporting system, field problems related to technology and technology transfer and measures to be taken for making further improvement in the extension approach. Besides these aspects, the participants were also given certain important information about further intensification possibilities of fish culture in undrainable rural ponds. Elements of manpower management, leadership development etc., were also introduced to add efficiency and speed in extension management.

A total of 60 senior Fishery officers participated in the training against the set target of 55.

As per the request of the DG, the expert presented a paper on “Problem of Diseases in Aquaculture” at the “National Workshop on Shrimp Diseases in Semi-intensive and Extensive Farmers” held at Cox's Bazar (1–4 Dec. 1994).

The expert gave a seminar on “Experience in the FAO project to strengthen DOF aquaculture extension for rural ponds” at Fisheries Local Consultancy Group meeting of Aid Management Office. He outlined TCP project objective, operational design, extension approach, technology being transferred and the results obtained. Various extension materials developed by the project were also displayed and demonstrated.

3.2.6 Training Materials

  1. Fish Culture Card Game

    Based on the principle of “Learning while playing” the fish culture game card was designed, and developed by the expert. A prototype of the same was developed by the expert during the preceding project BGD/87/045. However, now it has taken a much better shape after field trial and accepted very well by the farmers and the extension personnels. It helps in conducting post training evaluation (PTE) and bringing post-training clarity (PTC). The kit consists of a set of 31 coloured pictures depicting various steps of semi -intensive fish culture practice. Immediately after the training, farmers are invited for the game. They are divided into groups of 5–10 farmers each and each group is provided with a set of fish culture game card. Cards are reshuffled and each group is asked to rearrange the cards in sequence as followed in the culture practice. Many organizations like IFAD, Danida, ODA etc. have shown interest in designing similar training material for other farming practice.

  2. Flannel Board Set.

    Flannel board Set consisting of 1.5 meter of flannel cloth with printed logo of FAO and the name of the project, 41 sketches printed on coloured cardboard paper, 5–6 sand paper sheets and few ordinary paper clips are the components of this training tool set. It is low cost, convenient to carry and easy to use in rural condition where electricity and dark room facilities are seldom available. This training tool has also been introduced in 170 thanas of the country and the Govt. is going to reprint and distribute throughout the country. Other projects have also collected the sample so that they can also develop similar sets for their own purpose.

  3. Video Film.

    The following three video films have been made under direct supervision and direction of the expert.

    1. Rameezer Swapna-Dream of Rameez.

      This film is in Bangla and is divided into two parts. The first part is a drama showing how “Rameez” an RDFF becomes important in his village through fish culture. He narrates his experience which also gives a clear idea to the viewers about the technology he has adopted.

      The second part is based upon a common religion based activity through which the knowledge of fish culture technology is propagated for the welfare of the people by the religious village head.

    2. Trickle Down System of Aquaculture Extension

      This documentary film has been made in English as will as in Bangla. The film gives a clear idea about the system and its functional design. The film will serve as attractive material for training the officers in aquaculture extension through TDEs.

    3. Fish Culture in Undrainable Rural Ponds

      This documentary film has also been made in two languages, Bangla and English. The film gives a complete technical know -how about the semi-intensive fish culture technology being practiced by farmers in their ponds including the women.

      All these three films have been shot in SVHS and produced in post U-matic system so that it can be telecasted by Bangladesh TV. Over 400 copies are being made for distribution to all the thanas of the country so that it can be screened during the Fisheries Fortnight going to be observed during August 95.

3.2.7 Field documents (Manual and Guidelines):

The following field documents have been prepared:

1.Training Manual for TFOEnglish
2.Training Manual for AFO and FABangla
3.Instructional Manual on Fish Culture in undrainable Rural Ponds for farmersEnglish
4.Instructional Manual on Fish Culture in Rural Undrainable Ponds for farmersBangla
5.Manual on Aquaculture Extension through Trickle Down SystemEnglish


The following reports were prepared by the expert during the tenure of his assignment.

  1. Inception Report

  2. First Quarterly Report

  3. Second Quarterly Report

  4. Third Quarterly Report

  5. End of Assignment of Report

  6. Draft Terminal Report

3.2.8 Monitoring of Extension Activities

During the course of implementation of the demonstration programme a systematic and well organized system was developed for the effective management, monitoring and periodical evaluation of the extension programme.

The following formats were developed for the collection of various information from the field.

  1. Base Line Survey data sheet

  2. Quarterly Reporting form.

  3. RDF-Record Keeping/Recommendation book)

  4. Final Report Sheet

  5. Activities monitoring sheet for various levels of functionaries like NPD, DD, DFO and TFO. (Annexure-VII C)

Quarterly reporting system has been introduced. However, at the district and division levels the project activities are being discussed every month. Quarterly reports are processed through softwares especially designed for the purpose by the project.

Reporting mechanisms have been tried through various routes. However, the best course being reporting through proper channel and sending a copy directly to the project. Reporting mechanism provided quarterly flow of information regarding activities concerning production and cost involvement and progress of demonstration by individual RDFF, training activities, problems encountered and pond/home visits, and other extension activities undertaken.

3.2.9 Project Management

In addition to the normal duties as Fish Culture Extension and Training Specialist the Expert discharged the responsibilities of overall management of the project as Officer-in-charge/CTA till 28 June 1995. In between the expert was on deputation to Vietnam (VIE/93/001) for two months during which the project was supervised by the NPD, Mr. S.N. Choudhury.

Although there was 12 mm provision for a national expert, the services of national expert could be utilized for hardly nine months due to procedural delay in appointment.

The expert could mobilize assistance for large scale printing and distribution of “Instructional Manual on Fish Culture (Bangla) from the Govt. A total of 8,000 copies of “Mach Chas Nirdeshika” costing about 5,000 US$ was contributed for the project by the Govt.

The expert could also mobilise support from Department of Fisheries and Livestock Information Service by way of deputing their Camera crew for making the two video films. This has reduced the cost of 3 video films made by the project.

The project could run its scheduled activities smoothly for 14 months, delivered all the expected outputs beyond expected limits and also saved considerable amount of money by which the activities can be continued for another five to six months to provide additional support to the Govt. for strengthening extension services.

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