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Annex XXII

First allow me to express the greetings of the Vice Chancellor, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Prof. Dato Nayam Bin Ariffin. He also extends his regrets for being unable to attend this Third PGC Meeting of NACA due to work pressure and other prior commitments.

This statement reflects that of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (UPM) as I was not earlier mandated to issue a statement.

As an institution of higher learning, we are very supportive of efforts towards development, dissemination and application of knowledge. This is in line with the three primary functions of UPM, i.e. teaching, research and extension.

I am attracted with the networking system as this provides for development of expertise in-country and is very cost-effective in meeting its objectives.

Our collaboration with NACA started in 1986, and has borne its fruit in the launching of the post-graduate training course in tropical fish health in UPM. There are presently 10 students from Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Malaysia, undergoing the programme.

I foresee tremendous avenues of cooperation and collaboration as both our institutions are aimed towards the development of fisheries albeit in different forms.

We wish NACA every success in her future endeavours.

I wish to thank NACA for the invitation to attend this Third Provisional Governing Council and look forward to greater cooperation towards the development of science and fisheries in the region.

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