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The Government of India, assisted by the United Nations Development Programme and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, are engaged in the Intensification of Freshwater Fish Culture and Training Project (FI:DP/IND/75/031) at the Freshwater Aquaculture Research and Training Centre (FARTC) of the Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute (CIFRI) at Dhauli, Bhubaneswar, Orissa under ICAR, New Delhi.

As part of the project operation, FAO assigned Dr Z.L. Krasznai as consultant on cytogenetics for six weeks beginning 26 August 1985 with the following terms of reference:

Under the supervision of the National Project Director:


Dr J. Bakos, fish culture genetics consultant, assigned by FAO spent 3 months in 1980 in FARTC to assist in establishing the fish genetical laboratory and to elaborate studies on the selection of fish strains to assist in developing effective gynogenetics techniques, etc. He recommended the following technical programme:

- Development of artificial gynogenesis of Indian major carps

The scientist of the genetic department of FARTC already achieved good results in these fields, that is:

In continuation of the above work and in accordance with the author's terms of reference, the following work has been undertaken at the FARTC.

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