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Namibia Forestry Strategic Plan 1996. Directorate of Forestry, Ministry of Environment and Tourism.

First National Development Plan (NDP1) Volume 1. 1995/1996-1999/2000. National planning Commission. Windhoek. Namibia.

Draft Forest Bill of Namibia 1999. Directorate of Forestry, Ministry of Environment and Tourism.

Namibia’s National Forestry Policy of 1996. Directorate of Forestry, Ministry of Environment and Tourism.

A Revised National Forest Policy for Namibia, 2000. Directorate of Forestry, Ministry of Environment and Tourism.

Forestry Sector Paper 2000.  First Draft Second  National Development Plan (NDP1) Volume 1.

H.O. Kojwang and M. Chakanga 2000. Trees- outside-forests assessment in Namibia: a contribution to the Forest Resources Assessment 2000 report, for the FAO.

H.O.Kojwang 2000. Forestry outlook study for Africa – Namibia (Draft) country report. Submitted to the FAO.


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