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The Council reviewed the arrangements made so far by the Director-General in respect of Regional activities and of the Regional set-up of FAO on the basis of a memorandum submitted by the Director-General for the information of the Council (CL 4/10). The Council also had before it a progress report of the Working Party set up jointly by FAO and by the Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East to consider the problem of Agriculture requisites within the region under the jurisdiction of ECAFE (CL 4/9). The discussion took place on the basis of these documents as well as on the report of the Committee of Relations with other International Organizations (CL 4/11) regarding regional cooperation and arrangements.

The Council understands that these matters will come up for consideration by the Conference particularly in connection with the program of work and budget for the next financial year. I wishes, however, to record that some of the regional arrangements already made are still of a provisional nature, particularly in connection with the selection of sites for regional offices since future developments regarding FAO regional programs of work, including cooperation with United Nations Economic Commissions, may call for different arrangements to be made after consultation with the interested Governments and with the United Nations. It further understands that the selection of a regional representative for Asia and the Far East is also still provisional.

Consultation with the regional economic commissions and with United Nations also appears to be required in respect of arrangements whereby FAO and the Regional Economic Commissions may cooperate without duplication of effort and without abridging in any way the opportunity for them fully to acquit themselves of their responsibilities. The Council notes in this connection that the proposed arrangement between the Director-General of FAO and the Executive Secretary of ECE may afford a suitable pattern for such regional arrangements.

The Council also understands that full information will be supplied by the Director-General as occasion arises on the budgetary implications of the Regional programs.

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