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ANNEX 1. List of persons met


Mr. H.L. Norton, FAO Resident Representative
Mr. B.P. Reufels, FAO Programme Officer
Mr. P. Gonzalez Alberdi, SPOO, FIO, Rome
Mr. H.W. Navajas, UNDP Assistant Resident Representative-Programme
Mr. E.L. Karstad, Director, Tamfeeds Ltd
Mr. J.M. Njuguna, Director, Tamfeeds Ltd
Mr. W.W. Shisoka, Technical Adviser for East Africa, Roche Ltd
Mr. M. Huber, Technical Marketing Manager, F. Hoffman-La Roche, Basle
Mr. K. Shah, Director, Sigma Feeds Ltd
Dr. H.K. Balasublamanya, Technical Feeds Manager, Muus Kenya Ltd
Mr. B.M. Patel, Director, Kisumuwala Oil Industries Ltd
Mr. T.K. Olielo, Kenya Bureau of Standards
Dr. P.N. Mbugua, Chairman-Department of Animal Production, University of Nairobi
Dr. H.C.W. Mbugua, Kenchic Ltd
Ms. M. Thornburn, Fish Veterinarian, University of Guelph, Ontario


Mr. P. Oloo, Branch Manager, Unga Feeds Ltd


Mr. R.S. Prayitno, CTA KEN/86/027
Mr. A.P. Achieng, NPC KEN/86/027
Mr. S.B. Obura, Managing Director, LBDA
Ms. P. Achieng, Fish Biologist NPPP KEN/86/027 (counterpart)
Mr. S.K. Obuya, Fisheries Officer LBDA (counterpart)
Project KEN/86/027 Senior & Field Staff LBDA
Mr. M. Hoekstra, Socio-Economist, Project RAD/87/099, Burundi
Mr. C.M. Muhoro, Head Brewer, Kenya Breweries Ltd
Mr. S.N. Shah, Director, United Millers Ltd
Mr. S.M. Esmail, Director, Kibos Industries Ltd
Mr. Muriango, Representative, Kenya Grain Growers Co-op Union (KGGCU)
Mr. J. Ogari, Deputy Director, Kenya Marine & Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI)
Mr. A. Asila, Research Officer, KMFRI
Mr. A. Getabu, Research Officer, KMFRI
Mr. J. Ogunja, Research Officer, KMFRI
Mr. C. Rabuor, Research Officer, KMFRI
Mr. S.K. Otiemo, Department of Fisheries
Mr. E.O. Yongo, Research Officer, KMFRI

ANNEX 2 List of private fish farms visited in the Lake Basin area

  1. James Obanyi's Fish Farm, Nyamira District
  2. Alloys Nyangwoka's Fish Farm, Kisii District
  3. Bomwancha Women's Group Fish Farm, Kisii District
  4. Nyawita-Soko Women's Group Fish Farm, Homa Bay District
  5. Eliakim Nyakore's Fish Farm, Migori District
  6. Meshack Lango's Fish Farm, Migori District
  7. Andrew Okeyo's Fish Farm, Migori District
  8. Sakagwa Primary School Fish Farm, Kisii District
  9. Peter Angao's Fish Farm, Migori District
  10. Mathew Agufa's Fish Farm, Vihiga District
  11. Umoja Women's Group Fish Farm, Kakamega District
  12. Shaka Muhatia's Fish Farm, Kakamega District
  13. Festo Tawai's Fish Farm, Kakamega District
  14. Tembwa Women's Group Fish Farm, Bungoma District
  15. Taco Development Group Fish Farm, Kisumu District
  16. Weaver Bird Women's Group Fish Farm, Kisumu District
  17. Kasigunga Women's Group Fish Farm, Siaya District
  18. Joachim Miyoyo's Fish Farm, Siaya District


Name/postal address of farm:
Name of funding agency if farm is state owned/assisted:
Name/position of person interviewed:
Date of interview:

BACKGROUND INFORMATION (underline appropriate activity)

Farm ownership:
State/state assisted/private

Aim of farming activity:
   Auto consumption/cash sale
Commercial (cash income)
   Grow-out from farm produced/wild-caught seed
   Grow-out from purchased/imported seed
   Seed production
Public sector support
   Seed production for state assisted farms
         Nutrition and feed development

Farmed species: (indicate mono/polyculture, species/sex ratio)

Market value of farmed species: (local currency; indicate average market size or age/weight/length, and whether farm gate or at-market cost, live, fresh or frozen)
Seed cost/piece or /1000 and table size cost/piece or /kg

Total farm production: (by species, pieces/kg/tonne per year)

Start of farm production operation:

Farm production unit: (indicate size and number on farm)
Indoor tank/outdoor tank/pen enclosure/cage (indicate whether fixed or floating in open water or earthen pond, submerged water volume and mesh size)/pond (indicate whether earth or concrete lined)/other (lift nets, livestock units)

Farm services: (indicate whether on land or at cage/pen site)
Electricity/fresh water/telephone/fuel/generator pump/boiler/housing/security
Transportation facilities (specify whether bicycle, motor cycle, car, pick-up/lorry, motor/sail/paddle boat)
Accessibility by road (specify whether good, adequate or poor depending on season)
Distance of farm (km) from nearest town

Start of farm production operation:

Farm labour profile: (indicate number of family/hired workers on farm and whether employed on a full/part-time basis)

Profile of farm manager and feeding/nutrition technician:
Name/age/nationality/languages spoken/education attainment/aquaculture or nutrition experience (years)/source of knowledge/number of years of work on farm/hours/day spent on farming on nutrition or feeding activity

Farm water management: (expressed as % water exchanged/day or litres/minute)

Water aeration: (specify aeration device and hours/day)

Water quality: (range and mean values for temperature, and if possible oxygen, salinity, pH, ammonia and secchi disc)

Photoperiod: (natural or artificial, hours/day)

Species stocking density and weight/size: (initial and final for hatchery, nursery, grow-out and broodstock)

Length of growth period: (days/weeks for each farming cycle)

Survival at the end of each growth cycle: (%)


Feeding method: (underline appropriate activity)
No fertilization or diet feeding
      Chemical fertilizers/animal manures/green manures composts/digested slurries
Diet feeding
      Single agricultural food item/poultry or livestock feed/in-house produced feed/purchased local feed/purchased imported feed
Cultured live food organisms
      In-house laboratory cultured/in-house pond cultured collected/imported

Diet feeding programme: (for hatchery, nursery, grow-out or broodstock)
Agricultural product/diet fed:
      Unit cost at source or on the farm/unit weight
      Proximate composition (if known)

      Formulation (if known)

Treatment before use:
      Dried (sun/oven/solardrier)/fermented/composted/chopped/macerated/grinding/mixing/pelleting (indicate with or without steam)

Form used:
Particle size of diet fed: (mm)

Stability in water: (minutes or hours)
Floatability: (seconds or minutes)
Feeding rate: (% body weight/day or kg/unit area)

Frequency of feed application: (Number of feeds/day/week)

Method of application:
      Hand (specify whether from land or boat)
      Mechanical feeder (specify type)
      Submerged feeding platform
Criteria for feed application:
      Manufacturers feeding tables/fish appetite/water quality - temperature/oxygen level/availability of feed/availability of cash/calculation based on fish or shrimp weight/levels based from other farmers/levels based from own experience/levels based on published literature

Time devoted to feed preparation/application: (specify per day or week as appropriate)

Fertilization programme: (for hatchery, nursery, grow-out and broodstock)
Name of fertilizer used:
      Unit cost at source or on farm/kg dry or wet weight

Nutrient content (NPK, % moisture if known)

Treatment before use: (if any)
      Oven dried/sun dried/soaked in water/fermented composted/chopped/macerated/grinding
Form used:
      Fresh/wet slurry/dry
Application rate: (kg or tonnes/unit area/unit time)
      Quantity and frequency of application

      Total quantity used/production cycle or year

Method of application:
      Through animal application/integration/by land/spray from boat/sack/crib

Time devoted to fertilizer handling/application:
      Per day/week/month/cycle as appropriate

Seasonal availabilty of fertilizer:
      Year round/specific months of the year

Problems arising from fertilization strategy:
      Handling difficulties/cost/availability nutrient quality (variability/bedding material) disease/predator control/algal blooming/water quality

Livestock integration:
      Species numbers/unit area/livestock weight/livestock feeds employed

Lime application:
      Type (slaked lime/quick lime/limestone)
      Unit cost at source or on the farm
      Application rate (dry or wet weight/unit area/ unit
            (time and frequency of application)
Total quantity used/production cycle or year

Total feed consumption: (per week/month/production cycle or year)

Food conversion ratio: (kg of feed required to produce 1 kg of wet fish or shrimp)

Problems arising from diet feeding strategy:
      Equipment (grinding/pelleting/drying)
      Services (electricity/maintenance of equipment)
      Ingredient/diet availability
      Transportation of ingredients to farm
      Storage/shelf life of diet
      Quality control of ingredients
      Feeding (feed wastage/water stability)
      Cost (% total farm operating costs)
      Import credit/foreign exchange availability
Fish/shrimp production
      Poor growth/poor food conversion efficiency
      Nutritional diseases
            Cataracts (cloudy lens)
            Lordosis/scoliosis (bent spine)
            Fatty liver/viscera (pale color)
            External haemorrhage (fins, skin, or body)
            Loss of appetite (anorexia/emaciation)
            Decreased moulting ability
            Flared operculae
            Exoplthalmia (pop-eye)
            Scale loss
            Yellow ceroid/fluid in intestine

Feed manufacturing equipment: (specify model, pellet die and grinder sieve sizes, if purchased locally or imported, life expectancy and cost)

Feed storage facilities: (specify area and type-warehouse, cold-store, refrigerator, freezer, insulated containers and length ingredients/feed remain in storage until being used or fed)

Other observations: (chemical feed analysis facilities)

Live food feeding programme: (for hatchery, nursery, grow-out or broodstock)
Name of food organism/s cultured:
      Unit cost (if known)
      Nutrient content (if known)

Culture method employed:

Feeding rate or concentration/litre:

Frequency of feed application: (feeds/day/week)

Method of application:
      Hand/automatic feeder/combined culture with fish/shrimp
Criteria for feed application:
      Fish/shrimp appetite/visibility of faecal strands/food concentration per unit water volume/water quality (temperature/oxygen)/published information/own personal experience/calculations based on fish or shrimp weight and size
Time devoted to live food production and feeding
      Hours/day or week as appropriate
Problems arising from live food feeding strategy
      Incidence of culture/batch failures/nutritional disorders/cannibalism/laboratory culture methods/service availability (UV, electricity, back-up facilities)/maintenance of stock cultures/training requirement and experience/maintenance and running expenses/cyst and stock procurement/variation in nutritional quality/effect of climate on life food production
Live food culture/laboratory facilities: (specify area, equipment used, place of purchase and cost)

Other observations:


Number of visits made by government extension officers or commercial feed representatives in relation to farm feeding programme: (frequency per week/month or year as appropriate)

Have you ever sought information on fish/shrimp feeding and nutrition? If yes, from who:

What type of assistance in feeding/nutrition would you require?

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