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2.1. Past events and present situation

In the late '70s the Netherlands Antilles Federal Government delegated the Agriculture and Fisheries sectors administration to the Governments of the three islands (Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao - ABC islands), which, through the evaluation carried out by a joint working group of experts, fixed the development priorities. A project to re-stock the over fished queen conch (Strombus gigas) was included among the selected priorities.

Accordingly, a small aquaculture laboratory (100 m2 with 1500 m3 total pond volume) was built in Bonaire at the beginning of the 1980s and a queen conch rearing and release programme was successfully carried out (a production of 3 million 5 cm conch was achieved from 1982 to 1988 - Hensen and Grashof, 1991). This success resulted in the formation of the inter-island co-operation programme in aquaculture through the establishment, in 1983, of Fundashon Marcultura, with the following objectives:

In 1987 the Fundashon Marcultura Board of Directors, which included the ABC Ministers charged with the administration of the agriculture sector as well as the Directors of Agriculture Departments, decided to build up a new aquaculture station with larger facilities in order to strengthen the aspects related to production activity. The Dutch Government agreed to support the capital expenses whereas the operational costs were the responsibility of the islands. The new aquaculture station (appendix 3), sited in Sorobon on the windward south-eastern side of Bonaire island, became operative in 1991. The programme included, besides conch and intensive shrimp rearing, the rearing of marine and fresh water ornamental fish, Tilapia red hybrid, tridacna clam (Tridacna derassa), spiny lobster (Panulirus argus) and the cultivation of seaweed (genus: Euchema and Gracilaria); seaweed production was shortly abandoned due to the high infestation by epiphytes.

The station was supposed to be economically self-sufficient within a short period (two years), especially through the intensive production of shrimp (50 tons/year, to be realised in 16 raceways of 180 m3 each). Unfortunately this goal was not achieved and furthermore, the extremely aggressive environment which characterises the east coast of the island (constant strong wind and salt spray from the sea) caused severe damage to the structures and equipment, creating operating problems. Repair work only ended in 1993 and this has caused heavy financial constraints on the ABC Governments which supported the maintenance and personnel costs throughout this unproductive period.

Together with the election of a new Board of Directors, a new operative programme started at the end of 1993 with the following objectives:

The importance of a short-term economic return was again underlined. The initial production was based on intensive shrimp rearing along with the production of freshwater ornamental cichlids but once again, the productive target was not achieved and the causes of this failure were not fully identified (pathological problems? Lack of aeration?). This final low yield placed the farm in heavy economic difficulties (the global deficit rose to about 1.2 million US $).

As a consequence, in October 1994 the Board of Directors took the following decisions:

2.2. Main mission remarks

On the basis of the relevant documents consulted and the findings of local research, the following remarks can be made concerning the failure of the programme carried out by Fundashon Marcultura:

2.3. Mission proposals

The closure of Fundashon Marcultura aquaculture station represents a major set-back for the development of aquaculture in the Netherlands Antilles. Besides the distrust provoked by this failure toward the real feasibility of aquaculture in the islands, this ABC joint programme can not furnish any positive results if closed in such a sudden and final manner. Some recommendations need to be made:

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