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It is noted in this consultancy that the country has high potential for developing fish production through brackishwater aquaculture. At the same time, there is desire from the Government to proceed on development in this field. Unfortunately, however, there is lack of local experience in this industry. While there is a developed technology in a number of countries throughout the world, even the technical assistance staff to this project lacks practical experience in this type of aquaculture.

Through this project, therefore, there is good opportunity to initiate the initial phase of training for the project personnel and counterparts. This consultant believes that the appropriate practical training to be made at this time should be short-term and practical and in countries where closely similar species which are desired and with good market demand exists. The countries deemed most appropriate for training in this type of aquaculture are Indonesia and the Philippines as these countries rear milkfish and other finfish with penaeid shrimps - all desirable species in Madagascar. It is suggested that the training should consist of the following:

(i)Short-term study tour for the project manager2 weeks (0.5 man/months)
(ii)Study for three selected counterpart staff, one from Headquarters (Tananarive) and two for staff assigned or to be assigned at the project area, or three staff members for four months each (2 months in the Philippines and 2 months in Indonesia)12 man/months

The suitable timing for this consultancy should be from May through August during the year, with the first two months to be spent in the Philippines and the later two months in Indonesia. The above suggestions are in addition to one study/tour fellowship of the Project ready to be implemented shortly, to Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand.

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