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Recommendations for accelerating development of gelatinous mud at Ngomeni pilot fish farm

A. Slightly acid to slightly alkaline pond soils (pH 6.5–7.5)

  1. Dry pond bottom for 7 to 10 days.

  2. Let in water through fine mesh bagnet screen to a depth of 60 cm minimum, 1.0 m maximum.

  3. Fertilize immediately with chicken manure at 150 kg/ha or raw cow dung at 300 kg/ha plus ammonium phosphate (16–20–0 or 20–20–0, NPK) at 25 kg/ha.

  4. If chicken manure is used, apply weekly thereafter at 100 kg/ha and ammonium phosphate at 20 kg/ha. Chicken manure should be soaked one night earlier and applied evenly and simultaneously with ammonium phosphate.

  5. If raw cow dung is used, apply at 60 to 100 kg/ha every other day, or 200 to 300 kg/ha every week plus 20 kg/ha of ammonium phosphate at weekly intervals.

  6. Continue application of fertilizers for three months.

  7. Pond may be stocked with mullet fingerlings (0.5 to 2 g) up to 10 000/ha1 to utilize the space and time, but start aeration immediately, or apply hydrated lime up to 200 kg/ha evenly over the water surface if O2 deficiency symptoms (fish gasping on surface before sunrise) occur, or allow new water if tide conditions permit.

  8. Drain pond and dry.

B. Acidic soils (pH 5.0 to 6.0)

  1. Before levelling work, apply 1.5 tons of agricultural lime/ha over the pond bottom.

  2. Level pond bottom, loosening soil to soft consistency up to 15 cm during the process.

  3. Drain, apply 1.5 tons of agricultural lime/ha over the entire pond.

  4. Proceed as in A.

C. Acidic soils (pH 4 to 4.5)

  1. Proceed as in B, steps 1 to 3, but apply agricultural lime at double the rate.

  2. Allow about 15 to 20 cm of water and let it stay for 2 weeks. At the end of this period, test water pH just before sunrise.

  3. If pH is lower than 5.5, drain pond, dry for 2 weeks and repeat step 2.

  4. Repeat step 3 until pH reaches 5.5.

  5. Proceed as in A.

1 If stocked with fish, pond salinity should not be allowed to exceed 45 ppt. When salinity goes beyond this level, initiate partial water exchange one or two days before the next fertilization schedule.
Limit carrying capacity of pond to 600 kg/ha at one time. Make partial harvest of 100 to 200 kg/ha when this is reached. Confine fish in supply canal for 2–3 days to get rid of strong smell if they are intended for the market. Harvest or transfer fish to another area for further growing.

Culture of lab-lab after formation of 5–10 cm layer of hydrophilic mud

A. January to March (before long rains)

  1. Drain pond and dry until moisture content of soil is about 20 percent. Without moisture tester, this can be determined by walking over pond bottom. Drying is complete if standing on one leg, one does not sink more than about 1 cm. Care should be taken not to over dry to the point of dessication of surface layer.

  2. Distribute chicken manure in heaps at regular intervals to conform to a rate of 2 t/ha, air dry weight.

  3. Let in water. On a well-levelled pond, there should be an average depth of 5 to 7 cm over the bottom.

  4. Distribute the chicken manure evenly after it has soaked.

  5. Allow water to dry by evaporation.

  6. Allow pond bottom to dry until 20 percent moisture content is attained again.

  7. Let in new water to an average depth of 7–8 cm.

  8. After 3 days, when a thin layer of lab-lab has developed, apply ammonium phosphate (16–20–0 or 20–20–0 NPK) at 25 kg/ha.

  9. After 2 weeks, raise water gradually to 15 cm at not more than 2 cm per day. Then apply ammonium phosphate at 10 g/m3 of water.

  10. Continue raising water every spring tide until 40 cm depth is attained. By this time, rains will have started, reducing salinity to suitable levels for stocking.

  11. Apply ammonium phosphate weekly thereafter at same rate as in 9.

B. August to September

  1. Drain and dry pond after last rain to 20 percent moisture content.

  2. Let in water to a depth of 7 to 10 cm.

  3. After 3 days, fertilize with diammonium phosphate (18–46–0) at 50 kg/ha.

  4. Raise water gradually to 40 cm.

  5. Apply diammonium phosphate at about 8 g/m3 at weekly intervals.

NOTE: In all operations, pond may be stocked as soon as water has reached a depth of 25 to 30 cm. Ensure proper acclimatization however before releasing fish into the pond. Shrimps may be stocked if salinity is within range tolerated by the species.

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