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These options result from the various visits of farms and sites, and from discussions with Project Director, Mr BHAKTA. They are valid for setting up the 5 pilot farms, and can be considered, too, for future farm development, but they are not a strict requirement for the latter.

1.1. Chosen size of the farm

Shall be between 5 and 50 ha. However, we would recommend having it not less than 10 hectares, if possible.

1.2. Grow-out pond size

Keeping in mind that future development would require allocation of one “farm” (= pond) to each individual farmer, we agree with commonly chosen size of one hectare per pond, for easy management.

1.3. Pre-growing pond size

One batch of pre-grown shrimps should be enough for stocking of one grow-out pond, considering the sequence below :

   Number prawns
10,000 m2
Final density  5/m250,000
Initial density  7/m270,000
1,200 m2
Final density 60/m272,000
Initial density100/m2120,000 

The pregrowing pond area shall thus be about 1 200 m2. Duration of pregrowing phase is one to two months, depending of the age of the post-larvae, and of the temperature. Considering that part of the PL will be caught from the wild at an older stage than P15, and thus directly stocked into grow-out ponds a minimum ratio of 1 PG pond for 4 GO ponds will be sufficient.

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