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5. Consideration of the Space Plan Draft

5.1 In the separate GOSSP session, the participants agreed that Version 1.0 of the GCOS Space Plan needs a thorough revision. The ownership and validation of the plan needs to be clarified. There should be a clear commitment and a broader responsibility coming from the G3OS to support the panel.

5.2 The participants agreed on a new Space Plan structure in two parts. The first part would contain general items which do not need a continuous review (Annex IV). This permanent part would include the overall strategy, objectives, background and purposes of the Space Plan. The second part would contain all items which need a constant review and up-dating. It could be in a loose-leave format which can be regularly electronically up-dated. It will be crucial to track the heritage of any modifications.

5.3 The participants decided to set-up intersessional Task Groups for their work (Annex V). The leading role in preparing the new version of the Space Plan is with Task Group I. The chapter on user data and product requirements will be under the guidance of Task Group II. The chapter on the Initial Operational System will belong to Task Group III, and the chapter on developing countries will be provided by Task Group IV. In the discussion on individual chapters the clear need to keep a separate chapter on developing countries was agreed.

5.4 The participants agreed to try to complete a draft version for the JSTC meeting in September 1997, and should be an input for the CEOS plenary meeting in November 1997. The final draft of the plan should be circulated to G3OS chairs in February 1998.

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