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1. Barrat, R. W., Neymeyer, D., Perkins, D. D. and Garnjobst, L.: 1954 Map construction in Neusospora crassa. Adv. Genet. 6. 1–93.

2. Krasznai, Z., Márián, T., Jeney, Zs., Jeney, G., Zsigri, A.: 1984 Effect of triploidy on the blood cell size of hybrid grass carp.
Aquacultura Hungarica Vol. IV. pp. 17–24.

3. Lemoine, L. H. and Smith, T. L.: 1980 Polyploidy induced in brook trout by cold shock Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 109: 626–631.

4. Nagy, A. and Csányi, V.: 1982 Changes of Genetic Parameters in succesive gynogenetic Generations and some calculations for carp gynogenesis. Theor. Appl. Genet. 63. 105–110.

5. Ornstein, L. and Davis, B. J. 1962 Disc electrophoresis. Distillation Products Industries, New York.

6. Sezaki, K. and Kobayasi, H. 1978 Comparison of erythrocytic size between diploid and tetraploid in Spinous loach Cobitis biwae. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 44: 851–854.

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