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228.U.d.Bell-Gross, G.: Sunken lakes in Ndola District. The Northern Rhodesia Journal. (D)
229.1916Marquardsen, H.: Die seen Tanganyika, Moero und Bangweolo. Mitt. Dtsch. Schutzgeb. 29: 97-
230.1957Thomasson, K.: Notes on the plankton of Lake Bangweulu. Nova Acta Regiae Societas Scieritiarium Upsaliensis. Ser IV, Vol. 17, No. 3.
231.1959Mortimer, M.A.E.: Fishing in Lundazi Dam. Rhod. Agric. J. 56: 50–60.
232.1960Harding, D.: Preliminary observations on the effects of seasonal change in water condition on the fishery in the Bangweulu area of Northern Rhodesia: The third symposium in hydrobiology and inland fisheries convened by CTCA, 18–24 August, 1960. Lusaka, Zambia.
233.1960Mortimer, M.A.E.: Lake Lusiwasi, Northern Rhodesia J. IV(3): 277–288.
234.1961Coulter, G.W.: Research on Lake Tanganyika. In: Annual report 11: 22–25. J.F.R.O. (D)
235.1961Dept. of Game and Fisheries: Preliminary observations on seasonal hydrological changes affecting the ecology of Luaka Lagoon. In: Annual report 11. J.F.R.O. (D)
236.1961Harding, D.: Limnological trends in Lake Kariba. Nature, 191(4284): 119–121.
237.1961Hickling, C.F.: Tropical inland fisheries. London, Longmans. 287 p. (Section on Kafue p. 148–150)
238.1962Coulter, G.W.: Research results, Lake Tanganyika. In: Annual report 10: 9–13. J.F.R.O.
239.1962Harding, D.: Research on Kariba. In: Annual report 10: 32–40. J.F.R.O.
240.1963Bowmaker, A.P.: Cormorant predation on two Central African lakes. Ostrich, 34: 2–26
241.1963Coulter, G.W.: Hydrological changes in relation to biological production in Southern Lake Tanganyika. Limn. and Oseanogr. 8(4): 463–477. (D)
242.1964Carey, T.G.: Research on Lake Mweru. In: Annual Report 11: 20–22. J.F.R.O. (D)
243.1964Harding, D.: Hydrology and fisheries in Lake Kariba. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 15: 139–149.
244.1965Badenhuizen, G.R.: Lake Tanganyika: Lufubu river research notes. Fish. Res. Bull. Zambia 2: 11–41. (D,U)
245.1965Carey, T.G.: Research results - Lake Mweru. Fish. Res. Bull. Zambia 2: 11–14. (D,U)
246.1965Coche, A.G.: Limnological research programme for Lake Kariba. In: L.K.R.F.I., Research symposium (1965). Kariba. p. 63–65.
247.1965Coulter, G.W.: Lake Tanganyika: Research report. Fish. Res. Bull. Zambia 2: 4–10. (D,U)
248.1965Mortimer, M.A.E.: The environment-physical and chemical In: Mortimer, M.A.E. (ed.): Natural Resources Handbook: The fish and fisheries of Zambia. Ndola, Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources. p. 16–17. (D,F,N)
249.1966Coulter, G.W.: Hydrological processes and deep water fish community in Lake Tanganyika. Belfast, The Queens Univ. (Ph.D. Thesis)
250.1967Coulter, G.W.: What's happening at Kariba? After an explosive growth of plant and animals, the ecology of Kariba appears to be stabilizing in unexpected directions. New Scientist, 28 Dec. 1967. (D)
251.1967Lagler, K.F.: Opportunity for pre-impoundment studies in fisheries and in hydrobiology related to fisheries of Kafue reservoir, Zambia. F-Misc./67.
252.1968Coche, A.G.: Description of physico-chemical aspects of Lake Kariba, and impoundment. Zambia-Rhodesia. Chilanga, Central Fisheries Research Institute, 67 p.
253.1968Coulter, G.W.: Hydrological processes in Lake Tanganyika. Fish. Res. Bull. Zambia 4: 53–56. (D,N,U)
254.1968Tait, C.C.: Kafue river and floodplain research: Hydrological data. Fish. Res. Bull. Zambia 3: 26–27. (D)
255.1969Coche, A.G.: Aspects of physical and chemical limnology of Lake Kariba, Africa. A general outline. pp 116–122. In: Man-made Lakes. The Accra Symposium, by L.E. Cheng (ed.). Accra, Ghana University Press, 392 p.
256.1971Carey, T.G.: Hydrobiological survey of the Kafue flood-plain. Fish Res. Bull. Zambia 5: 245–295. (D,F,R,U)
257.1971Chapman, D.W. et al.: Zambia - Ecology of fishes in the Kafue river. Idaho, Univ. of Idaho. Technical report No. 2, FI/UNDP/SF ZAM/11. 135 p. (F)
258.1971Williams, R.: Fish ecology of the Kafue river and flood plain environment. Fish. Res. Bull. Zambia 5: 305–330. (D,F,R,U)
259.1972Lee, P.S.: Hydrology of Mweru Wantipa: A study of the water balance of an enclosed lake in northern Zambia: Final report prepared for the Central Fisheries Research Institute, Chilanga. Lusaka, Dept. of Water Affairs. 135 p. (D,F)
260.1972Scully, R.: Physico-chemical parameters and gillnet catches at four floodplain habits on the Kafue flats, Zambia. Idaho, Univ. of Idaho Graduate School. (Ph.D. Thesis) 59 p.
261.1972Williams, R.: Relationship between the water levels and the fish catches in Lake Mweru and Mweru Wantipa, Zambia. Afr. J. Hydrobiol. Fish. 2(1): 21–32. (AS)
262.1974Coche, A.G.: Limnological study of a tropical reservoir, pp. 1–247. In: Lake Kariba, a man-made tropical ecosystem in Central Africa, by E.K. Balon and A.G. Coche. The Haque, Dr. W. Junk Publishers, 767 p.
263.1974Gulland, J.A.: Resource studies in relation to the level of African inland fisheries. (Kafue). Afr. J. Trop. Hydrobiol. Fish. Special Issue 1: 21–25.
264.1975Towes, D.: Limnology of Lake Bangweulu: A report prepared for the Central Fisheries Research Institute. Rome, FAO/UNDP. FI/DP/ZAM/68/511/7. 75 p. (F)
265.1981Hayward, P.B.: Comments on effects of the water regime on the Kafue fishery. Paper presented at K.B.R.C. seminar on DHV, Final report. 7 p.
266.1985Hiroya, K. (ed.): Ecological and limnological study on Lake Tanganyika and its adjacent regions III: Report of the work supported by Grant-in-Aid for overseas scientific survey of the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan. 84 p.
267.1985Obrdlik, P.: Limnological research on Lake Itezhi-tezhi: Water resources research unit. Environmental research laboratory technical report. Lusaka, National Council for Scientific Research. (R)
268.1989Matsumoto, H.: Study of Lake Kariba (Sinazongwe area) in Zambia. Sinazeze, Dept. of Fisheries. 32 p. (Unpubl.)


269.1960Bowmaker, A.P.: A report on the Kariba Lake area and Zambezi river prior to inundation, and the initial effects of inundation weith particular reference to the fisheries. In: FAO-ETAP rep. 1299 (2). Rome, FAO. p. 100–127. (F)
270.1961Jackson: Ecological effects of flooding by the Kariba Dam on Middle Zambezi fishes. Proc. 1st. Fed. Sci. Congress. Salisbury. 8 p.
271.1968Bell-Gross, G.: Physical barriers separating the fishes of the Kafue and Middle Zambezi river systems. Fish. Res. Bull. Zambia 4: 97–98. (D,N,U)
272.1971Armstrong, R.: Water considerations in Zambian fisheries development: Report prepared for the Government of Zambia by the FAO acting as executing agency for the UNDP. Based on the work of R. Armstrong. Rome, FAO. FI/SF/ZAM 11. 161 p. (D,F,R)
274.1971Thorslund, A.E.: Report on survey of inland water pollution in Uganda, Kenya, Zambia and Tanzania. Based on the work of A.E. Thoslund. Rome, FAO. No. RP/11. 12 p. (D,F)
275.1973White, E.: Zambia's Kafue hydroelectric scheme and its biological problems. Geophys. Monogr. 17: 620–628.
276.1974Balon, E.K.: Fishes from the edge of the Victoria Falls: Demise of a physical barrier for downstream migrations. Copeia. 1974(3): 643–660.
277.1974Dudley, R.G.: Growth of Tilapia of the Kafue river flood-plain, Zambia: Predicted effects of the Kafue Gorge Dam. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 2: 281–291. (D,F)
278.1974Kapetsky, J.M.: The Kafue river floodplain: An example of pre-impoundment potential for fish production. Monogr. Biol. 24: 497–523. (D)
279.1974Dudley, R.G.: Status of major fishes of the Kafue flood-plain, Zambia, five years after completion of the Kafue Gorge Dam: Final report submitted to the National Science Foundation Scientists and Engineers in Economic Development Programme. Georgia, Univ. of Georgia. Grant Number OIP75-09239. Period: 15 March 1975 to 30 April. 71 p. (F)
280.1976Iwugo, K.O.: The present status of the water pollution problems in the Kafue township area. Zambia J. Science and Technology, 1(1): 17–28. (R)
281.1978Balasubrahamanyam, S., Abou-Zeid, S.M.: Post-Itezhi-tezhi flow pattern of the Kafue river in the Kafue flats region. Paper presented at the national Seminar on Environment and Change. Lusaka
282.1980Chipungu, P.M.: The impact of the Kafue Gorge Dam on the Kafue floodplain fishery. In: Seminar on river basin management and development. CIFA Tech. Pap./Doc. Tech. CPCA No. 8. p. 120–129. (D)
283.1980Dudley, R.G., Scully, R.J.: Changes in experimental gill-net catches from the Kafue floodplain, Zambia, since the reconstruction of the Kafue Gorge Dam. J. Fish. Biol. 16: 521–538.
284.1983Alabaster, J.S.: Review of the state of aquatic pollution of East African inlands waters. Situation de la pollution dans les eaux interoeures de l'Africa de l'East. Rome, FAO Committee for Inland Fisheries. Doc. Occ. CPCA No. 9. 40 p. (AS)
285.1984Obrdlik, P.: The state of aquatic pollution on Chongwe-Ngwerere river system. Lusaka, National Council for Scientific Research. NCSR/TR/54, WRRU/26. 31 p. (R)
286.1987Nyman, L.: Bio-environmental aspects. In: Socio-cultural, socio-economic, bio-environmental and bio-technical aspects of aquaculture in rural development: Report prepared for the ALCOM. Rome, FAO/ALCOM. p. 27– 41. (A,F)
287.1988Stager, J.C.: Environmental changes at Lake Chishi, Zambia, since 40.000 years B P. Quarternary Research, 29(1): 54–65


288.1930Thomson, M.J.: Report on the native fishing industry. Northern Rhodesia, Livingstone. 7 p. (D)
289.1932Hughes, J.E.: Eighteen years (1902–19) on Lake Bangweulu. London, Field press.
290.1939Ricardo, C.K.B.: Report on the fish and fisheries of Lake Rukwa in Tanganyika territory and the Bangweulu regions in Northern Rhodesia. London, Crown Agents. 78 p.
291.1947Ricardo, C.K.B.: Report on the fisheries of Lake Rukwa in Lake Tanganyika and the Lake Bangweulu region in Northern Rhodesia. Lusaka. 150 p. (N)
292.1950Crawford, F.: Bangweulu and Kafue intensive rural development zones. Member for agriculture and natural resources. 3rd Jan. 1950. D 2118. (N)
293.1952Debenham, F.: Study of an African swamp: Report to the Cambridge University Expedition to the Bangweulu swamps, Northern Rhodesia 1949. London, Published for the Government of Northern Rhodesia by Her Majesty's stationery office. 88 p. (D)
294.1953Dept. of Game and Tsetse Control: Fisheries of the Lovale plain, Upper Zambezi. Chilanga. 9 p.
295.1955Brelsford, V.V.: The problem of Mweru Wantipa. Dept. of Fisheries report.
296.1957Government of Northern Rhodesia: Report on the investigation and selection of fishing pitches for clearing on the northern banks of the Kariba Lake Basin. Lusaka. 26 p. (N)
297.1958J.F.R.O.: Lake Bangweulu and the Bangweulu swamp fishery. In: Annual report 8: 2. J.F.R.O. (D)
298.1958Mortimer, M.A.E.: The fisheries of conservation dams in Northern Rhodesia: Report No. 1, Chilanga Dams 1952– 1957. In: Annual Report 8: 42–55. J.F.R.O. (D)
299.1958Williams, N.V.: The Kafue fishery. Extract from the Annual report of the fisheries office (south)
300.1959Bowmaker, A.P.: The Bangweulu fisheries. In: FAO: Report on the FAO/UNDP training centre on fishery surveys for the countries of the African region at Tanga, Tanganyika, 9 Nov–18 Dec. 1959. Rome. 1960. 3 Vol. Report No. 1299: 163–173. (U)
301.1959Dalton, C.: A report on the fishing industry in Mazabuka District. Dept. of Wildlife, Fisheries and National Parks.
302.1959Harding, D., Soulsby, J.J.: Fisheries in the Luapula Province of Northern Rhodesia. In: Proc. 1st Southern Rhodesia Fisheries Day. Salisbury, Gov. Print. p. 10–24.
303.1959Soulsby, J.J.: The status of Lake Mweru fishery. Rhod. Agric. J. 56: 248–264. (U)
304.1960Harding, D., Soulsby, J.J.: Fishing in the Northern Province of Northern Rhodesia. In: Proc. 1st S. Rhod. Fisheries Day. Salisbury.
305.1960Soulsby, J.J.: The Mweru-Wantipa fishing record. Rhod. Agric. J. 57(4): 331–337. Bull. No. 2039. (D,U)
306.1960Soulsby, J.J.: Notes on fishery development in Lake Tanganyika waters of Northern Rhodesia. In: FAO Report on the FAO/UNDP training centre on fishery surveys for the countries of the African region at Tanga, Tanganyika, 9 Nov–18 Dec 1959. Rome. 3 Vol. Report No. 1299. p. 158– 162. (F,U)
307.1960Soulsby, J.J.: On the training center on fishery surveys for the countries of the African region at Tanga, Tanganyika, Vol. 2: Essays on the status of fishery development in selected countries and territories of Africa: Notes on the fishery development in Lake Tanganyika waters in Northern Rhodesia. Rep. FAO/EPTA (1229): 158–162.
308.1960Williams, R.: A review of the Kafue river fishery. Rhod. Agric. J. 57(1): 86–92.
309.1961Dept. of Game and Fisheries: Fecundity of some Bangweulu Fishes. In: Annual report 11: 20. J.F.R.O.
310.1961Dept. of Game and Fisheries: Predation by the need cormorant (Aves, Phalacrocorax africanus) on Lake Mweru and Bangweulu. In: Annual report 11: 14. J.F.R.O.
311.1963Collart, A.: Report to the Government for Lake Tanganyika (Northern Rhodesia). Based on the work of A. Collart. Rome, FAO. Rep. FAO/EPTA 1716. 20 p.
312.1964Beatty, D.M.F.: The fisheries of Northern Rhodesia. Certain special articles. Min. Agric. p. 33–36.
313.1964FAO: Kafue basin multi-purpose survey draft report, Vol. VI, Technical annex: The wildlife and fisheries resources of the Kafue river basin. 24 p. (D)
314.1964Mortimer, M.A.E.: A report on the conservation dam fisheries of Northern Rhodesia 1951–1961. In: Annual report 11: 73–121. J.F.R.O.
315.1965Bowmaker, A.P., Coulter, G.W.: The fisheries of Zambia: Lake Tanganyika. In: Mortimer, M.A.E. (ed.): Natural Resources Handbook: The fish and fisheries of Zambia. Ndola, Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources. p. 49– 52. (D,F,N)
316.1965FAO: Kafue basin Multi-purpose survey. (D)
317.1965Mortimer, M.A.E.: Lake Kariba: Fisheries research and commercial fisheries development. In: LKFRI, research symposium (1965). p. 69–72.
318.1965Mortimer, M.A.E.: Natural Resources Handbook: The fish and fisheries of Zambia. Ndola, Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources. 98 p. (D,F,N)
319.1965Pike, E.G.R., Carey, T.G.: The Kafue floodplain. In: Mortimer, M.A.E. (ed.): Natural Resources Handbook: The fish and fisheries of Zambia. Ndola, Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources. p. 76–84. (D,F,N)
320.1965Pike, E.G.R., Gay, W.: The fisheries of Zambia: Lake Kariba. In: Mortimer, M.A.E. (ed.): Natural Resources Handbook: The fish and fisheries of Zambia. Ndola, Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources. p. 53–57. (D,F,N)
321.1965Tait, C.C.: The fisheries of Zambia: Bangweulu. In: Mortimer, M.A.E. (ed.): Natural Resources Handbook: The fish and fisheries of Zambia. Ndola, Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources. p. 53–57. (D,F,N)
322.1968FAO: Multipurpose survey of the Kafue river basin, Zambia: Report prepared for the Government of Zambia by the FAO acting as executing agency for the UNDP. Rome, FAO/UNDP. FAO/SF/35/ZAM. VII Vol. (D,F)
323.1968Kelly, D.W.: Report to the Government of Zambia on fishery development in the central Barotse flood plain. Based on the work of D.W. Kelly. Rome, FAO/UNDP. No. TA2554. 83 p. (D,F)
324.1969Duerre, D.C.: Report to the Government of Zambia on fishery development in the central Barotse flood palin, second phase. Based on the work of D.C. Duerre. Rome, FAO/UNDP. No. TA 2638. 80 p. (F,U)
325.1970Weiss, G.F.: Report to the Government of Zambia on fishery development in the central Barotse flood plain. Based on the work of G.F. Weiss. Rome, FAO/UNDP. No. TA 2816. 19 p. (F)
326.1972FAO: Country development brief (in the food and agriculture sector including fisheries and forestry) Zambia. Rome, FAO. DDA/CDB 72/7. 43 p. (F)
327.1973Muncy, R.J.: A survey of the major fisheries of the Rep. of Zambia: A report prepared for the Central Fisheries Research Institute, Chilanga project. Rome, FAO. FI/DP 9/10 ZAM 511/3. 69 p. (D,F)
328.1974Bell-Gross, G.: A fisheries survey of Upper Zambezi river system. Salisbury, National Museums and Monuments of Rhodesia. In: Occ. Pap. 5(5): 279–338. (U)
329.1974Everett, G.V.: A note on fishery development on Kafue floodplain. Afr. J. Trop. Hydrobiol. Fish. 3(1): 107– 109.
330.1974FAO: A brief review of the current status of the inland fisheries of Africa. Afr. J. Trop. Hydrobiol. Fish. Special issue 1: 1–19. (Kafue)
331.1974Kapetsky, J.M.: Kafue river fisheries. Michigan, Univ. of Michigan. (Doctoral Thesis). 194 p. (D)
332.1977FAO: Zambia, Artisanal fishing: A report prepared for the Fisheries Training and Development Project. Rome, FAO. FI/ZAM/73/009/5. 48 p. (D,F)
333.1977Muncy, R.J.: An evaluation of the Zambian Kafue river floodplain fishery. Une evaluation de la pecherie Zambienne se la plaine D'inindation de la Kafue. In: Symposium on river and floodplain fisheries in Africa. CIFA Tech. Pap./Doc. Tech. CPCA 5: 153–164. (A,D,F)
334.1977Towes, D.R.: The Bangweulu fishery, Zambia, Central Africa. Toronto, Univ. of Toronto, Dept., of Zoology. 187 p. (F)
335.1978Evans, S.W.: Lake Bangweulu: A study of the complex and fishery. 156 p. (F)
336.1979Huckabay, J.D.: Trends in Zambian fisheries, in the Tanganyika and Mweru Wantipa/Luapula fisheries. In: Johnson, D.S., Roder, W. (eds.): Geographical Association. Occ. Pap. No. 10.
337.1979Rich promise in fisheries far away from the sea. Fish. News Int. 18(5): 36–37.
338.1980Appelman, M., van der Meerendonk, J.C.M.: The fishing industry on the Kafue flats in Zambia: Problems and possibilities for further development. Nijmegen, Katholieke Univ. 58 p. (U)
339.1981Musambachine, M.C.: Development and growth of the fishing industry in Mweru-Luapula, 1920–1964. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. (Ph.D. Thesis) 58 p. (D)
340.1982Subramaniam, S.P.: A brief report on the Kapenta fishery of Lake Kariba in 1981. Chilanga, Department of Fisheries, Fisheries Research Division. 5 p. (D)
341.1982Subramaniam, S.P.: The status and future of the fishery of introduced Limnothrissa miodon (Kapenta) in Lake Kariba. Chilanga, Dept. of Fisheries, Fisheries Research Division. 15 p. (D)
432.1983Richardson, D.R.T.: The fishery of Lake Mweru-Wa-Ntipa. BSc., Dip. Fish. Management. 192 p. (F)
343.1984Handlos, W.L., Williams, G.J. (eds.): Development on the Kafue flats the last five years. Publ. by the Kafue Basin Research Committee of the Univ. of Zambia. 68 p. (F)
344.1984Hayward, P.B.: Intensification in the Kafue floodplain fishery of Zambia. Univ. of Zambia, Institute for African Studies. 35 p. (F)
345.1984Hayward, P.B.: Status report on the Kafue fishery: Developments on the Kafue flats the last five years. K.B.R.C. 15 p.
346.1985Scullion, J.: Development of the artisanal fishery based on the exploitation of Poecilithrissa moerunses (Clupeidae) on Lake Mweru, Zambia. (Preliminary draft) Chilanga, Dept. of Fisheries.
347.1985Scullion, N.: Sardines from a central African Lake: Nikki Scullion describes how aid from Europe is used to develop fishery on Lake Mweru in Zambia. Fish. News Int. Aug. 1985.
348.1986Hayward, P.B.: Preliminary report: Fishery development in the Western Province in the context of integrated provincial development. Provincial Planning Unit, Western Province.
349.1986Hayward, P.B.: Report of a pilot study: Western Province Fishery Development Project. Provincial Planning Unit, Western Province.
350.1986Norwegian Fisheries Delegation: Zambia, Fisheries development in Northern Province. Chilanga, Dept. of Fisheries. (A)
351.1986Sabwa, T.S. et al.: A survey of the fishing industry at Chaba, Mofu and Mubili in Chilubi District. Comp. by NRDC students. Lusaka, Ministry of Agriculture and Water Development. IRDP/NP. 49. 5 p. (D)
352.1986Takano, M.: The study of offshore fishery in Lake Kariba, Zambia. Sinazeze, Dept. of Fisheries. 70 p. (Unpubl.) (D)
353.1986Univ. of Kuopio: Fisheries development in the province of Luapula, Zambia: Report of a Finnish mission to Luapula Province in August – September 1986. 40 p. (A)
354.1986Zambian-Norwegian Fisheries Delegation: Zambia, Fisheries in Northern Province. Oslo, Norway. 84 p. (A)
355.1987Giudicelli, M. et al.: Baseline survey report on present situation in inland fisheries planning, development and management in east (central, southern) Africa. Rome FAO RAF/87/009/TECT/01. 130 p. (F)
356.1987Hayward, P.B.: Report of consultancy mission, 1987 Western Province Fishery Development Project. Provincial Planning Unit, Western Province.


357.1956Mortimer, M.A.E.: Three years fish catch from a conservation dam in Northern Rhodesia. In: Proc. 1st S. Rhod. Fisheries Day. p. 32–43.
358.1965Mortimer, M.A.E.: Fish production from a stream in Northern Rhodesia. In: Proc. and Sci. Congr. p. 405–414.
359.1970C.F.R.I.: Fish production in the Kafue flats and a new reservoir in Zambia. A draft report. Univ. of Michigan.
360.1971Balon, E.K.: First catches of Lake Tanganyika clupeods (Kapenta - Limnothrissa miodon) in Lake Kariba. Fish. Res. Bull. Zambia 5: 175–186. (D,F,R,U)
361.1974Everett, G.V.: An analysis of the 1970 commercial fish catch in three areas of the Kafue floodplain. Afr. J. Trop. Hydrobiol. Fish. 3(2): 147–159.
362.1983Hayward, P.B.: Production in Zambian fisheries. Lusaka, Univ. of Zambia, Inst. for African Studies. 192 p. (F)


363.1965Allen, R.M.: A preliminary report of departmental nettings in Lake Kariba - 1963. Fish. Res. Bull. Zambia 2: 116– 142. (D,U)
364.1965Mortimer, M.A.E.: Fishing gear methods and craft. In: Mortimer, M.A.E. (ed.): Natural Resources Handbook: The fish and fisheries of Zambia. Ndola, Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources. p. 33–34. (D,F,N)
365.1968C.F.R.I.: Zambia, Fishing gear and methods technology. Chilanga, UNDP/FAO/GRZ/ZAM 68/511. 39 p.
366.1968Spencer, A.: Fishing gear and effort survey on the Chambeshi river. Fish. Res. Bull. Zambia 4: 91–93. (D,N,U)
367.1969Znamenski, Y., Milambo, S., Chiyaze, M.: Quarterly report, October – December 1969. Fishing gear section. 39 p. (D)
368.1970Coulter, G.W.: Gill net selection of Lates mariae stdr. (Nile perch) in Lake Tanganyika: Separatum. Vestnik. Cesk. Spol. Zool. (Acta soc. zaal. Bohemoslov.) Tom. 34 - No. 2/1970: 81–89. (D)
369.1971Bell-Gross, G.: Weir fishing on the central Barotse flood-plain in Zambia. Fish. Res. Bull. Zambia 5: 331–340. (D,F,R,U)
370.1971Coulter, G.W., Znamenski, Y.A.: The chiromila net. A method for catching light-attracted fish in Lake Tanganyika. Fish. Res. Bull. Zambia 5: 215–224. (D,F,R,U)
371.1971Pyart, A.: Notes on experimental longline in Lake Tanganyika. Fish. Res. Bull. Zambia 5: 397–403. (D,F,R,U)
372.1972Kendall, R.L.: The benthic gill net fishery of Lake Tanganyika, Zambia 1960–1972: A report. Dept. of Fisheries. (D)
373.1973Hill, K.H.: Fishing gear and methods technology: Final report prepared for the Government of the Rep. of Zambia by the FAO acting as executing agency for the UNDP. Based on the work of H.K. Hill. Chilanga, C.F.R.I. UNDP/FAO/GRZ/ZAM/68/511. 39 p. (D,F)
374.1974Kendall, R.L.: Lake Tanganyika gill net trials. Chilanga. 17 p.
375.1974Mambwe, W.E.: General study of the Zambezi flood plain fishery and possible proposals for mechanisation of indigenous craft by outboard motors. Project towards the award of a diploma in Fishery Management. Grimsby, England, Grimsby Coll. of Tech. 18 p. (D)
376.1975Mwelaisha. L.M.: Fishing methods in Zambia. FAO/SIDA seminar on the planning and implementation of fish utilization programmes in Africa. Lusaka, Zambia 5–23 May 1975. FII/TFUA/75/C7. 5 p. (D)
377.1977Schreder, J.L.: Design and construction of a 7.20m (24ft.). Dugout canoe. FAO Norway/construction of prototype fishing boats project. TF/ZAM/9 (NOR). W.P.I.
378.1979Schreder, J.L.: Report on the construction of prototype fishing boats. Rome, FAO. FI/TF/ZAM/9 (NOR). 66 p.
379.1980Dudley, R.G., Scully, R.J.: Changes in experimental gill net catches from the Kafue Gorge Dam. J. Fish. Biol. 16: 521–537.
380.1981Kaongolo, E.K.: Fishing gear developments for Zambia: A project submitted by E.K. Kaongolo of Zambia in part of fulfilment of the requirement for the award of a diploma in Fishing Gear Technology. Project tutor: C. Radcliffe. Grimsby, England, Grimsby Coll. of Tech. 127 p (D)
381.1981Phiri, M.S.: A study of static fishing gear and gill netting with a view to the development of the fisheries of Zambia: A project submitted by M.S. Phiri of Zambia in part of fulfilment for the award of a diploma in Fishing Gear Technician. Project tutor: C. Radcliffe. Grimsby, England, Grimsby Coll. of Techn. 103 p. (D)
382.1982Hayward, P.B., Mwila, C.: An assessment of technological needs in three rural district of Zambia. Human aspects of Technology in Zambia 1:47–75.


383.1948Dept. of Game and Tsetse Control: Experiments in fish culture and in stocking dams and streams in Northern Rhodesia 1942–1947. Lusaka, Gov. Print. 12 p. (N,U)
384.1951Sklower, A.: Fish farming and freshwater biology, Northern Rhodesia, Experimental station, Chilanga. Sonderdruck aus dem Archiv fur Hydrobiologie. 1951, Bd. XLV: 284–303. (D)
385.1952Hawkins, G.J., Mortimer, M.A.E.: Short notes on fish farming in Northern Rhodesia. Lusaka, Gov. Print.
386.1954Dept. of Game and Tsetse Control: Fish farming in Northern Rhodesia: Progress 1952–1954. Lusaka, Gov. Print. 11 p. (D,N,U)
387.1955Mortimer, M.A.E.: Fish farming facts and figures. Northern Rhodesia. Rhodesian Farmer, 28 Jan. 1955, (D)
388.1955Mortimer, M.A.E.: Fish pond management. Northern Rhodesia. Rhodesian Farmer, 7 Jan. 1955. (D)
389.1962Mortimer, M.A.E.: A Handbook of practical fish culture for Northern Rhodesia. Dept. of Game and Fisheries. 150 p. (D,U)
390.1963Mortimer, M.A.E., Ruth, D.J., Muluwa, L.: Ducks, vegetables and fish: For profit. Rhod. Agric. J. 2191: 3–8. (D)
391.1965C.F.R.I.: Rod and line fishing in small fish ponds. Fish. Res. Bull. Zambia 1: 55–61 (D,R,U)
392.1965Mortimer, M.A.E. (ed.): A Handbook of practical fish culture for Zambia. Chilanga, Dept. of Game and Fisheries. 162 p. (U)
393.1965Mortimer, M.A.E.: A report on fish culture investigations 1952–1964. Fish. Res. Bull. Zambia 2: 169–184. (D,U)
394.1965Ruth, D.J.: Ducks, vegetables and fish. Fish. Res. Bull. Zambia 2: 161–168. (D,U)
395.1965Ruth, D.J.: The fisheries of Zambia: Fish culture. In. Mortimer, M.A.E. (ed.): Natural Resources Handbook: The fish and fisheries of Zambia. Ndola, Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources. p. 85–87. (D,F,N)
396.1965Ruth, D.J., Mortimer, M.A.E.: Transport of live fish in Northern Rhodesia. Prog. Fish. Cult. 27: 121–128.
397.1967Mortimer, M.A.E.: A rational approach to fish culture in rural areas of Zambia. In: FAO Fish. Rep. 44(2): 143– 153. (F)
398.1968Sturm, M.: Experiments at Mwekera fish farm between 1962 and 1966. Fish. Res. Bull. Zambia 4: 73–84. (D,N,U)
399.1977Farrington, T.: Family farms Ltd.: A study in the establishment of settlement schemes, Southern Province, Zambia. Min. Overseas Dev. 108 p.
400.1987Fish Culture Development Project: Mwekera fish farm. ZAM/79/005/FAO 1572.01. 6 p. (A)
401.1982Fruchtnicht, E.A.: Management plan for the period 1981/82 retrospective in the C pond area and office pond area at Chilanga fish farm. Index No. 34026. ZAM/79/005. 13 p. (A)
402.1983Shigeharu-Senoo: Fresh water fish culture in Zambia, Mwekera. Japanese Overseas Cooperation Volunteers. 59 p.
403.1984Holland, L.R.: Family farms Ltd.: Development activities with people engaged in fishing along the Kafue river, development on Kafue river the last five years. K.B.R.C. 9 p.
404.1985Boma, E.D.: Planning for aquaculture development in Zambia: Prepared for the workshop on aquaculture planning for SADCC countries within Africa's rehabilitation programme, Lusaka, Zambia, 9–11 October 1985. Chilanga fish farm, Fish Culture Project 10 p. (A)
405.1985FAO: Report of the Evaluation Mission, Zambia: Fish culture development. Rome, FAO/UNDP. ZAM/79/005. 53 p. (F)
406.1985Gopalakrishnan, V.: Development of commercial fish culture in Zambia: Presented at the SADCC workshop on aquaculture planning, Lusaka, Zambia, 7–11 October 1985. Chilanga, FAO/UNDP Fish Culture Project. 11 p. (A)
407.1985UNDP/FAO/Norway: Thematic evaluation of aquaculture country report - Zambia. 132 p. (A)
408.1985UNDP/FAO/Norway: Thematic evaluation of aquaculture (phase II). Mission report - Zambia. 131 p. (A)
409.1986Cayron-Thomas, E.: Zambia, Establishment of a rural fish culture extension centre: Final report prepared for the Rural Fish Culture Extension Centre Project. Based on the work of E. Cayron-Thomas. Rome, FAO. FI/TCP/ZAM/4519 (A). 16 p. (F)
410.1986Crafter, S., Hayward, P.B., Bwalya, J.P.: Evaluation of family farms Ltd. Lusaka, Kafue River Development Project. AIM Consultancy.
411.1986Francis, P., Rawlins-Branan, M.J.: The extension system and small-scale farmers: A case study from northern Zambia. Agric. Admin. & Extension, 26: 185–196, (1987).
412.1986NORAD: Report of a feasibility study and project proposal prepared by a NORAD Mission visiting Zambia from 28 February to 14 March 1986. Oslo, National Aquaculture Centre. NORAD/ZAM 035.85 p. (A)
413.1987FAO: Better freshwater fish farming in Zambia. Chilanga (D)
414.1987FAO: Report of the first advisory committee meeting. Lusaka, Zambia, 3–5 November 1987. Rome, FAO/ALCOM. GCP/ INT/436/SWE/REP.2. 85 p. (A,F)
416.1987FAO: Socio-cultural, socio-economic, bio-environmental and bio-technical aspects of aquaculture in rural development: Report preapred for the ALCOM. Rome, FAO/ALCOM. FI/GCP/INT/436/SWE.1 51 p. (A,F)
417.1987Gopalakrishnan, V.: Aquaculture development potential in small reservoirs of Zambia. Symposium on the development and management of fisheries in small water bodies. Accra, Ghana, 7–8 Dec. 1987. Rome, FAO. CIFA/87 Symp. 9. 8 p. (A,F)
418.1987Woynarovich, A.: Development for production facilities for carp: Report prepared by the Fish Culture Development. Based on the work of A. Woynarovich. Rome, FAO. GCP/ZAM/ 038/NET. 15 p. (A,F)
419.1988Cayron-Thomas, E.: Zambia, Fishculture Development Project: Final report prepared for the Fishculture Development Project. Based on the work of E. Cayron-Thomas. Rome, FAO. GCP/ZAM/038/NET. 17 p. (A)
420.1988Hayward, P.B.: Fish keeping in Western Province, Zambia: Report to a final consultancy. Pilot phase. Luaska Ploughshare paper No. 2. (A)
421.1988Mheen-Sluijer, J. van der, Mheen, H.W. van der: Field testing of aquaculture in rural development, pilot project, Eastern Province, Zambia: Report prepared for the ALCOM. Lusaka, FAO/ALCOM. FI/GCP/INT/436/SWE.6. 27 p. (A)
422.1988Wijkstrom, U.N., Aase, H.: Fish farmers in rural communities: Evaluation of questionnaires and survey routines used during a pilot survey in the Northern Province of Zambia (October 1987): Report prepared for the ALCOM. Rome, FAO/ALCOM. FI/GCP/INT/436/SWE.4. 81 p. (A,F)
423.1989FAO: Report of the second advisory committee meeting, Harare, Zimbabwe 5–8 October 1988. Rome, FAO/ALCOM. GCP/ INT/436/SWE/REP.3. 21 p. (A,F)
424.1989Goppers, K., Miller, J.: Fish farming for rural development: An evaluation of SIDA/FAO supported aquaculture in Southern Africa. Stockholm, SIDA. Evaluation report 1989/2. 75 p.
425.1989Sen, S.: Formulation of pilot activities on intermittent harvesting: Report prepared for the ALCOM. Lusaka, FAO/ ALCOM. FI/GCP/INT/436/SWE.7. 37 p. (A)


426.1958Mortimer, M.A.E.: Notes on the feeding and breeding habits of two species of Serranochromis in Mwekera Dam. In: Annual report 8: 55–57. J.F.R.O. (D)
427.1975Kavalec, J.: Effect of fertilization and food on the pond production of Tilapia in Zambia. In: Symposium on aquaculture in Africa. Accra, Ghana, 30 Spt. 1975. FI/CIFA/T4, Suppl. 1: 642–658. (D,F)
428.1975Kavalec, J.: Effect of fertilization and food on the production of Tilapia by fish culture in Zambia. CIFA/75. 19 p. (D,F)
429.1983Jauncey, K.: Report on a visit to Zambia 2–17 November 1983. Principal aim of visit: To develop suitable feed formulations for the Zambia Sugar Company Tilapia Culture Project. Nakambala Estates, Mazabuka, Zambia. (A)
430.1986Cayron-Thomas, E.: Development of the Pilot Fish Seed Production and Distribution Centre, Chilanga: A report prepared for the Pilot Fish Seed Production and Distribution Centre Project. Rome, FAO. 18 p. (F)
431.1987Dickson, M.W.: Pilot-scale cultivation of microalgae as an ingredient for fish seeds in Zambia. Aquaculture Fish. Manage. 18(2): 109–120. (D)
432.1988New, M.B.: Demonstration of the manufacture and use of simple compounded feeds for semin-intensive Tilapia culture in Zambia: A report prepared for the Fishculture Development Project. Rome, FAO. FI/GCP/ZAM/038/NET. 26 p. (A,F)


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434.1961–1963Northern Rhodesia Game and Fisheries: Annual reports.
435.1963–1966Game and Fisheries Annual Reports.
436.1965–1966Fisheries Research Annual Reports.
437.1951–1961Joint Fisheries Research Organization: Annual Report. No. 1–11
438.1955–1959Annual report of the Bangweulu fish ranger. Dept. of Fisheries.
439.1945–1958Dept. of Game and Tsetse Control: Annual Report.
440.1959–1968Dept. of Game and Fisheries: Annual Report.
441.1969–1973Dept. of Wildlife, Fisheries and National Parks: Annual Report
442.1974–1986Department of Fisheries: Annual Report.


443.U.d.Fish News. No. 6–7. (R)
444.1965C.F.R.I.: Fisheries Research Bulletin 1962–63. Vol. 1. Chilanga. 61 p. (D,R,U)
445.1965C.F.R.I.: Fisheries Research Bulletin 1963–64. Vol. 2. Chilanga. 218 p. (D,U)
446.1965C.F.R.I.: Fisheries Research Bulletin, No. 3, July 1964–June 1965. Chilanga. 79 p. (D)
447.1968C.F.R.I.: Fisheries Research Bulletin 1965–66. Vol. 4 Chilanga. 119 p. (D,N,U)
448.1971C.F.R.I.: Fisheries Research Bulletin 1967–68. Vol. 5. Chilanga. 403 p. (D,F,R,U)


449.1971Coche, A.G.: Lake Kariba Basin: A multi-disciplinary bibliography, annotated and indexed 1954–1968. Fish. Res. Bull. Zambia 5: 11–87. (D,F,R,U)
450.1978Rufli, H.: Bibliography of fishes and limnology for Lake Tanganyika. Bibliographie sur les peches el la limnologie du la Tanganyika. Rome, FAO. CIFA Occ. Pap. 6. 12 p. (D,F)
451.1982FAO: Bibliography of fisheries and limnology for Lake Tanganyika. Committee for inland fisheries of Africa. Rome, FAO. CIFA Occ. Pap. 6. (Rev. 1). 45 p. (F,U)
452.1983Ita, E.O., Petr, T.: Selected bibliography on major African reservoirs. Bibliogrphie choisie sur les grands reservoirs Africans. Rome, FAO, CIFA Occ. Pap. 10. 53 p. (A,F)
453.1983Turner, B.: A bibliography of the Kafue flats. Publ. by the Kafue Basin Research Committee of the University of Zambia. 88 p. (F)

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