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86   The Legal Adviser reported on the current status of the Agreement on NACA. At this date, six governments had signed the Agreement: China, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Hongkong, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam. The Agreement had been ratified by Hongkong and Sri Lanka. However, among the other governments which have signed, their own practice may not require ratification and signature alone may already be sufficient; such governments should notify FAO to that effect. It was recalled that the Agreement required ratification or accession by five governments in order that it enter into force.

87   The Agreement was no longer open for signature and consequently, in the future, governments which had not yet signed it would need to accede to the Agreement. This would not create any special problems since the procedures involved are basically the same as those required for ratification. Instruments of ratification or accession should, of course, be deposited with the Director General of FAO. As always, the FAO Legal Office would be pleased to assist governments in whatever way might be required.

88 A number of governments were actively engaged in procedures for accession. The delegation from Thailand informed the Meeting that the Government had approved Thailand's participation in the Network of Aquaculture Centres in the Asia and the Pacific Region. In the meantime, laws and regulations on the immunities and appropriate privileges to facilitate activities of NACA are now under study. When such laws and regulations have been approved, Thailand will accede to the NACA Agreement.

89 The representative of the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam announced that the Honorable Vice Minister of Fisheries is mandated by his Government to sign the Agreement, whereupon the ceremonial signing of the NACA Agreement by the Vice Minister was held.

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