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Gondo, P. C. & Mkwanda, R. 1991. The assessment and monitoring of forest resources and forest degradation in Zimbabwe: an overview. In Proceedings of a Regional workshop on methodology for deforestation and forest degradation assessment. 25 Nov - 13 Dec, 1991. Nairobi, Kenya, FAO, Forest Resource Assessment.

Kwesha, D. & Mkosana, F.1994. Procedures for establishing strict natural reserves and permanent increment plots. Research Paper No. 2. Division of Research & Development, Zimbabwe Forest Commission.

Marunda, C. 1996. Deforestation and conservation of forest based ecosystems and resources in Zimbabwe. Unpublished paper, 21 pp.

Marunda, C. & Baker, S. 1998. EC/Zimbabwe Forest Sector Cooperation Strategy. Final National Report.

Maruzane, D., McGregor, J. & Mukwekwerere, M. 1999. Genetic evaluation of African Acacia species, Phase II: the role of African acacias in communal area farming systems in Zimbabwe.

Moyo, S., Robinson, P., Katerere, Y., Stevenson, S. & Gubo, D. 1991. Zimbabwe's environmental dilemma: balancing resource inequalities. Zimbabwe Environmental Research Organization, Harare.

MMET. 1998. Zimbabwe biodiversity strategy and action plan. (Draft working document). Ministry of Mines Environment and Tourism, p. 14-44.

Timberlake, J. 1994. Changes in the extent of moist forest patches in the eastern highlands: case studies based on aerial photographs. Research Paper No. 7. Division of Research & Development, Zimbabwe Forest Commission.

Timberlake, J. & Kwesha, D. 1996. Mudzongwe and Ungwe Strict Natural Reserves, Gokwe. Research Paper No. 11. Division of Research & Development, Zimbabwe Forest Commission.

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