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Programme of Work

49   The Council highly appreciated the work done by NACA in 1988. They noted the significant and numerous activities in training, research, information development and exchange, technical support services, as well as the preparations made for the transformation of NACA into an intergovernmental organization.

50   The Meeting then studied the proposed Programme of Work for the Intergovernmental NACA. The Chairman of the Meeting requested the Chairman of the Working Group of the Three-Man Working Group to introduce the Programme of Work.

51   The Chairman of the Three-Man Working Group appointed by the Second Provisional Governing Council summarized the Future Work Plan of the Intergovernmental NACA.

52   He thanked Dr. TVR Pillay for his valuable advice and guidance in the preparation of the work plan. He also thanked the co-opted members, Dr. Kitjar Jaiyen, Mr. Michael B. New and Mr. Imre Csavas, as well as the NACA Coordinator and his staff for gathering background information needed in the preparation of the work plan.

53   In connection with the proposed strategies for future work, the Meeting extensively discussed the role of short-and long-term training courses of NACA in the light of future needs. The Meeting also discussed the benefits of both programmes, and agreed that the two types of training continue to be important in the aquaculture development in the region. The topics of ad-hoc training courses are only tentative and can be revised according to requirements. The number of such courses that NACA can organize during the five-year period with available resources will be as indicated in the Programme.

54   The Coordinator informed the Council that the Fish Disease training course has been implemented in collaboration with UPM and IDRC. He also added that UNDP has approved US$ 526,681 to implement this programme. The Meeting thanked the UNDP for its positive response and continued support, particularly for the support extended to NACA's fish disease programme.

55   The Chairman of the Working Group also stated that the core activities of the intergovernmental NACA would be funded by contributions of participating governments. As regards activities in research, training, information exchange, as well as advisory services, funds would have to come from external sources. He, therefore, proposed the need to appoint a small group to assist the NACA Coordinator in seeking support of funding agencies. Because of the urgency in finding a suitable candidate for the post of Coordinator, he proposed appointing a small group to identify and contact interested candidates and make recommendations to the Governing Council for recruitment.

56   Dr. TVR Pillay highlighted the technical aspects of the future work plan. He emphasized that while there is a change in funding strategy, the emphasis on programmes remains the same. The training, research and information activities would continue to be the major priority areas. These priorities were identified as a result of extensive consultations with different governments, institutions and agencies concerned with aquaculture development in the region. Every effort has been made to avoid duplication of efforts.

57   He pointed out that the draft programme envisages assistance to Governments in formulating national development plans and policies. In this connection, he said that the Work Programme includes a conference on the present and future directions of aquaculture to discuss the various issues and diverse views related to aquaculture development and research in the region. The results of the conference could then form the basis for developing realistic aquaculture development programmes.

58   The total budget for the Five-Year Work Programme is US$ 8,421,945. This consists of core funding contributions from member governments in the amount of US$ 1,999,213; and additional funding for the implementation of various activities under the programme, which consists of US$ 3,728,852 for training; US$ 1,310,000 for research; US$ 505,000 for Information; and US$ 878,880 for Advisory Services and Assistance to Intergovernmental NACA.

59   In considering ways and means to increase funding support for the core activities, the Council discussed the generation of additional income sources particularly through the offer of services when the Intergovernmental NACA is established.

60   Efforts have to be made to mobilize the additional funding requirements for programme implementation. In this connection, the PGC strongly recommended that the UNDP should consider on a high priority basis a project for the provision of advisory services and assistance to the Intergovernmental NACA during the initial period. The PGC further recommended that a suitable project document be submitted as soon as possible to UNDP. FAO was requested to take early action to submit a suitable project proposal to UNDP and ask formal endorsements of the governments so that approval of the project can be obtained in time to enable a smooth transition of NACA to an intergovernmental status.

61   In later discussions the UNDP Representative pointed out that the forthcoming aid coordinators' (MAC IV) meeting in Indonesia will take up only the projects already endorsed by governments. Even though it may not be feasible to consider a project on the Establishment of an Advisory Services and Assistance to the Intergovernmental NACA, he said that it may still be possible to finance it from contingency funds, provided the governments give top priority to this project.

62   The Council appointed a Working Group to develop strategies and proposals for obtaining additional funding resources for NACA activities. The delegates from Thailand (Mrs. Bung-orn Saisithi), Sri Lanka (Mr. W.M.A Wijeratna Banda) and the NACA Project Coordinator (Mr. Chen Foo Yan) were nominated.

63   The Council also appointed a Search Committee for identifying a candidate for the post of the Coordinator for the Intergovernmental NACA. Nominated to the committee were Dr. Kitjar Jaiyen of the RLCT, Ms. Jurgenne Primavera of RLCP and Mr. Chen Foo Yan.

64   The Councl endorsed and approved the Work Programme for the NACA. The Work Programme appears as Annex XXVI.

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