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The basic requirements, as concern the lay-out and the various topographic and hydraulic levels, are shown in the 2 plans 58 004 and 58 007.

2.1. The water storage pond

It is required in case the water intake is not possible during the whole tide cycle, i.e. for tidal amplitude above 1 metre.

2.2. Grow-out ponds

This sluice gate is necessary at the outlet of the pond, for :

It is also very convenient to have such a structure as an inlet gate, for easy handling of water renewal.

For a 1 ha pond, the “Hume” pipe diameter should be :

2.3. Pregrowing ponds

Rectangular shape is to be preferred, for efficiency of water movements.

Suggested size is 80 m × 15 m. A slope of 3/1000 is to be given to the pond bed, for an easy and quick harvest of juveniles.

2.4. Water requirements

For a semi-intensive farm of 20 ponds of 1 ha each, and 5 ponds of 1 200 m2, computation of daily water exchange should be :

Which amounts to 12 % average daily water renewal for the whole farm. Depending on the site topographic and tidal characteristics, the water can be either gravity fed, or pumped.

2.5. Other installations

Besides the ponds, and the water intake structure, or the pumping station, following installations are required, to be within a small, service building :


HS Mean High Water Spring
HN Mean High Water Neap
LN Mean Low Water Neap
LS Mean Low Water Spring

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