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ANNEX 4 (contd.)


Project of the Government of the
People's Republic of Mozambique


TitlePilot Project for the Development of the Tuna Fishery
Duration3 years
Primary Function 
Secondary FunctionDirect Support
Sector (Govt.Class)Industries (UNDP Class and Code) : Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (04)
Sub-Sector (Govt.Class)Fisheries (UNDP Class and Code) : Fisheries (0440)
Government Implementing AgencySecretariat of State for Fisheries
Executing Agency 
Tentative Starting DateBeginning 1988
Government Inputs39.878.000 MT
Donor InputsUS$1.414.470

Signed                                                                                                 Date                              
 On behalf of the Government  
Signed                                                                                                 Date                             
 On behalf of the Executing Agency  
Signed                                                                                                 Date                             
 On behalf of the United Nations Development Programme  


This Project Document shall be the instrument referred to as such in Article I, paragraph 1, of the Assistance Agreement between the Government of the People's Republic of Mozambique and the United Nations Development Programme, signed by the Parties on 15 September 1976.

The Government Implementing Agency shall, for the purposes of the Standard Basic Agreement, refer to the Government Cooperating Agency described in that Agreement.



This Project is a strategic part of the Government's master plan for fisheries development. The introduction of a tuna fishery, which presently does not exist in the country but seems to represent a substantial potential for development, would be its strategic target.

The most important impact of this Project would be that, through commercial fishing operations aimed at the collection of reliable investment information and fishermen's practical training, it would increase Government's overall capability for deciding and undertaking the planned development of the new fishery.

In a first stage this development would generate greater supply of fish for consumption on the internal market and greater employment opportunities. In a second stage, when it would have reached sufficient size and impetus, this development would promote export of fish products and thus improve the balance of payment.


Direct effects through which development objectives would be attained by the end of the Project are:


The Project would contribute to the exploitation of marine resources hardly taped by present national fisheries. Consequently, it would not only diversify existing fisheries and thus, in the long run, avoid overexploitation of the traditional resources, but also provoke increased needs for new production factors. This in turn would augment employment opportunities for the youth in rural and urban zones, and accelerate their integration into the economic development process.

The Project which, for training the Mozambican fishermen, would have recourse to a nucleus of tuna fishermen recruited in the semi-industrial tuna fishery of the Cape Verde Islands and the artisanal tuna fishery of the Maldive Islands, would furthermore contribute to the promotion of technical exchange and cooperation between developing countries.

This contribution would be strengthened by the fact that the Project would cooperate with the FAO Project for the Development and Management of Fisheries in the South West Indian Ocean (RAF/79/065), and other international projects and agencies dealing with tuna fisheries in the region.



The existence of apparently important tuna resources in the Mozambican Economic Exclusive Zone (EEZ) has been proved in several occasions during the past decades. One of the best evidences of their presence has been given by experimental long lining operations in 1978–1979, and the subsequent granting of licences by the Government of the People's Republic of Mozambique (GOM) to foreign long liners.

These facts, added to the increasing economic importance of tuna all over the world and, also, to its willingness for developing and diversifying its fishery economy, made that the GOM decided to carry out experimental tuna fishing activities on a national basis.

These operations were executed from September 1983 to April 1985 and have been technically supported by the Project FAO/GCP/MOZ/006/SWE : ‘Experimental Tuna Fishing with Pole and Line and Live Bait’ (1).

This Project had essentially experimental and prefeasibility study characters with the main objectives of demonstrating the occurrence of tunas in the national waters, their distribution, seasonality and behaviour, their catch rates and catch composition. As for technical and economic reasons, a technically sophisticated and highly capital intensive tuna purseining fishery was not recommendable in the Mozambican context, this Project operated a chartered pole and line ship. Therefore, main objectives similar to the above mentioned ones applied also to the live bait resources.

(1) This Project, which has been funded by the Government of Sweden, is presently complemented by the Project FAO/TCP/MOZ/5653, under ARPA funding for one year starting in July 1986 and with, among other activities, the continuation of experimental artisanal tuna fishing and experimental live bait stocking, pending the implementation of the Project proposed here.

The Project turned out 302 sea days, of which 261 were spent in fishing operations = 146 for live bait and 115 for tuna production. This effort took place along the entire coast of Mozambique, in inshore coastal waters for live bait and at offshore distances from about 1 to 200 miles for tuna. Its total production was of 336 t , essentially composed of skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) 86,5%, and yellowfin (Thunnus albacares) 11.9%.

Main observations and conclusions following from this effort and relevant for future activities are (1) :

(1) Source : José D.L. Moreira Rato, Programa de Pesca Experimental de Atum com Vara e Isca Viva, FAO/GCP/MOZ/006/SWE, Field Doc.14, FEB 1986.

(1) Source: Communication of the Instituto de Investigação Pesqueira, Maputo.

In conclusion, the experimental Project proved that tuna resources offered apparently attractive development possibilities through appropriate semi-industrial and artisanal fishing technologies. It also gave indications that tuna potentials could be relatively important and, therefore, could offer prospects not only for supplying an unsatisfied internal demand for this product but also, in the longer run, for trade on the external market.

Indeed, if its general average tuna catch of 2,9 t per fishing day was a very encouraging result, it can be assumed furthermore that this output could have been substantially higher in strictly commercial operations, with concentration of the fishing effort in the most productive areas, i.e. without the widespread exploratory tasks particular to any experimental Project. In reality, results could be even better in the context of a fully grown commercial fishery, with an important and steady flow of fishing information among the fleet and a well organized live bait supply.


Mozambique confronts imperative needs to solve rapidly serious shortage of food for its population, to integrate this population, mainly the youth, to the productive process, and to drastically increase and diversify its exports.

The experimental Project FAO/GCP/MOZ/006/SWE has clearly demonstrated that the national tuna resources, which are seldom exploited by present fisheries in the country, would seem to offer good development opportunities which, through the application of appropriate fishing technologies, could effectively participate to the solution of these problems.

Present urgent food, social and economic needs, and the apparent strong capacity of a tuna fishery to participate to their fulfilling, constitute therefore the primary justification for pursuing the development process successfully triggered by the experimental Project.

Secondary justifications reside in the fact that freezing and cold storage capacities are still available in the principal fishing ports of the country, and that the installation in Beira of a canning factory by the EEC, with a processing capacity of about 3.000 t/year, is nearly completed. (1)

The continuation of the experimental Project consists in the development of a new tuna fishery of sufficient size, with semi-industrial and artisanal technologies. (2)

This development, however, will require relatively considerable investments in terms of equipment, training and research. Such investments cannot be safely engaged without a full and concrete knowledge of the technical, financial and economic feasibilities of the new fishery. On the other hand, no realistic investment programme can be planned without fishery management measures, which entail sufficient knowledge about the potential production of the target resources.

In spite of its high value, the information produced by the experimental Project, for the very reason of its concept and objectives, and also for its brevity, is insufficient for those purposes. Therefore, the need arises for a feasibility pilot project carrying out intensive commercial production fishing operations and producing the following outputs.

(1) Tuna could constitute an alternative supply of raw material for this factory
(2) For the reasons stated above, a tuna purseining fishery is not considered here.


The outputs to be produced by this Project are as follows:

Feasibilities and Potentials for the Development

(1) Based on the results of the experimental project for the SITB, on the assumption that fishermen training will impede production during the first trips, that the ATB will have a catch of 80 to 100 t, and on the facts that supply of live bait will be provided by the two LBBs, and that entire fishing effort will be strictly commercial.

Investment and Management Programme


About 8 skippers, 4 engineers and 30 fishermen trained in all the practical skills needed by semi-industrial and artisanal tuna fishing, live bait fishing and live bait storing.


The project will be based in Maputo. Its zone of action will cover the entire Mozambican EEZ. After a preparatory phase of about one year for project final preparation, expatriate experts recruitment and equipment acquisition by the executing agency, and for project local personnel recruitment and boats preparation by the GOM, the project will enter into a 2 years execution phase with the following activities, (see time table in Annex 1).

Commercial Tuna Fishing

These activities will be carried out with the SITB based in a fishery complex (Combinado Pesqueiro) in Maputo and operating in all national waters, and with the ATB based in a fishery complex in Pemba, and operating at maximum distance of about 60 miles from the shore and along the coast between the border with Tanzania and 160 00 S approximately. Logistical support to the boats will be given by the fishery complexes, which will also provide radio communication with the project office in Maputo.

The SITB will be under command of a high level expatriate masterfisherman, who will also act as a technical supervisor for the rest of the project fleet. This expert will be assisted by a local mate and three capverdian specialist fishermen.

The ATB will be under command of an expatriate Maldivian Master Fisherman assisted by a specialist fisherman of the same country, he will also be assisted by a local mate.

Fishing technologies applied by the tuna fleet will be, for the SITB: pole and line with live bait, with and without FADs and, for the ATB = pole and line, gillnets, long lines, trolling lines, with and without FADs.

Each masterfisherman will turn out about 375 days at sea in comercial production tuna fishing operations, with the main objective of obtaining the best possible catch and financial productivity. They will record all their activities in detailed fishing logs with special emphasis on efforts and catches.

Commercial Production of Live Bait

Live bait fishing will be carried out by LBBs based in the same fishery complexes as the tuna boats, and will operate in their vicinity. Each one of them will be under command of an expatriate masterfisherman assisted by a local mate.

Technologies applied by the live bait fleet will concern bait catching and bait stocking. Bait fishing will be carried out with purseine, encircling net and lift net, with and without light attraction. Bait stocking will be carried out with floating cages.

Each masterfisherman will turn out about 375 days at sea in commercial production live bait fishing operations. Their main objective and data collection task will be as for the tuna fishery.

Fishermen's Training

The local mates, engineers and fishermen, will be trained on the job, at sea, in the process of the commercial fishing-operations, by direct assimilation of the masterfishermen's and specialist fishermen's skills.

Scientific Works

A local biologist assisted by two samplers will cover the totality of fishing operations with a biologic sampling programme. This specialist will collect also all the other information necessary for a subsequent scientific assessment of the tuna and live bait resources and their annual maximum substainable yield (MSY).

The local biologist will assist as far as possible the works for improving the survival and good quality of the live bait stocked in the floating cages.

In these works, the national staff will be assisted by a senior biologist specialized in fish stock assessment. This expert will visit the Project at the end of the preparatory phase, for the preparation of a data collection programme. During the execution phase, he will also visit the Project at interval for supervising this work, and at the end for supervising the stock assessment.

Production costs and marketing

Technical leadership of the Project will be the responsability of an expatriate senior fishery development expert (FDE), based in Maputo and working in collaboration with the national project manager (NPM). In supplement to this task, this specialist will keep up-to-date all accounting books related to project boats production costs and revenues. He will also collect all relevant information relative to the internal tuna market, cold storage capacities and distribution networks.

Technico-Financial Feasibilities and MSYs

Based on the financial costs and results of the commercial fishing operations, and on the technical reports and advices formulated by the masterfisherman, approximately three months before the end of the Project, the FDE will produce a technical and financial feasibility analysis for each fishing technology applied by the Project and for the live bait stocking activity. In the study related to this activity, he will receive assistance from the local biologist.

Based on the scientific documentation collected about the resources biology, and also on the fishing logs, the ‘Instituto de Investigação Pesqueira’, supported by a high level expatriate specialist, will produce an assessment of the tuna and live bait annual MSY, approximately three months before the end of the Project.

Investment and Management Programme

An investment team will visit the Project for 1,5 month, a short time before its termination. Taking into account the above mentioned analysis, assessment and technical documentation, and in collaboration with the concerned national institutions and all the technical personnel of the Project, this mission will carry out a study of the existing and future demand for tuna products on the internal and external markets, an economic analysis of the fishery and a synthesis of the technico-financial analysis, the whole producing a comprehensive diagnosis of the fishery and assessment of its potential for development.

The mission will then identify technical and financial needs for this development and formulate an investment programme with complementary management and development planning measures, and present it to the GOM for subsequent presentation to potential sources of financing.


1. Government Inputs

The Government will provide a National Project Manager (NPM) for a duration of 36 men/month (m/m) including 12 m/m for the preparatory phase.

The NPM will be responsible for the supervision and effective implementation of the overall Project, as well as for all aspects of administration and liaison with the Government. In this task he will be assisted by an administrative officer, a secretary and an accountant.

The GOM will also provide the following personnel:

The Government will also provide the following material and logistical inputs for the duration of the Project:

(1) Fuel costs will be covered by the Donor's contribution but its supply will be a Government's responsability. The same will apply for part of food costs.

2. UNDP Inputs

a) Personnel (Qualification and Terms of Reference in Annex II)

  1. Senior FDE (27 m/m). In close cooperation with the NPM and other assigned staff of the Secretariat of State for Fisheries, he will be responsible for the planning, advice and participation in the organization and execution of the Project. He will technically coordinate and supervise the work of the other experts and consultants. For the organization and monitoring of the sea-going activities, he will be assisted by the Masterfisherman STIB. He will also be responsible for keeping all accounts related to production costs and revenues of Project boats, for collecting all relevant information relative to the internal tuna market, cold storage and distribution network, and for producing technical and financial feasibility analysis on the different fishing operations of the Project.

  2. Masterfisherman STIB (27 m/m). This expert will command the STIB and carry out tuna commercial fishing operations in the entire EEZ. He will be responsible for all operations concerning commercial tuna and live bait fishing, live bait stocking, fishermen's training, fishing logs keeping, and for producing technical documentation on the fishery. He will also act as technical supervisor of the other masterfishermen.

  3. Masterfisherman ATB (24 m/m). This expert will command the ATB and will be responsible for conducting tuna commercial fishing operations, with simultaneous fishermen's training, in the northern coastal waters, between the border with Tanzania and 160 00'S approximately. He will also be responsible for keeping a fishing log.

  4. Masterfishermen LBBs (48 m/m). These two experts will command the two LBBs and will be responsible for conducting live bait commercial fishing and stocking operations, with simultaneous fishermen's training. They will also be responsible for keeping fishing logs.

  5. Specialist fishermen (96 m/m). Three specialist fishermen recruited in Cabo Verde Islands will assist the masterfisherman onboard the SITB and, more particularly, will train local fishermen. A fourth specialist fisherman, recruited in the Maldive Island, will have the same responsability on the ATB.

  6. Consultants (16 m/m). The stock assessment will be supervised by a senior biologist for 6.0 m/m. The investment and development programme will be produced by a team consisting of a senior fishery economist (2 m/m), a marketing specialist (1,5 m/m), a fishery/operation specialist (1,0 m/m), a specialist in ports and portuary equipment, including cold storage (1.0 m/m) and a naval architect (1.0 m/m).

    The remaining 2.5 m/m will be available for unforeseen needs.

  7. Equipment and supplies

    The donor will also provide the following equipment and supplies:


The donor will also make provision of US$250.000 for the purchase of fuel and food for boats and vehicles, US$50.000 for participation to the maintenance of the Project fleet, and US$15.000 per year for miscellaneous expenses.


During the three months preceeding the execution phase, a detailed work plan for the implementation of the project will be prepared by the FDE in consultation with the NPM. Periodic reviews of the exact work plan, to be agreed by all parties involved, will be undertaken. The agreed upon Work Plan will be attached to the Project Document as Annex III and will be considered as part of that document.


The activities necessary to produce the indicated outputs and achieve the Project's immediate objective will be carried out jointly by the national and international staff assigned to it. The respective roles of the national and international staff will be determined by their leaders, by mutual discussion and agreement, at the beginning of the Project, and set out in a Framework for Effective Participation of National and International Staff in the Project. The Framework, which will be attached to the Project Document as Annex IV, will be reviewed from time to time. The respective roles of the national and international staff shall be in accordance with the established concept and specific purpose of technical cooperation.




The project will operate within the Secretariat of State for Fisheries and through all units pertaining to this institution which could have any relation to its activities.

The coordination of the project activities will be ensured by the National Project Manager who, at the same time, will be adviser of the Secretary of State for Fisheries.


The complete readiness of the four project boats will be a prerequisite prior to arrival of the expatriate personnel in the country.


Future UNDP assistance will be considered upon completion of the Project, if necessary, and subject to resources availability.


A. Tripartite Monitoring Reviewes: technical reviews

The Project will be subject to periodic review in accordance with the policies and procedures established by UNDP for monitoring project and programme implementation.

B. Evaluation

The Project will be subject to evaluation, in accordance with the policies and procedures established for this purpose by UNDP. The organization, terms of reference and timing of evaluation will be decided by consultation between the Government, UNDP and the Executing Agency concerned.

C. Progress and Terminal Reports

Periodic Progress Reports will be submitted by the Project Manager on commercial tuna and live bait fishing, tuna marketing and training, and general support activities in accordance with UNDP policies and procedures.

An Agency report will be prepared and submitted upon completion of the Project in accordance with UNDP policies and procedures.

(in US Dollars)


10.Project Personnel        
11.01Senior FDE27225.960324.2401299.48012102.240
11.99Experts / TOTAL238822.470753.510112339.840119429.120
15.00Official Travel 74.000 6.000 32.000 36.000
19.00Component TOTAL 896.470 51.510 371.840 465.120
 Equipment and Supplies        
49.00Component TOTAL 190.000 170.000 20.000 -
59.00Component TOTAL 328.000 16.000 154.000 158.000
99.00GRAND TOTAL 1.414.470 245.510 545.840 623.120

(in .000 Meticais) *


19.Project Personnel5675.558575582552.5002552.500
29.Subcontract (1)-21.120   ---10.560   -10.560  
30.Training (2)-1.300---   650-   650
49.Equipment and Supplies (3)-9.600---4.800-4.800
99.GRAND TOTAL 39.878    858 19.510    19.510  

(1) Value equivalent to project boats charter, bare boat.
(2) Equivalent to salaries of deck hands for 300 m/m
(3) Logistic support in the fishery complexes, excluding fuel costs.

(*) Costings do not cover inflation


MONTH 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36
Boats Preparation                                     
Fishing gear acquisition                                     
Recruitment of Expatriates                                     
Recruitment national personnel                                     
Administrative national personnel                                     
National Skippers, engineers and shiphusbands                                     
National fishermen Trainees and Samplers                                     
National biologist                                     
Masterfisherman STIB                                     
Masterfishermen ATB and LBBs                                     
Specialized fishermen STIB and ATB                                     
Consultant (Resources)                                    
Consultants (Investiment)                                    
Consultants (other)                                    
Commercial Tuna Fishing                                     
Commercial Live Bait Fishing                                     
Fishermen's Training                                     
Scientific Works                                     
Production costs and marketing                                     
Technico-financial feasibility                                    
Investment Management programme                                    



1.Position:Senior Fisheries Development Expert
 Duration:27 m/m
 Qualifications:Must have at least 10 years experience in tuna fishing company commercial management in tropical country, fluent in Spanish and/or Portuguese, with at least good understanding of Portuguese.

Terms of Reference:

  1. To be the Project team leader and, as such, organize and supervise all project operations in coordination with the NPM who will be his counterpart.

  2. To keep detailed accounts relative to project fishing effort, landings, production costs and revenues.

  3. To collect information on the internal market for tuna: demand, prices, preferences, distribution networks.

  4. To collect information on the situation and future needs of infrastructures related to the tuna fishery: ports, cold storage, freezers and processing plants.

  5. To carry out commercial feasibility analysis (financial and technical) of the different fishing operations of the project.

  6. To prepare proposals for solving problems and utilizing potentials, to be communicated to the investment mission.

2.Position:Masterfisherman STIB
 Duration:27 m/m
 Qualifications:Must have at least 10 years fishing experience for tropical tuna in the job of skipper or captain, with pole and line and other semi-industrial and artisanal technologies, fluent in Spanish and/or Portuguese, with at least good understanding of Portuguese.

Terms of Reference:

  1. To be the captain of the STIB and, therefore, to be fully responsible of the boat and the crew at sea and on shore.

  2. To organize and carry out intensive commercial tuna fishing operations in the entire Mozambican EEZ, during at least 375 sea days, with pole and line, with and without FADs.

  3. To train on-the-job a national skipper who will be his counterpart.

  4. To be technical supervisor of the entire project fleet and, therefore, advise the FDE when necessary.

  5. To keep a detailed fishing log and a ship's log.

  6. To produce clear cruise reports.

  7. To produce technical reports on the fishery.

3.Position:Masterfisherman ATB
 Duration:24 m/m
 Qualifications:Must have at least 10 years fishing experience for tropical tuna in the job of skipper with Maldivian technologies, good English, if possible, some Spanish and/or Portuguese.

Terms of Reference:

  1. To be captain of the ATB and, therefore, to be fully responsible of the boat and the crew at sea and on shore.

  2. To organize and carry out intensive commercial tuna fishing operations in near shore waters (1 to 60 miles) between the border with Tanzania and latitude 16000'S approximately, during at least 375 sea days, with Maldivian fishing techniques.

  3. To train on-the-job a national skipper who will be his counterpart.

  4. To keep a detailed fishing log and ship's log.

4.Position:Masterfisherman LBB
 Duration:24 m/m
 Qualifications:Must have at least 10 years experience in the job of skipper in tropical coastal small pelagics fishing with purseine, encircling net and lift net, with and without light attraction, and in storing them alive in shallow waters, fluent in Spanish and/or Portuguese, with at least good knowledge of Portuguese.

Terms of Reference:

  1. To be captain of a LBB and, therefore, to be fully responsible of the boat and her crew at sea and on shore.

  2. To organize and carry out intensive commercial live bait fishing in the near shore waters neighbouring the fishing base during approximately 375 sea days and store the catch properly in floating cages or any other means as appropriate.

  3. To coordinate these efforts with the needs of the STIB and ATB captains and, therefore, follow their instructions as much as possible.

  4. To train on-the-job a national skipper who will be his counterpart.

  5. To keep a detailed fishing log, a ship's log and a log on live bait storing.

5.Position:Specialist Fisherman
 Duration:24 m/m
 Qualifications:For Cap Verdian : must have at least 5 years experience fishing for tropical tuna with pole and line on board 20–25 m boats.
For Maldivian : must have at least 5 years experience fishing for tropical tuna with Maldivian techniques on board 8–10 m boats.

Terms of Reference :

  1. To participate in all fishing activities

  2. To assist the Captain at sea and on shore.

  3. To train on-the-job the national fishermen.

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