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1. Rules of Procedure

In conformity with Article V, paragraph 3 of the Constitution, the Council considered and adopted a draft of its rules of procedure (page 33) which had been prepared by an ad hoc committee under the chairmanship of Mr. Rafael Nieto of Mexico. As the procedures of the Council are already largely covered by the Constitution, the Rules of Procedure and the Financial Regulations of FAO, it was necessary only to supplement the above provisions where required to facilitate the work of the Council.

In particular the Council was concerned that all Member nations of FAO would receive complete reports on its proceedings and provision for this was made in the appended rules.

2. Election of Vice-Chairmen

The Council elected Mr. N.A. Dodd (United States) as First Vice-Chairman and M. Tanguy Prigent (France) as Second Vice-Chairman.

3. Form of the Periodic Report

The Council considered the suggestions of the Director-General on the form, time-table and general themes of the annual program and progress reports which Member Governments are expected to prepare for the next Conference (Doc. CL.1/ 15) in conformity with Article XI of the Constitution. Attention was called to the fact that the analysis of the reports which the Director-General is required to submit to the Conference should be such as to highlight the major developments and trends in the world food and agriculture situation.

It was agreed in principle that two questionnaires should be drawn up, one for a minimum report to be prepared by all Governments, and one for a comprehensive report to be prepared by those Governments able to supply more detailed information on programs. The minimum report would, in fact, be a summary of the comprehensive report.

The Council decided to request the Policy Committee on Production and Distribution to draw up the questionnaires having in mind the need for comparable reports in order that FAO may be enabled to summarize the reports to be prepared for the use of the Annual Conference in its program review. Accordingly, the form of the comprehensive report should be such as to facilitate this work by the Director-General.

4. Standing Advisory Committees

The Council approved the appointment of the following Chairmen, Vice-Chairmen and members of the Standing Advisory Committees:

P.V. CardonU.S.
P.J. DuToitUnion of South Africa
I. Clunies RossAustralia
Latin America
E.S. ArchibaldCanada
P.C. MaChina
Mohamed Ali El-KilanyEgypt
J. LefevreFrance
K. RamiahIndia
O. deVriesNetherlands
H. WexelsenNorway
J.A. Scott WatsonU.K.
R. BradfieldU.S.
John D. BlackU.S.
Jose SaenzMexico
A.H. BoermaNetherlands
Sir Herbert BroadleyU.K.
M. CépèdeFrance
P.C. ChaoChina
J.G. CrawfordAustralia
L. DupriezBelgium
Frantisek KostiukCzechoslovakia
Miguel Lopez PumarejoColombia
V.K.R.V. RaoIndia
Oris WellsU.S.
C.P.G.J. SmitNetherlands
P.V. SukhatmeIndia
Twefik AhmedEgypt
Benedetto BarberiItaly
Joseph A. BeckerU.S.
Maria CzerniewskaPoland
Leon Ma GonzalesPhilippines
M.C. IversenDenmark
Jean Chombard de LauweFrance
O.A. LemieuxCanada
Gilberto LoyoMexico
Margaret ReidU. S.
D.J. Van DijkNetherlands
Raymond GushueNewfoundland
A.W. AndersonU.S.
O. BrynjelsenNorway
C. von BondeSouth Africa
B. DinesenDenmark
P.D.H. DunnU. K.
A.W.H. NeedlerCanada
Baini PrashadIndia
Thor ThorsIceland
Lyle F. WattsU.S.
Bernard DufayFrance
Herman MarkU. S.
H. G. ChampionU. K.
D.A. MacdonaldCanada
Georges CerfBelgium
Anders FjelstadNorway
Eino SarriFinland
S.C. LeeChina
Paulo de SouzaBrazil
Lord HorderU. K.
Frank G. BoudreauU.S.
E.J. BigwoodBelgium
F.W. ClementsAustralia
Isabella LeitchU. K.
B.S. PlattU. K.
Hazel K. StiebelingU. S.
E.F. TerroineFrance
V. KrutaCzechoslovakia
F. VerzarSwitzerland
Latin America
V.N. PatwardhanIndia


The Council decided that a Committee on Rural Welfare should be established, and appointed Professor André Mayer as Chairman. The members of the Committee will be appointed at a later date.

5. Committee on Financial Control

In conformity with Regulation I of the Financial Regulations the Council decided that the Committee on Financial Control should comprise the following members:

Dr. Barton, Chairman (Canadian Member of the Council)
Mr. Christelow, United Kingdom Treasury
Mr. Jump, United States Department of Agriculture
Mr. Valensi, Financial Counselor at the French Embassy
Mr. Nivarti Sundaresan, Financial Counselor of the Indian Embassy

The Council agreed to recommend to the Conference at its next session that the following additional provisions be inserted under Regulation I of the Financial Regulations:

“Members of the Committee on Financial Control shall be eligible for reappointment, provided that at least one new member shall be elected each year when the Committee is established.”

“The Committee on Financial Control shall exercise for the Council the powers and duties which devolve upon the Council of FAO under the Financial Regulations and under Rule XXVI (1) (e) (ii) of the Rules of Procedure of FAO and shall report thereon to the Council.”

The Council further decided that the above provision should be provisionally put into force pending approval by the Conference. It was understood that the proposed revolving membership should make it possible progressively to broaden the geographical distribution of membership.

6. Appointment of new Director-General

Sir John Boyd Orr having agreed to continue in office until a suitable successor could be found, the last session of the Conference referred the matter to the Council and, in view of Sir John's desire to be relieved at the earliest possible date, asked the Council to submit a panel of at least three names to a special session of the Conference to be convened in Washington for the purpose of making the appointment.

The Council appointed a Committee composed of the following members: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Cuba, Egypt, France, India and the United States of America, to draw up suitable recommendations and approved the procedure proposed by this Committee for carrying out the necessary consultations.

7. Site of Permanent Headquarters of FAO

In conformity with the relevant resolution adopted by the Third Session of the Conference, the Council decided to set up a Committee to be composed of the following members - Chile, China, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, the Philippine Republic, the United Kingdom, the Union of South Africa, the United States of America.

The Council directed this Committee to undertake the study outlined in the Conference resolution with a view to reporting on the recommendations that might suitably be placed before the next session of the Conference.

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