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65   In introducing this item the Legal Adviser explained that both the Rules of Procedure and the Financial Regulations were based on those of INFOFISH as adapted to NACA. Similar rules of procedure and financial regulations were used in other organizations and commissions set up by FAO, which had been drawn and adapted from the relevant FAO rules and regulations.

66   It was underlined that the Provisional Governing Council was not being asked to adopt these texts because this could only be done by the Governing Council of the Intergovernmental NACA once the NACA Agreement had entered into force. However, the Provisional Governing Council could review and endorse the texts. This would assist the NACA Governing Council when it considered the texts for adoption at its first meeting. The foregoing would also be true for the employment conditions and the Staff Regulations.

Rules of Procedure

67   Queries were raised concerning the procedure for the election of the Chairman and other officers of the Governing Council (Rule 6), in particular the timing of the election and the period of their holding of office. The draft rule could give rise to more than one interpretation.

68   The Legal Adviser explained that the intention was to elect the Chairman and other officers at the end of each regular session; their period of tenure would extend until the end of the following regular session. This would have the advantage of allowing the newly elected chairman to be consulted in drawing up the agenda for the forthcoming session and in the preparation of that session. The Chairman would also be able to deal with matters arising in connection with a special session if requests were received.

69   In order to make this clear, it was agreed that it should be specified that the elections would take place “at the end of each Regular Session.” However, for the first session of the Governing Council, the Chairman and other officers would be elected only for the duration of that meeting.

70   In respect of the designation of Liaison Officers foreseen in Rule 1.3, it was suggested that this might be done already on an informal basis before the Agreement had actually entered into force.

71   The Provisional Governing Council endorsed the Rules of Procedure as amended. The Draft Rules of Procedure appears as Annex XXVII.

72   In the course of discussion on the Rules of Procedure, it was proposed that since consultations would be required on matters pertaining to an intergovernmental organization, the present Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Provisional Governing Council should continue to serve until the next regular meeting. The Meeting endorsed the proposal.

Financial Regulations

73   The draft financial regulations were then considered. These were found to be satisfactory, subject to drafting amendments in Regulations 2.2. and 3.4. Accordingly, the Provisional Governing Council endorsed the Draft Financial Regulations as amended. It appears as Annex XXVIII.

74   With respect to a related question, the Coordinator sought the advice of the Council on how contributions from governments and other external incomes should be handled until the intergovernmental NACA becomes functional. He explained the normal procedures in the handling of funds for cost-sharing and co-financing arrangements. After some discussion, the Council authorized the Coordinator to open and operate a U.S.$ bank account for the deposit of outside revenue.

Employment Conditions

75   The Coordinator explained that the document on employment conditions had been prepared by a consultant as a follow-up to an earlier study which the consultant had done; the document completed the previous study.

76   The Provisional Governing Council noted that the proposed table showing pro forma or standard cost figures for professional staff was based on comparable conditions in the region which differed from those applicable to international scales. Thus, salaries would be substantially lower and it was recognized that this could give rise to problems in recruiting qualified staff. It was noted that judicious use of incremental steps (Section C) would thus be required.

77   Subject to a drafting correction in the table on cost figures the Provisional Governing Council endorsed the proposed employment conditions. The draft of the document on employment conditions appears as Annex XXIX.

Staff Regulations

78   The Provisional Governing Council considered the draft Staff Regulations to be acceptable and accordingly endorsed these regulations. It appears as Annex XXX.

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