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1. Introduction

FAO, under the Unilateral Trust Fund Project (UTF/IND 151/IND) provides the services of a Hatchery Engineering Consultant and a Hatchery Management Specialist to the Central Project Unit (CPU) for the Inland Fisheries Project of the Government of India, being executed with the World Bank assistance, for a total of 9 man-months each during the project implementation period, to assist the project States in hatchery site selection, detailed planning, tendering, initiation of construction of hatcheries, training of the Fish Seed Development Corporation's (FSDC) engineering staff, supervision of construction of hatcheries and their operation and training of the FSDC hatchery operation staff.

At the request of the Government of India, Mr. J. Kövári, Aquaculture Engineer, Aquaculture Development and Coordination Programme (ADCP), FAO, carried out his third consultant service as Hatchery Engineering Consultant during the period 31 January - 6 March 1984.

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