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Appendix 1 - Itinerary

30-3-1986-Depart Iloilo for Manila.
31-3-1986-In Manila signing FAO papers, arranging
to Indian and Italian visas and scheduling
04-4-1986 PTA at Philippine Airlines.
05-4-1986-Depart Manila.
06-4-1986-Arrive Rome.
07-4-1986-FAO briefing and
08-4-1986-library work.
09-4-1986-Depart Rome.
10-4-1986-Arrive Bangalore.
11-4-1986-Briefing and discussions with
to Mr. N.P.Bhakta, National Project Director/
12-4-1986-Lecture on site selection for hatchery to CICEF engineers.
13-4-1986-Indian Holiday.
14-4-1986-Discussions and preparations, CICEF.
15-4-1986-Depart Bangalore-Bombay-Keshod-Veraval.
16-4-1986-Survey Madhavapur hatchery site.
  Depart Keshod-Bombay.
17-4-1986-Depart Bombay for Bangalore.
18-4-1986-Depart Bangalore for Cochin.
  Visit CMFRI Narakkal prawn hatchery.
19-4-1986-Depart Cochin-Madurai.
20-4-1986-Survey Valinokkam hatchery site.
  Depart Madurai for Madras.
21-4-1986-Depart Madras for Vishakhapatnam.
22-4-1986-Survey Lawson's Bay, Gudlavanipalem and Bimlipatam hatchery sites.
  Depart Vishakapatnam for Bhubaneswar.
23-4-1986-Survey Chandrabhaga hatchery site; visit Puri Fisheries Research Centre.
24-4-1986-Depart Bhubaneswar for Bangalore.
25-4-1986-Final discussion
to and
28-4-1986 report writing
29-4-1986-Depart Bangalore for Madras and Singapore.
30-4-1986-Depart Singapore for Manila.
01-5-1986-Depart Manila for Iloilo City.

Appendix 2 - Persons Met

1. N.P. Bhakta-Director, Central Institute of Coastal Engineering for Fishery (CICEF).
2. H.V. Ramaswamy-Joint Director (B.W.), CICEF.
3. K. Omprakash-Deputy Director (C.E.), CICEF.
4. E. Subramanian-Deputy Director (C.E.), CICEF.
5. C.T. Betgeri-Asst. Director (C.E.), CICEF.
6. B.R. Venugopal-Asst. Director (C.E.), CICEF.
1. S.K. Madhava Rao-Superintending Engineer, Fishery Harbour Project, Veraval.
2. G.D. Vasavada-Director, Fisheries Terminal, Veraval.
3. P.G.B. Nair-Superintendent, Fisheries Terminal Division.
4. M. Bhaskaran-Research Officer, Gujarat Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Research Institute.
5. J.J. Parmar-Mechanical Engineer, Fisheries Department.
C.CMFRI, Cochin/CMFRI Prawn Hatchery, Narakkal
1. Dr. P. Vedavyasa Rao  
2. M.S. Muthu  
3. K.V. George  
4. Dr. Lakshminarayana  
5. Dr. Pandian.  
D.Tamil Nadu  
1. P. Krishnan-Deputy Director of Fisheries
2. S.L. Sreenivasulu-Deputy Director of Fisheries
3. Dr. T. Lingaraja-Asst. Director of Fisheries, Pudukottai
4. D. Samraj-Asst. Director of Fisheries, Madurai
5. K. Thyagarajan-Junior Engineer.
E.Andhra Pradesh  
1. M. Muralimohan Rao-Deputy Director of Fisheries
2. T. Radhakrishna Murty-Assistant Director of Fisheries
3. A. Seetharamaswamy-Deputy Director, Fisheries Terminal Organisation.
1. S.J. Mohanty-Managing Director, Orissa Maritime and Chilka Area Development Corporation, (OMCAD).
2. D.A. Patnaik-Fisheries Manager, OMCAD.
3. M.C. Bal-Executive Engineer, OMCAD.
4. Dr. S.M. Pillai-Scientist, Puri Fisheries Research Centre.
5. P. Ravichandran-Scientist, Puri Fisheries Research Centre.
1. B.N. Krishnamurthy-Deputy Commissioner, Department of Agriculture and Co-operation, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, New Delhi.

Appendix 3 - References

Dandekar, R.G. and M.A. Upare. 1985. Organisational arrangements and credit requirements for brackish water aquaculture development, National Seminar on the Present Status of Marine Prawn Farming in India, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, 8–9 May 1985. 10 p (mimeo).

Primavera, J.H. 1983. Broodstock of sugpo (Penaeus monodon Fabricius). Aquaculture Extension Manual No. 7, SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, Iloilo, Philippines. 26 p.

Quinitio, E.T., P.G. Gabasa Jr., F.P. Sunaz, E.P. Reyes and D.T. Dela Pena, Jr. 1985. A guide to prawn hatchery design and operation. Aquaculture Extension Manual No. 9, SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, Iloilo, Philippines. 50 p.

Silas, E.G. et al. 1985. Hatchery production of Penaeid prawn and Penaeus indicus. CMFRI special publication No. 23 Central Marine Fishery Research Institute, Cochin India. 41 p.

Silas, E.G. and M.S. Muthu. 1985. Present status of marine prawn hatchery technology in India. National Seminar on the Present Status of Marine Prawn Farming in India, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, 8–9 May 1985. 6 p (mimeo).

South China Sea Fisheries Development and Co-ordinating Programme. 1982. Technical Report, Working Party in Small-Scale Shrimp/Prawn Hatcheries in Southeast Asia. SCS/GEN/82/40.

Appendix 4 - List of Infrastructure, Equipment (one set) and other requirements for a prawn hatchery (Specifications and dimensions to be provided later)

  1. Electrical
    Standby generator a

  2. Air supply
    blowers, motor and accessories a

  3. Water supply
    freshwater well and pump
    seawater inshore well or bottom intake pipe
    seawater pump
    seawater reservoir
    sand filter
    inline filters
    submersible pumps

  4. Laboratory equipment
    pocket refractometer, 0 – 100 ppt. b
    dissolver oxygen meter (yellowstone springs, /nc or YSI) b
    portable pH meter
    compound binocular microscope c
    stereoscopic (or dissecting) microscope b
    neubauer hemacytometer
    sedgwick rafter counting cell
    balance, 0 to 5 kg (to weigh chemicals & fertlizers) a
    toploading balance 0 to 500 g (to weigh individual prawns).

  5. Natural food
    refrigerator (to store algal cultures)
    air-conditioning unit

  6. Feed preparation
    freezer (to store broodstock feeds)

  7. Vehicle, 4 wheel drive (to transport specimens, broodstock & fry) b

a Government of India


c UNDP but ordered for fish farm

Appendix 5 - Work Plan for Prawn Hatcheries

1.Selection of hatchery sitesApril 1986
2.Hatchery design, construction and training of local stafffrom August 1986
3.Construction of first hatcheryOctober 1986 to June 1987
4.Midterm reviewJune 1987
5.Evaluation of results of first hatcheryDecember 1987
6.Design and Construction of four other hatcheriesfrom September 1988
7.Operation of four hatcheries*from October 1988
8.Guidelines on establishment of hatcheriesOctober 1988.

* too Not possible, No. 6 starts in Sept. 1988.

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