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Table 1. Brackish water prawn farming areas and marine prawn landings in India.

StatePotential brackish water culture area (ha)aTraditional farms (ha)aExisting & planned farms (ha)b1984–85 prawn landings (Mg)c
Gujarat376,000 600 13,787
Maharashtra81,000 100 45,416
Karnataka  8,0005,000  50  5,547
Goa19,000   40  3,903
Kerala243,000  5,00020037,168
Tamil Nadu80,000 25012,567
Andhra Pradesh200,000  500  7,647
Orissa299,000 20,000800  2,496
West Bengal405,000  400  1,034
Pondicherry-   30   711
Andamans- -      199
Larger trawlers- -        58

a Dandekar and Upare, 1985
b N.P.Bhakta, pers. comm.
c CMFRI, 1986

Table 2

Criteria for Site Selection of Prawn Hatchery

  1. Land availability

  2. Hydrology

    1. Salinity > 30 ppt - away from rivers and freshwater sources,
    2. Clean and unpolluted water - away from industrial and agricultural pollution e.g. factories, ricelands,
    3. Clean with no turbidity, and
    4. No heavy metals (if inshore well is used).

  3. Topography

    1. < 50 m intertidal area (if water intake is pipe),
    2. 2–3 m above high tide level,
    3. Sandy or rocky-sandy substratum, and
    4. Protected from cyclones, storms and other wind and wave action.

  4. Source of Broodstock and Spawners

    1. Wild spawners and broodstock - offshore trawlers and traditional fishing gear e.g. bottom set gill nets, and
    2. Pond broodstock - farms.

  5. Infrastructure

    1. Availability of electricity,
    2. Accessibility by road,
    3. Proximity to farms and other markets for fry, and
    4. Freshwater supply (for hatchery and domestic needs).

  6. Social services

    1. Proximity to towns for amenities (housing, market, educational and medical services) for hatchery staff, and
    2. Security.

Table - 3 - Summary of field survey data of prospective prawn (Penaeus monodon) hatchery sites along the coastline of India

 Madhavapur (Gujarat)Chandrabhagar (Orissa)Gudlavanipalem (Andhra Pradesh)Bimlipatam (Andhra Pradesh)Valinokkam (Tamil Nadu)
Location21°15'N, 69°57'E19°53'N, 86°5'E17°47'N, 83°23'E17°53'N, 83°27'E9°7'N, 78°30'E
Climate typeIIV (to serve type II also)IVIVV
Date & time of survey16-4-86, 0930 hr23-4-86, 1230 hr22-4-86, 0930 hr22-4-86, 1100 hr20-4-86, 0830 hr
Salinity (ppt)33 a35 b35 b36 b36 b
Temperature (oC)2327212129
Veraval, 1985   Puri, 1985
min 14.5°C, Jan.
min 22.0°C, Jan
max 32.4°C, June
max 31.5°C, May
Water qualityClear (sandy due to wave action)ClearClearTurbid (after rain)Very clear
SubstratumSand & limestone rockSandSandSandSand
Windsave. 50–40 kph (max. 150 kph)ave. 60 kph (max. 160kph)ave. 60 kphave. 60 kphProtected by Sri Lanka Island and natural bay.
Proposed seawater intakeInshore wellInshore wellInshore wellInshore wellSea bottom pipe (intertidal area 30 m wide x 2 m high)
Broodstock & spawner sourcesTrawler(Veraval); staked gill net (Dwarka); future farma - Bulsar areaTrawlers; traditional gill nets; confined ponds (Chilka Lake)Numerous trawlers & mechanised boats; bottom set gill netsTrawlers & mechanised boats; bottom set gill netsTrawlers; bottom set gill, nets
Farms (existing & potential) in stateSingaoh salt ponds; Bulsar - planned300 ha Chilka Lake 440 ha proposed600 ha existing 1,000 ha planned 1986–87.600 ha existing 1,000 ha planned, 1986–8750 ha existing 200 ha planned
RoadAccessibleTo be extended 21 kmAccessibleAccessibleTo be extended
Freshwater supplyDig shallow wellDig shallow wellDig shallow wellDig shallow wellDig shallow well
Proximity to towns (services & amenities)½ km from Mangrol2 km from Konarak (10,000 pop.)3 km from Vishag (500,000 pop.)Close to Bimlipatam town, 23 km from Vishag0.5 km from village (5,000 pop.)

a Salinity-conductivity-temperature meter
b Atago S-100 hand refractometer

Table 4. Rates of Stocking, survival and water exchange for P. monodon hatchery with rated capacity of 25 × 106PL/yr.

TankStage aMaturation/ hatching/ survival rate(%)Stocking bTotal water vol°(m3)Daily water exchangePeak load
Initial No.Final no.DensityRate(%)Vol.(m3)
Maturation TanksIF to S/E702701892.5/m31082002169 m3/hr:
0000 – 2100 hr
   (189 F/60 days = 47 F/15 days at 300 × 103 E = 14 × 106 E) 
Spawning TanksE to N7014 × 10610 × 1063,000/L81008 
Larval TanksN to PL52510 × 1062.5 × 106100/L1003030 
Postlarval TanksPL5 to PL20502.5 × 1061.25 × 1065,000/m350020100a) 35 m3/hr:
0800 – 1200 hr
Natural Food Tanks     20 (20) 
Training Tanks     4301.5b) 5 m3/hr:
1300 – 1700 hr
Broodstook Holding Tanks     7504 
Total     750 380 

a IF - immature females, S-spawners, E-eggs, N-nauplii, PL-Post larvae

b One run, maturation tank = 60 day
larval tank = 15 days
post larval tank = 15 days

Table 5 - Details of Tank Construction for a P. Monodon hatchery with rated capacity of 25 × 106 PL/yr.

Vol. (m3)
Vol. (m3)
A.Maturation area:       
Maturation tanks4 m Æ × 1.2 m912108CircularConcreteDark roof, walls
Spawning tanks1 m Æ × 0.35 m400.28Conicalfibreglass wooden stand 
Holding tanks2 m × 1 m × 0.6 m717OvalOval 
B.Larval rearing area:       
Larval tanks5 m × 1 m × 1 m205100RectangularConcrete30% skylight, walls
Natural food     fiberglassskylight, open
Tanks2 m × 1 m × 0.6m20120Oval  
Training tanks1 m Æ × 0.35 m200.24Conicalfiberglass with wooden stand30% skylight, walls
Post Larval Area:       
Post Larval tanks5 m × 2 m × 1 m5010500RectangularConcreteSkylight, open.

Table 6 - Assumptions and Guidelines for Prawn Hatchery

  1. Production level = 25 × 106 PL20/yr or 1.25 × 106 PL20/run

  2. Operational period = 10 mo (2 mo for repairs & maintenance)/yr

    1 run = 15 days or 2 run/mo

    1 yr = 20 runs

  3. Seawater intake

    1. inshore well - Madhavapur, Chandrabhaga, Gudlavanipalem

    2. bottom intake
      pipe- Valinokkam

  4. Seawater Supply

    1. maturation tanks - direct pumping from well or sump pit or require reservoir of 20–50 cu.m. (depending on no.of hours pumping).

    2. larval, postlarval and other tanks - require total reservoir capacity of 200 cu.m.

  5. Seawater filtration

    1. inshore well - no filter required if naturally filtered through sand.

    2. sand filter - for sea bottom pipe (Valinokkam).

    3. inline filters - to spawning, larval and algal tanks. (Cartridge etc)

  6. Average air requirement of 0.35 m3/hr/1 m3 water (1 m depth).

  7. Ratio by volume, 1 natural food/algal tank : 5 larval tanks 1 larval tank : 5 postlarval tanks.

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