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ANNEX 4 (contd.)


Project of the Government
of the People's Republic of Mozambique


TitleSupport to the Development of Small Scale Fisheries
Duration3, 5 years
Primary FunctionInstitution Building
Secondary FunctionDirect Support
Sector (Govt.Class)Industries (UNDP Class and Code): Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (04)
Sub-Sector (Govt.Class)Fisheries (UNDP Class and Code): Fisheries (0440)
Government Implementing AgencySecretariat of State for Fisheries
Executing AgencyFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Tentative Starting DateMid 1987
Government Inputs26.000.000 MT
UNDP InputsUS$1.984.905

Signed                                                                                                 Date                            
 On behalf of the Government  
Signed                                                                                                 Date                           
 On behalf of the Executing Agency  
Signed                                                                                                 Date                           
 On behalf of the United Nations Development Programme  


This Project Document shall be the instrument referred to as such in Article I, paragraph 1, of the Assistance Agreement between the Government of the People's Republic of Mozambique and the United Nations Development Programme, signed by the Parties on 15 September 1976.

The Government Implementing Agency shall, for the purposes of the Standard Basic Agreement, refer to the Government Cooperating Agency described in that Agreement.



This project is a strategic part of the Government's master plan for fisheries development. The development of the Small Scale Fisheries (SSF), which still offer substantial potentials for increased production, would be its strategic target.

This project would continuate and complete the development efforts undertaken by the Mozambique Nordic Agricultural Programme (MONAP).

Its most important impacts would be that, through three simultaneous actions, support to the national institutions involved in fishery development management planning and monitoring, practical training of the Fishery Complexes personnel and practical training of fishermen in improved appropriate production technologies, it would increase landings and productivities of the SSF and Government's overall capability to plan and execute the development of these fisheries.


Direct effects through which development objectives would be attained by the end of the project are:

  1. The SSF Direction Unit (UDPPS) would acquire supplementary capabilities for the technical formulation of planned and coordinated SSF development policies and for the formulation, execution, monitoring and evaluation of projects necessary for their application, independent of technical assistance.

  2. Formulation of development policies would be furthermore improved by increased general technical and managerial capabilities of the Fishing Complexes (Combinados Pesqueiros) producing more reliable technical, financial and economic information on these Fisheries and, in the process, better productivities and production of the SSF.

  3. Appropriate modernization of the traditional SSF skills in boat building, operation and maintenance, in fishing techniques and methods and in fish handling, as well as appropriate new technologies in these fields, with particular attention to the harvesting of presently under-exploited fish resources, would be identified, practically demonstrated and transfered to the fishermen and associated workers, including instructors and extensionists.


The project will directly contribute to the education of the rural and urban poor, in particular the youth, to their integration into the economic development process and to the betterment of their living conditions. It will also improve the productivities of the SSF technologies, with special attention to their fuel efficiency and, therefore, contribute to better conservation of energy resources.



Total production of fish in Mozambique is officially recorded at 45.000 t per year. However, for reasons of unrecorded catches, total yearly captures of all fisheries would seem to be closer to 65.000 t. With a yearly maximum sustainable yield generally estimated at 270.000 t, present production leaves therefore a considerable fish potential available for development.

The net tonnage of fish products yearly available on the internal market, about 63.000 t (1), makes that the rate of fish consumption is very low, with less than 5 kg per capita per year. Considering this weak consumption, and the fact that fish is already a relevant source of animal protein in the dietary regime of the population, it can be concluded that an important unsatisfied demand still exists for fish products and that, with an average population growth of 2.9% per year, this demand will continue to increase at an accelerated rate in the future.

Present fish production is ensured by the industrial fleet and the SSF. In 1984, the industrial fleet landed about 32.000 t and the SSF, including a semi-industrial activity operating 12–20 m boats, around 21.000 t (2)

Distribution of fish resources, with greater and densier concentrations in the shallow coastal waters of the 0–30 m bathymetric internal approximately, which covers about 50% of the entire continental shelf surface, and also in areas of non-trawlable rough sea floors, indicates however, that most of the fish resources available for the development, is accessible to SSF technologies.

(1) 65.000 t + 10.000 t imported in 1984 - 12.000 t exported in 1984 = = 63.000 t.

(2) Source for the industrial production = SEP, 65.000 t - 44.000 t for the industrial production (12.000 t of shrimp and 32.000 t of fish = = 21.000 t.

Therefore, the SSF could increase considerably their production. This possibility, added to the existence of some 44.000 artisanal fishermen and to the fact that, compared with industrial fisheries, SSF represent a more flexible and, in technical, economic and social terms, a more appropriate and productive activity for supplying the internal market, made that Government's fishery policies have been to develop them.

The application of these policies started immediately after the Independence and was strengthened in 1981, through the introduction of the Fisheries Complexes (FCs) under management of the UDPPE, within the Secretary of State for Fisheries (SEP).

The FCs have the objective of developing the artisanal fishery within their peripherial zone of influence, and simultaneously of supporting the semi-industrial fishery. These FCs have their own fleet and work with more developed means and resources than those applied by the artisanal fishermen. Their activity comprises the catch, processing, storing, transport and concentration of fish caught. At the same time, through 17 Assistance and Trading Stations (ATSs), see Figure No. 1, they sell fishing tools and materials and other items and serve the artisanal fishermen through the introduction of new production means and technologies for the catch, utilization of fishing gears and boats, drying and processing of fish, management and organization. As a result of these activities, they buy the fish surplus, transporting them to the districts surrounding the urban centres.

Since 1978, the application of Government's policies for the development of the SSF received financial and technical support mainly from the MONAP. This programme has helped greatly in the strengthening of the FCs from 1981, and until 1983, has been by far the major source of support towards development of the SSF activities, both on technical support and supplies.

The MONAP has enabled the introduction, in the last years, of numerous engine run boats, of purseine fisherie at Maputo, Beira, Metangula and Chicoa, of shark gill netting at Beira, shark long line throughout the coast, but mainly in the north, and tuna pole and line fishing as well. In some areas, it made also possible to improve traditional skills such as ‘Chilimila’ nets in Metangula.

In the meantime, due to the socio-economic importance of the SSF and scarcity of alternative supplies for local protein goods other than fish, there has been an increased interest from international and bilateral aid institutions for improving the situation of this fishery. A large number of bilateral and multibilateral aid projects with fisheries inputs, about 25 at this stage, have been prepared or are foreseen to become operational in the coming years.


The support of the MONAP and other programmes has permited to achieve considerable results. However, constraints to the development of the SSF are huge: artisanal fishermen have a very low scholar level, their present culture makes difficult their integration into a modern economy, also, they are numerous, and dispersed along a 2.500 km shoreline, furthermore, FC's personnels has persisting needs to improve their know-how in enterprise management, and the UDPPE still lack of sufficient personnel with practical experience in SSF development management planning and monitoring. All these factors, which represent difficulties inherent to the development of many traditional fisheries in the developing World, are furthermore increased by the overall adverse conjunctural situation prevailing in the country.

Such a situation cannot be expected to be solved in a decade of development effort. Much more inputs, appropriate in their technical aspects and in their timing, are required for taking full advantage of the important potential role of the SSF in the supply of an unsatisfied internal market and in the national economy.

The MONAP, in addition to its activities aimed at thwarting the above mentioned obstacles at production level, has had a paramount role in starting the strengthening of UDPPE development management planing and monitoring capabilities.

However, its promising results could be highly jeopardised in the future by the fact that it will phase out by the end of 1987, leaving a big gap behind in terms of high level and highly experienced technical aid in all activities of the SSF.

Assistance to UDPPE's in its continuing needs for reinforcing its capabilities to manage the development of the SSF, to identify the requirements of this development, to orientate and coordinate external aids aimed at satisfying these requirements, and to monitor and absorb efficiently these aids, is therefore the justification of this Project.

As no decisive progress can be expected without a simultaneous improvement of all activities below the UDPPE, other justifications of this Project are also that it will strengthen FCs capabilities in fishing enterprise management, therefore increasing SSF production and productivities and improving the flow and quality of the information needed by the UDPPE, and that, furthermore, it will pursue the training of fishermen and associate professionals in more productive fishing technologies.


The outputs to be produced by the end of this Project are the following:

  1. UDPPE

  2. FCs

  3. Fishermen and Fishing Technologies


The project will be based at UDPPE headquarters in Maputo and will operate in all the FCs. In order to facilitate the take over from the MONAP, due to be phased out by the end of 1987, it will start by mid-1987 approximately. It will have a 3, 5 years duration and carry out the following activities:

  1. UDPPE

    A SSF Senior development officer (DO), acting in quality of programme leader, will be assigned to the office of the UDDPE director. In collaboration with the heads of the different sections of this institution, he will firstly carry out a complete analysis of the SSF for identification of the development constraints and potentials of this activity and preparation of a preliminary programme for its development. This operation will last approximately six months.

    In a second step, which will last for three years, other experts will join the project for variable periods of time: a specialist in fishery enterprise management, a fish distribution specialist, a boat-builder, an engineer, a masterfisherman-technologist and four specialized fishermen.

    These experts, with their counterparts and under supervision of the DO, will apply the preliminary development programme in the FCs. This activity will produce a flow of concrete information which will gradually permit for the DO to adapt the preliminary

    programme to reality, and to formulate and apply appropriate medium and long term DMPM technical policies with a complementary methodology for adapting them to future needs.

    Simultaneously the DO will also support and advise the UDPPE in all activities related to development projects, from identification to evaluation and to the planning and monitoring of FCs activities.

    In the process of all the activities mentioned above, UDPPE higher level staff will be practically trained. This training will be strengthened through courses given by the DO and by the other project experts when required.

  2. FCs

    All project field activities will take place within the FCs. These activities will not only cover managerial aspects, in particular organization of inputs delivery and of production activities, but also information gathering and transmission, fishermen organization and training, processing and marketing, logistical support to the SSF, etc.

    Each project expert will work in his specific field for improving FCs activities, and train their staff, fishermen and associated workers.

    The specialist in enterprise management will appraise FCs productivities and, also taking into consideration the information collected by the other project experts, will appraise FCs organization, identify its weaknesses and formulate and apply managerial improvement measures. In this process FCs personnel will be practically trained and their managerial skills improved.

  3. Fishermen and Technologies

    The masterfisherman-technologist, assisted by a team of four specialized fishermen, will improve existing fishing technologies and introduce appropriate new ones through commercial demonstration fishing, followed by on-the-job training of fishermen, extensionists and instructors.

    The same process will be applied by the boat builder and the engineer, in the fields of improvement of the fleet and introduction of appropriate new boats and machineries. The boat builder will train traditional carpenters. The engineer will train mechanics in engine repairs and fishermen in engine operation. Both experts will also train extensionists and instructors.



The Government will provide counterparts to the experts. DO's counterpart will be the Head of UDPPE, acting in quality of National Project Manager (NPM), responsible for all aspects of administration and liaison with the Government.

The Government will provide project office and support personnel, as well as extensionists and instructors for training activities.


a) Personnel (Qualifications and Terms of Reference in Annex I)

  1. Senior Fishery Development Officer (42 m/m)

    This expert will be an economist. He will be responsible for formulating, deciding and applying technical aspects of SSF policies in the field of DMPM and of international cooperation. In quality of project team leader he will be responsible for the supervision, coordination and implementation of other experts activities. He will be also responsible for formulating an overall methodology for a smooth continuation of SSF development, management planning and monitoring after the project. In this task he will give particular emphasis to medium and long term planning and activities related to development projects, from their identification to their final evaluation, and to the training of UDPPE higher level staff in the formulation, application and coordination of such programmes.

  2. Senior Fishery Business Manager (SFBM) (36 m/m)

    He will be responsible for improving organization, management and productivities of the FCs. Therefore, he will be particularly responsible for taking all actions necessary to the purchase, storage and distribution of appropriate production inputs for the SSF (fishing gear, equipments, spare parts, etc.), as well as for organizing all the technical operations of the FCs. In this task he will seek necessary technical information from the experts in fishing technologies, fish distribution, boat building and mechanics. He will also formulate adequate methodologies in these fields, including projects implementaion, fishermen training and integration, and information collection and transmission to UDPPE. He will train the higher level staff of UDPPE and all levels of FCs staff in the formulation and application of such programmes. He will also support the DO in the formulation of the DMPM programme.

  3. Fish Distribution Expert (18 m/m)

    He will be responsible for improving fish distribution system on the internal market, for identifying present and future infrastructure needs of this activity and for giving this information to the SFBM. As such, he will work in the FCs and also train their staff in these fields. Through short courses and technical reports, he will also transfer technical knowledges to the higher level staff of UDPPE. He will also support the DO in the formulation of the DMPM programme.

  4. Masterfisherman-Technologist (36 m/m)

    He will be responsible for improving existing fishing technologies and for introducting appropriate new ones through commercial demonstration fishing, followed by fishermen, extensionists and instructors on-the-job training.

    In this activity, as far as possible, he will intent the exploitation of little or not utilized fish resources. He will also acquaint the higher staff level of UDPPE and of the FCs with production technologies through short courses and technical reports. He will organize and supervise the work of four specialized fishermen, and support the DO in the formulation of the DMPM programme.

  5. Boat builder (36 m/m)

    He will be responsible for improving existing boats and for introducing appropriate new types, making use of available inputs, as far as possible. In these activities he will train traditional boat builders and new comers, extensionists and instructors. Concerning technical education of UDPPE and FCs higher level staff, and participation to the information of the DMPM programme, his responsabilities will be similar to these of the Masterfisherman-Technologist.

  6. Engineer (36 m/m)

    With the agreement of the SFBM he will be responsible for taking all actions necessary for improving the outputs of installed equipments in the FCs (cold storages, in machines, electric plants and workshops) and at sea (engines, auxiliaries, etc.), and for identifying and installing appropriate new machineries. In these activities he will train the mechanic personnel of the FCs, the sea-going motorists, fishermen, extensionists and instructors. Concerning technical education of UDPPE and FCs higher level staff, and participation to the formulation of the DMPM programme, his responsabilities will be similar to those of the Masterfisherman-Technologist.

  7. Specialized Fishermen (4 during 108 m/m)

    These experts will work under the Masterfisherman-Technologist and carry out tasks related to commercial demonstration fishing and on-the-job training of fishermen, extensionists and instructors.

  8. Consultancies (12 m/m)

    Short-term experts as needed.

  9. Administrative support (80 m/m)

    An administrative officer and a clerk typist will be assigned to the Project office.

b) Training Abroad

Six fellowships for training abroad, of 6 months each, for UDPPE higher staff.

c) Equipment and Supplies

Provisions are made for purchases including fishing gear (US 100.000), boat building inputs (US 30.000), mechanical inputs (US 50.000), office furnitures (US 10.000) and two vehicles (US 20.000).

An average of US 20.000 per year is also budgeted for miscellaneous requirements : vehicles operation, internal transport, report and sundry.


A detailed Work Plan for the implementation of the Project will be prepared by the Project Manager in consultation with the national counterpart. This will be done at the start of the Project. Periodic review of the exact work plan, to be agreed by all the parties involved, will be undertaken. The agreed upon Work Plan will be attached to the Project Document as Annex III and will be considered as part of that document.


The activities necessary to produce the indicated outputs and achieve the Project's immediate objective will be carried out jointly by the national and international staff assigned to it. The respective roles of the national and international staff will be determined by their leaders, by mutual discussion and agreement, at the beginning of the Project, and set out in a Framework for Effective Participation of National and International Staff in the Project. The Framework, which will be attached to the Project Document as Annex IV, will be reviewed from time to time. The respective roles of the national and international staff shall be in accordance with the established concept and specific purpose of technical cooperation.




The Project will be implemented by the Secretary of State for Fisheries (SEP) through its Direction Unit for Small Scale Fisheries (UDPPE). This Direction has a planning division and five technical divisions which are in direct contact with the Fishery Complexes (FCs) : technologies, equipment, commercial, human resource and finance.




Future UNDP assistance will be considered upon completion of the Project, if necessary, and subject to resources availability.

It is expected that, by the end of the project, the Senior Fishery Development Officer will be replaced by a national specialist. This could also occur for some of the experts working in the FCs. However, it is foreseable that the post of the SFBM's will probably need to be extended for 2 or 3 years.


A. Tripartite Monitoring Reviews: Technical Reviews

The Project will be subject to periodic review in accordance with the policies and procedures established by UNDP for monitoring project and programme implementation.

B. Evaluation

The Project will be subject to evaluation, in accordance with the policies and procedures established for this purpose by UNDP. The organization, terms of reference and timing of the evaluation will be decided by consultation between the Government, UNDP and the Executing Agency concerned.

C. Progress and Terminal Reports

Periodic Progress Reports will be submitted by the Project Manager in Project's activities and general support activities and general support activities in accordance with UNDP policies and procedures.

An Agency terminal report will be prepared and submitted upon completion of the Project in accordance with UNDP policies and procedures.

Project Budget Covering UNDP Contribution
(in US Dollars)

Title:Support to the Development of Small Scale Fisheries.

 BUDGET LINESTOTAL1987198819891990
10.Project Personnel          
11.01Senior Fish. Dev. Officer42364.814649.74012102.24012105.00012107.834
11.02Senior Fish. Business Manager36315.074  12102.24012105.00012107.834
11.03Fish Distribution18137.340    644.9401292.400  
11.04Masterfisherman - Technologist3697.534  1231.6301232.5031233.401
11.05Boat Builder3697.534  1231.6301232.5031233.401
11.06Engineer3697.534  1231.6301232.5031233.401
11.07Specialized Fishermen108   234.509  3676.0503678.1503680.309
11.08Consultants12104.266    433.313  434.747  435.706
11.99Experts                     SUB-TOTAL324   1.448.605649.740106  454.173112  512.806100  431.886
13.00Administrative Support          
13.01Administrative Officer4035.40064.800129.9001210.2001210.500
13.02Clerk Typist4030.70064.200128.600 8.800129.100
15.00Official Travel 63.200 2.500 27.700 16.000 17.000
19.00Component Total 1.577.905 61.240 500.373 547.806 168.486
39.00Component Total 117.000   37.000 39.000 41.000
40.00Equipment and Supplier          
49.00Component Total 210.000 85.000 90.000 35.000  
59.00Component Total 80.000 10.000 25.000 25.000 20.000
99.00GRAND TOTAL 1.984.905 156.240 652.373 646.806 529.486

Project Budget Covering Government Contribution
(.000 Meticais) (*)

 Budget LineTOTAL1987198819891990
19Project Personnel8.0002.0002.0002.0002.000
49Operation and Maintenance8.0002.0002.0002.0002.000
99GRAND TOTAL26.000   6.5006.5006.5006.500

(*) Costings do not cover inflation.

Geographical location of FCs and AT Ss



01.POSITIONSenior Fishery Development Officer (DO)
 DURATION3,5 years
 QUALIFICATIONUniversity degree in Economy with specialization in fisheries, with at least 10 years high level field experience in FDMP in developing countries good Portuguese and/or Spanish, knowledge of English.


  1. Appraise the situation of the SSF through existing information and prepare a preliminary development programme to be applied by project's national and expatriate personnel.

  2. From information gathered of this programme formulate technical policies for the DMPM of the SSF, including international cooperation, in consultation with the national counterpart decide and apply them.

  3. Formulate a methodology for the continuation of these policies and their adaptation to future needs, after the project, by UDPPE staff, with particular attention to activities related to the coordination of international cooperation and to development projects, from their identification to their final evaluation.

  4. Train counterpart and higher level UDPPE staff in the practical application of this methodology and complement this training through participation of project expatriate staff.

  5. In quality of project team leader, organize, coordinate and control activities of other experts involved.

02.POSITIONSenior Fishery Business Manager (SFBM)
 DURATION3 years
 STARTING DATEJanuary 1988
 QUALIFICATIONBaccalaureate or equivalent with at least 10 years experience in commercial management of important integrated fishing enterprises operating small boats in tropical countries, good Portuguese and/or Spanish and English.


Under general supervision of the DO this expert will :

  1. Appraise present productivities of FCs and identify constraints.

  2. Formulate measures necessary for improving these productivities and increasing production, from extraction to marketing level, with particular attention to purchase, storage and distribution of appropriate inputs, and apply them through general management of the FCs.

  3. In these activities, obtain from the other project experts the necessary information and, therefore, in agreement with DO, supervise their field activities, in particular these of the masterfisherman-technologist and engineer.

  4. Formulate adequate methodologies in FCs management, projects implementation and data collection.

  5. Train counterparts and FCs management staff in the practical application of these methodologies and complement this training through participation of other project expatriate staff.

  6. Train UDPPE staff through courses.

  7. Support the DO in formulation of DMPM programmes.

03.POSITIONFish Distribution Expert
 DURATION1,5 years
 QUALIFICATIONGraduate in fish technology and trade, at least 10 years experience in commercial fish trade in developing countries, good Portuguese and/or Spanish knowledge of English.


Under general supervision of the DO and direct technical supervision of the SFBM, this expert will:

  1. Appraise present situation of fish products distribution on the internal market, and identify constraints and potentials.

  2. Identify measures and technical means needed for improving productivities and output of fish distribution activities.

  3. Demonstrate measures applicable immediately to producers and FCs staff and train them in their practice.

  4. Inform the SFBM of technical inputs needed in the present and future, with precise specifications.

  5. Participate to training courses at UDPPE and at FCs.

  6. Support the DO in formulation of DMPM programmes.

04.POSITIONMaterfisherman Technologist
 DURATION3 years
 STARTING DATEJanuary 1988
 QUALIFICATIONHold a fishing skipper ticket, at least 10 years experience in SSF commercial fishing, of which at least 5 in developing countries, good Portuguese and/or Spanish, knowledge of English.


Under general supervision of the DO and direct technical supervision of the SFBM, this expert will:

  1. Improve existing fishing technologies and introduce appropriate new ones, particularly those aimed at catching under-exploited fish resources, demonstrate these technologies to the fishermen through commercial fishing operations and train on-the-job, in the practice of these techniques, the fishermen, extensionists and instructors.

  2. Put particular emphasis on the training of young men recruited in and/or outside the traditional fishing communities.

  3. Inform the SFBM of technical inputs needed for SSF development in the present and future, with precise specifications.

  4. Organize and supervise activities of the four specialized fishermen.

  5. Collaborate with the Boat Builder and Engineer for improvement of the SSF fleet.

  6. Participate to education courses at UDPPE and FCs.

  7. Support the DO in formulation of DMPM programmes.

05.POSITIONBoat Builder
 DURATION3 years
 STARTING DATEJanuary 1988
 QUALIFICATIONHold a professional grade, at least 10 years experience in building small and medium size wooden boats, 5 of which in developing countries, good Portuguese and/or Spanish.


  1. Improve existing fishing boats design, building and maintenance and introduce more efficient but appropriate types if necessary, with particular attention to available inputs, demonstrate improvements to boat builders and fishermen, train on-the-job boat builders, fishermen, extensionists and instructors, in the practice of these improvements.

  2. Inform the SFBM of technical inputs needed for SSF development in the present and future, with precise specifications.

  3. Collaborate with Masterfisherman and Engineer for improvement of the SSF fleet.

  4. Participate to education courses at UDPPE and FCs.

  5. Support the DO in formulation of DMPM programmes.

 DURATION3 years
 STARTING DATEJanuary 1988
 QUALIFICATIONHold a certificate in general mechanic and refrigeration, at least 10 years practical experience of which at least 5 in developing countries, good Portuguese and/or Spanish, knowledge of English.


Under general supervision of the DO and direct technical supervision of the SFBM, this expert will :

  1. Appraise present situation of machineries in the FCs and on board the SSF fleet.

  2. Take necessary action to improve this situation through repairs and modifications.

  3. Train FCs Technicians, motorists and fishermen in the practice of running, maintaining and repairing all equipment.

  4. Collaborate with Boat Builder and Masterfisherman-Technologist and with fish marketing expert for immediate and future improvements of the SSF fleet and FCs infrastructure.

  5. Inform the SFBM of technical inputs needed for these improvements in the present and future, with precise specifications.

  6. Participate to education courses at UDPPE and FCs.

  7. Support DO in formulation of DMPM programmes.

07.POSITIONSpecialized fisherman (4)
 DURATION2 ¼ year
 QUALIFICATIONAt least 10 years experience in commercial SSF fishing in developing countries, average Portuguese and/or Spanish.


Under general supervision of the DO and direct technical direction of the Masterfisherman-Technologist, this expert will:

  1. Carry out demonstration commercial fishing operations with improved existing or appropriate new fishing technologies and methods.

  2. Train on-the-job fishermen, extensionists and instructors in the practice of these activities.

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