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Annex 2
Questionnaires used (Contd.)

GCP/INT/436/SWE: Survey of Fish Farmers (Draft 5.1 16/9/87) Part 4: Page 1

(From Part 1)Farm Unit No.                                                               

The interviewer will ask the following questions of the respondent and record the answers by ticking the appropriate boxes or writing the response:

4.1What is your main reason for practicing fish culture? (Tick all that apply)

Produce fish mainly to eat by members of economic unit [   ]

Produce fish mainly to trade [   ]

Produce fish both to eat and to trade [   ]

To obtain status [   ]

Other:                                                             [   ]

4.2In which year did you stock your fish ponds for the first time ?                                                                                                     

4.3Have you continuously practiced fish culture ever since you started?Yes [   ]

No [   ]

4.4*If the answer to 4.3 is NO: Why have you not continuously practiced fish culture? (Tick all that apply)

Shortage of water for ponds [   ]

Shortage of fingerling to stock ponds [   ]

Shortage of fertilizer for ponds [   ]

Shortage of feed for ponds [   ]

Fish culture inputs too costly [   ]

Not possible to trade fish at profitable price [   ]

Other:                                                         [   ]

4.5At the time of harvest do you normally get the quantity of fish that you expected to obtain when you stocked the pond with fish?Yes [   ]

No [   ]
4.6If the answer to 4.5 is NO: What is the reason you cannot be confident of the harvest quantity? (Tick all that apply)

Predation by animals [   ]

Poaching by humans [   ]

Unexpected drying or flooding of pond(s) [   ]

Not known [   ]

Other:                                                                   [   ]

For the following question 4.7, check the appropriate response and/or give the WEIGHT IN KG for the combined harvest of all ponds and the CULTURE PERIOD IN NUMBER OF WEEKS.

4.7Since you started practicing fish culture what is the:
 Maximum harvest attained from your ponds(kg/culture period):                                                                                                           
 Normal harvest attained from your ponds(kg/culture period):                                                                                                           
 Minimum harvest attained from your ponds(kg/culture period):                                                                                                           
 Respondent does not know [   ]
 Based on one culture cycle only (fill in Maximum only) [   ]
4.8Do you have exclusive control over the water supply for your pond(s)?Yes [   ]

No [   ]
4.9If the answer to 4.8 is NO: What arrangements have you made to ensure that water is available to your ponds?

Obtained rights through customary law [   ]

Obtained rights from individual or corporate owner [   ]

Obtained rights from government [   ]

Other:                                                                         [   ]

4.10What is the duration of the present agreement ensuring availability of water?                                                                                                           
4.11How do you control the land presently occupied by the ponds?Title deed [   ]

Long-term lease from government [   ]

Customary law [   ]

Leased from individual or company [   ]

Squatting [   ]

Other:                                                             [   ]
4.12If the answer to 4.11 is LEASE, What is the duration of the lease?                                                                                                           

4.13What is the source of the following inputs to your fish ponds: (Tick all that apply)
 Fingerling:Own [   ];Government [   ];Other Aquaculturist[   ];Other (specify)                                               [   ]
 Organic FertilizerOwn [   ];Government [   ];Other Aquaculturist[   ];Other (specify)                                               [   ]
 Feed:Own [   ];Government [   ];Other Aquaculturist[   ];Other (specify)                                               [   ]
 Associated animalsOwn [   ];Government [   ];Other Aquaculturist[   ];Other (specify)                                               [   ]
 Labour for operationsOwn [   ];Government [   ];Household Members[   ];Other (specify)                                               [   ]

4.14*What are your rights to dispose of the fish produced in your fish ponds at the end of the culture period?

All fish at my (economic unit) disposal [   ]

First remove fish traditionally assigned to individuals outside economic unit, then remainder at my (economic unit) disposal [   ]

Other:                                                                                                                                                 [   ]

4.15Do your neighbors and/or others come to your ponds at harvest time to purchase fish for their own use?Yes [   ]

No [   ]
4.16If the answer to 4.15 is NO: Why do your neighbors and/or others not come to your pond?

They do not eat fish [   ]

They are not aware of the harvest [   ]

They cannot pay the price I ask and/or get for the fish [   ]

I do not know the reason [   ]

Other:                                                                 [   ]

4.17Do you ever sell the fish produced to traders who then resell the fish at a later stage?Yes [   ]

No [   ]

4.18If the answer to 4.17 is NO: Why do you not sell your fish to traders?

I do not want to [   ]

I want to but don't know any such traders [   ]

I want to but the traders do not (will not) come to my ponds [   ]

I want to, but I would have to bring the fish to traders and am unable to do so or do not see any advantage in doing so [   ]

I want to but I don't have enough fish remaining after my own use [   ]

Other:                                                                                     [   ]

4.19If the answer to 4.15 and/or 4.17 is YES: How much of the fish produced do you hold back for your own use?

A proportion (specify below) [   ]

>=Half [   ]; Between one half and one quarter [   ]; <Quarter [   ]

A specific quantity (specify:                              ) [   ]

None [   ]

4.20Which of the inputs that you use in your fish ponds and culture system could you sell if you did not use them in the fish ponds?

Land [   ]; Fert. [   ]; Feed [   ]; Labour [   ]; Fingerling [   ]

4.21Which of the inputs that you use in your fish ponds and culture system could you use for growing crops for home consumption?

Land [   ]; Water [   ]; Fert. [   ]; Feed [   ]; Labour [   ]

4.22Which of the inputs that you use in your fish ponds and culture system could you use for growing crops which you could then sell?

Land [   ]; Water [   ]; Fert. [   ]; Feed [   ]; Labour [   ]

4.23Which of the inputs that you use in your fish ponds and culture system have no alternative uses?

Land [   ]; Water [   ]; Fert. [   ]; Feed [   ]; Labour [   ]; Fingerling [   ]

4.24Do you and/or members of your economic unit eat fish?Yes [   ]

No [   ]

4.25If the answer to 4.24 is YES: What proportion of the fish consumed come from your fish ponds?

All fish eaten are cultured fish [   ]

More than half fish eaten are cultured fish [   ]

Between one half and one quarter fish eaten are cultured fish [   ]

Less than one quarter fish eaten are cultured fish [   ]

None of the fish eaten are cultured fish [   ]

4.26If you and other members of your economic unit obtain fish from other sources than your fish ponds, how do you obtain these fish?

Purchase [   ]

Barter [   ]

Fishing [   ]

Gift [   ]

Other:                                                             [   ]

4.27Of all the inputs you and your economic unit OWN and/or PRODUCE, what is the share being used in your fish ponds:
Land:All [   ]; >=Half [   ]; <Half [   ]; <Quarter [   ]; None [   ]
Water:All [   ]; >=Half [   ]; <Half [   ]; <Quarter [   ]; None [   ]
Organic Fertilizer:All [   ]; >=Half [   ]; <Half [   ]; <Quarter [   ]; None [   ]
Feed:All [   ]; >=Half [   ]; <Half [   ]; <Quarter [   ]; None [   ]
Labour:All [   ]; >=Half [   ]; <Half [   ]; <Quarter [   ]; None [   ]

4.28Of all the inputs you and your economic unit PURCHASE, RENT, or HIRE, what is the share being used in your fish ponds:
Land:All [   ]; >=Half [   ]; <Half [   ]; <Quarter [   ]; None [   ]
Water:All [   ]; >=Half [   ]; <Half [   ]; <Quarter [   ]; None [   ]
Organic Fertilizer:All [   ]; >=Half [   ]; <Half [   ]; <Quarter [   ]; None [   ]
Feed:All [   ]; >=Half [   ]; <Half [   ]; <Quarter [   ]; None [   ]
Labour:All [   ]; >=Half [   ]; <Half [   ]; <Quarter [   ]; None [   ]
Fingerling:All [   ]; >=Half [   ]; <Half [   ]; <Quarter [   ]; None [   ]

4.29How many different types of crops and livestock do you normally produce and sell in the course of one calendar year?                         

4.30*What other sources of cash income do you and other members of your economic unit have? (Tick all that apply)Salaries [   ]

Pension(s) [   ]

Rents and/or Leases [   ]

Hunting and/or Fishing [   ]

Sale of handicrafts [   ]

None [   ]

Other:                                                                             [   ]

4.31What share of your economic unit's overall cash income is derived from the sale of fish produced by your fish ponds?

More than half [   ]

Between one half and one quarter [   ]

Less than one quarter but more than one tenth [   ]

One tenth or less [   ]

None [   ]

4.32What types of modifications are you making or will you make to your fish ponds during the present culture period? (Tick all that apply)

None [   ]

Building more ponds [   ]

Reducing use of ponds [   ]

Not using the ponds for fish culture [   ]

Changing the fish culture technology used [   ]

Replacing the fish species being cultured [   ]

Adding fish species (to make polyculture) [   ]

Changing the way I dispose of fish produced [   ]

Changing source of inputs I purchase, rent, or hire [   ]

If any modifications are checked in 4.32, interviewer will ask questions 4.33 and 4.34; otherwise skip to question 4.35.

4.33Do any of these statements correspond to the reason why you are making or are going to make these modifications:
I am building new ponds and do not expect to reduce any other activity, because I expect to be better off overall.[   ]
I am building new ponds and reducing some other activity, because I expect to be better off overall.[   ]
I will stop using some or all of my ponds without changing any of my other activities, because I expect to be better off overall.[   ]
I will stop using some or all of my ponds and expand some other activity, because I expect to be better off overall.[   ]
Other:                                                                                                                                                                                                        [   ]

4.34*What do you expect that these modifications will lead to?

More fish produced in culture period [   ]

Larger difference between “Income” and “costs” per kg fish produced [   ]

Reduced uncertainty [   ]

Other:                                                                                                 [   ]

4.35Have you had or do you feel you have any problems with your fish ponds?Yes [   ]

No [   ]

4.36*Who has given you useful assistance to start up your fish ponds and/or solve any of your problems with them? (Tick all that apply)

Other fish culturists [   ]

Department of Fisheries [   ]

Other government departments/representatives [   ]

Non-governmental organizations [   ]

Nobody [   ]

Others:                                                                                     [   ]

4.37Could you have asked anyone else? (Tick all that apply)Other fish culturists [   ]

Department of Fisheries [   ]

Other government departments/representatives [   ]

Non-governmental organizations [   ]

Nobody [   ]

Others:                                                                                   [   ]

GCP/INT/436/SWE: Survey of Fish Farmers (Draft 5.1 16/9/87) Part 5: Page 1

(From Part 1)Farm Unit No.                                                               

The interviewer will ask the following questions of the respondent and record the answers by ticking the appropriate boxes or writing the response:

5.1From whom or where did you get the initial idea to start up your fish culture unit?

Other fish culturists [   ]

Village elders or other community leaders [   ]

Department of Fisheries [   ]

Other government representatives/staff [   ]

Description in newspaper, book, magazine, or on radio/TV [   ]

Others:                                                                                                 [   ]

5.2At the time you made the decision to start practicing fish culture, what did you expect to gain from your fish ponds? (Tick all that apply)

Fish to eat by members of economic unit [   ]

Fish to trade [   ]

To obtain status [   ]

Other:                                                                 [   ]

5.3Did you consider the practice of fish culture more risky than that of your major agricultural crop?Yes [   ]

No [   ]

5.4At the time you took the decision to start practicing fish culture, did you do so on behalf of:

Yourself only [   ]

Your household (No. members =                ) [   ]

An informal group (No. members =                ) [   ]

A formal group (coorperative or corporation) [   ]

A school (No. students =                ) [   ]

Other:                                                                                                 [   ]

5.5By what means did you build or acquire your fish ponds?

Government built it for me [   ]

I built it myself [   ]

I built it together with members of my economic unit [   ]

I built it together with contracted labour [   ]

Contracted (at my expense) somebody to build it for me [   ]

Purchased it already made [   ]

Leased (Period =                            ) [   ]

Inherited [   ]

Received as gift [   ]

Other:                                                                                                              [   ]

5.6How many ponds had you constructed by the time you had your first major harvest?
Earthen ponds (No. =            ; Total area sqm =             ) [   ]
Other:                                                                                                             [   ]

5.7Where did you get the resources used to build these ponds? (Tick all that apply)

Own resources only (savings, current income, labour) [   ]

Own resources supplemented from other sources [   ]

If the answer to questin 5.7 is “Own resources only”, go to question 5.15.

5.8*If you supplemented your own resources to build your initial fish ponds, where did these supplemental resources come from? (Tick all that apply)

Borrowed resources from friends [   ]

Borrowed resources from local money-lenders [   ]

Borrowed resources from credit institutions [   ]

Borrowed resources from (specify):                                                             [   ]

Gifts from friends [   ]

Gifts from government [   ]

Gifts from non-governmental organizations [   ]

Gifts from (specify):                                                                                                                         [   ]

If in 5.8 the respondent indicates he “borrowed resources”, continue with question 5.9; otherwise go to question 5.15.

5.9What form did the borrowed resources have?

Cash in advance of expenditure [   ]

Payment of certified invoices [   ]

In-kind resources (equipment, inputs) [   ]

Labour [   ]

Other:                                                                                                     [   ]

If the borrowed resources indicated in question 5.9 were “in-kind”, skip to question 5.14.

5.10If the loan had the form of a certain amount of Kwachas, what was that amount?                                                                                       
5.11If the loan took the form of contributed labour, how many man-days were contributed?                                                                               
5.12Did you use all of the loan for the fish ponds?Yes [   ]

No [   ]
5.13What proportion of the total value of your initial fish ponds did this loan represent?

More than half the value of the fish ponds [   ]

Between one half and one quarter of the value of the fish ponds [   ]

Less than one quarter of the value of the fish ponds [   ]

5.14What was the nature of the repayment of this credit?Cash [   ]

Fish [   ]

Return of borrowed equipment [   ]

In-kind resources (other than fish) [   ]

Labour [   ]

Other:                                                                             [   ]
5.15When you were making your decision to build fish ponds, were you aware of any person outside your economic unit who might have disapproved of this decision?Yes [   ]

No [   ]

If the answer to 5.15 is YES, ask questions 5.16 and 5.17; otherwise go to question 5.18.

5.16*For what reason might this person or persons have disapproved of your decision to raise fish in ponds? (Tick all that apply)

Reduced this person's possibility to trade or sell fish [   ]

Reduced this person's possibility to obtain inputs for his activities [   ]

This person considered fish culture below the status of my community [   ]

Would increase my status relative to this person [   ]

Would detract from status of neighbors [   ]

Other:                                                                                                     [   ]

5.17Did you consider this disapproval important?Yes [   ]

No [   ]

5.18Did you feel you needed someone's outright blessing or approval before you could start up fish culture?

Yes (Who?                                         ) [   ]

No [   ]

5.19Did you need any approvals from government to construct your fish ponds?Yes [   ]

No [   ]
5.20If so, which part of government? (Tick all that apply)Department of Fisheries [   ]

Local government administration [   ]

UNIP [   ]

Other government department (specify):                                                         [   ]
5.21When you were making your decision to start raising fish in ponds, did you feel you had the knowledge needed?Yes [   ]

No [   ]

5.22*If the answer to 5.21 is YES: How had you obtained this knowledge? (Tick all that apply)

By having worked on a similar unit owned by an individual/group [   ]

By having worked on a similar unit on a government fish farm [   ]

By having participated in a fish culture training course [   ]

By having observed a private fish culturist [   ]

By having read appropriate documents [   ]

By having visited, observed and/or discussed at a government fish farm [   ]

Other:                                                                                                     [   ]

5.23*If the answer to 5.21 is NO: How did you intend to make certain that your unit would be properly managed? (Tick all that apply)

Employing skilled individual(s) to run the unit [   ]

Managing the unit personally (with or without employment of skilled assistants) and obtaining the necessary knowledge by:

Working and/or observing another private fish culturist [   ]

Working on a government fish farm [   ]

Participating in a fish culture training course [   ]

Reading appropriate documents [   ]

Visiting and observing government fish farms [   ]

Asking Department of Fisheries staff to visit my home/site [   ]

Other:                                                                                 [   ]

If the respondent did not intend to attend a training course, skip to question 5.26.

5.24If you intended to attend a fish culture training course, did you do so?Yes [   ]

No [   ]

5.25If you did not attend a fish culture training course, why not?

Planned course was cancelled [   ]

I was not accepted [   ]

I chose not to participate [   ]

Other:                                                                                                 [   ]

5.26During construction of the ponds and prior to the first major harvest, did you ask the Department of Fisheries for technical advice?Yes [   ]

No [   ]

5.27During construction of the ponds and prior to the first major harvest, could you have asked anyone else for assistance to solve problems or to advise you? (Tick all that apply)

Other fish culturists [   ]

Other government departments/representatives [   ]

Non-governmental organizations [   ]

Nobody [   ]

Others:                                                                                 [   ]

5.28What was the intended source of water for your fish ponds?

Spring [   ]

Seepage from water table [   ]

Existing supply canal from river or stream [   ]

Existing supply canal from reservoir [   ]

Other:                                                                                 [   ]

5.29At the time you first considered building your fish ponds, did you have exclusive control over the proposed water supply for the ponds?Yes [   ]

No [   ]

5.30If the answer to 5.29 is NO: from whom did you obtain rights to the water needed for the ponds?

Obtained rights through customary law [   ]

Obtained rights from individual or corporate owner [   ]

Obtained rights from government [   ]

Other:                                                                                 [   ]

5.31What was the duration of the agreement ensuring availability of water?                                                                                                     

5.32At the time you first considered building fish ponds, did you have control over the land where you thought you might build the ponds?Yes [   ]

No [   ]

5.33If not, how did you obtain the rights to the land where you built the ponds?

Title deed [   ]

Long-term lease from government [   ]

Customary law [   ]

Leased from individual or company [   ]

Squatting [   ]

Other:                                                                                 [   ]

5.34If the answer to 5.33 is LEASE, What was the duration of the lease?                                                                                                           

5.35From where did you intend to get the following inputs to your fish ponds: (Tick all that apply)
Fingerling:Own [   ]; Government [   ]; Other Aquaculturist [   ]; Other (specify)                   [   ]
Organic FertilizerOwn [   ]; Government [   ]; Other Aquaculturist [   ];Other (specify)                   [   ]
Feed:Own [   ]; Government [   ]; Other Aquaculturist [   ];Other (specify)                   [   ]
Associated animalsOwn [   ]; Government [   ]; Other Aquaculturist [   ];Other (specify)                   [   ]
Labour for constructionOwn [   ]; Government [   ]; Household Members [   ];Other (specify)                   [   ]
Labour for operationsOwn [   ]; Government [   ]; Household Members [   ];Other (specify)                   [   ]
Labour for harvestingOwn [   ]; Government [   ]; Household Members [   ];Other (specify)                   [   ]

5.36Which of the inputs you intended to use at that time in your fish ponds and culture system could you have sold if you did not use them in the fish ponds?

Land [   ]; Fert. [   ]; Feed [   ]; Labour [   ]; Fingerling [   ]

5.37Which of the inputs you intended to use at that time in your fish ponds and culture system could you have used for growing crops for home consumption?

Land [   ]; Water [   ]; Fert. [   ]; Feed [   ]; Labour [   ]

5.38Which of the inputs you intended to use at that time in your fish ponds and culture system could you have used for growing crops which you could have then sold?

Land [   ]; Water [   ]; Fert. [   ]; Feed [   ]; Labour [   ]

5.39Which of the inputs you intended to use at that time in your fish ponds and culture system had no alternative uses?

Land [   ]; Water [   ]; Fert. [   ]; Feed [   ]; Labour [   ]; Fingerling [   ]

5.40*How did you intend to supply the labour needed to attend to the fish ponds? (Tick all that apply)

Assigning members of economic unit (including myself) [   ]

Using labour I already employed from outside the economic unit [   ]

Employing labour from outside the economic unit [   ]

5.41*If you intended to use members of your economic unit or labour you already employed, would their work on the fish ponds have

Added to their existing overall workload [   ]

Decreased time spent working on other activities [   ]

Decreased their leisure time [   ]

Other:                                                                   [   ]

5.42Did you and/or members of your economic unit eat fish at the time you were making your decision to culture fish, and if so did you consume the species intended to be cultured?

Ate fish including the species to be cultured [   ]

Ate fish but not the species to be cultured [   ]

Did not eat fish [   ]

5.43If you consumed the fish species to be cultured, what proportion of all the fish you and members of your economic unit consumed was this species?

All fish eaten were the cultured species [   ]

More than half fish eaten were the cultured species [   ]

Between one half and one quarter fish eaten were the cultured species [   ]

Less than one quarter fish eaten were the cultured species [   ]

5.44*If you consume fish, how was it obtained?Purchase [   ]

Barter [   ]

Fishing [   ]

Gift [   ]

Other:                                                                                 [   ]

5.45Of all the inputs you and your economic unit OWNED and/or PRODUCED, what was the share intended for use in your fish culture unit:
Land:All [   ]; >=Half [   ]; <Half [   ]; <Quarter [   ]; None [   ]
Water:All [   ]; >=Half [   ]; <Half [   ]; <Quarter [   ]; None [   ]
Organic Fertilizer:All [   ]; >=Half [   ]; <Half [   ]; <Quarter [   ]; None [   ]
Feed:All [   ]; >=Half [   ]; <Half [   ]; <Quarter [   ]; None [   ]
Labour:All [   ]; >=Half [   ]; <Half [   ]; <Quarter [   ]; None [   ]

5.46Of all the inputs you and your economic unit PURCHASED, RENTED, or HIRED, what was the share intended for use in your fish culture unit:
Land:All [   ]; >=Half [   ]; <Half [   ]; <Quarter [   ]; None [   ]
Water:All [   ]; >=Half [   ]; <Half [   ]; <Quarter [   ]; None [   ]
Organic Fertilizer:All [   ]; >=Half [   ]; <Half [   ]; <Quarter [   ]; None [   ]
Feed:All [   ]; >=Half [   ]; <Half [   ]; <Quarter [   ]; None [   ]
Labour:All [   ]; >=Half [   ]; <Half [   ]; <Quarter [   ]; None [   ]
Fingerling:All [   ]; >=Half [   ]; <Half [   ]; <Quarter [   ]; None [   ]

5.47At that time, how many different types of crops and livestock did you normally produce and sell in the course of one calendar ear?                                                                                                     
5.48*What other sources of cash income did you and your economic unit have at the time you decided to culture fish?

Salaries [   ]

Pension(s) [   ]

Rents and/or Leases [   ]

Hunting and/or Fishing [   ]

Sale of handicrafts [   ]

None [   ]

Other:                                                                                         [   ]

GCP/INT/436/SWE: Survey of Fish Farmers (Draft 5.1 16/9/87) Part 6: Page 1

(From Part 1)Farm Unit No.                                                               

The interviewer will ask the following questions of the respondent and record the answers by ticking the appropriate boxes or writing the response:

6.1When did you stock you ponds for the first time?                                                                                                                                           
6.2When did you last harvest a pond in your fish culture unit?                                                                                                                           
6.3How many times did you undertake major harvests in your ponds between the time you first started fish culture and the time you abandoned it?                                                                                                                                                                                                  

For the following question 6.4, check the appropriate response and/or give the WEIGHT IN KG for the combined harvest of all ponds and the CULTURE PERIOD IN NUMBER OF WEEKS.

6.4During the period you practiced fish culture what was the:
Maximum harvest attained from your ponds (kg/culture period):                                                                                                                 
Normal harvest attained from your ponds (kg/culture period):                                                                                                                 
Minimum harvest attained from your ponds (kg/culture period):                                                                                                                 
Respondent does not know [   ]
Based on one culture cycle only (fill in Maximum only) [   ]

6.5How did you dispose of the fish produced by your culture unit?

Mainly consumed by members of economic unit [   ]

Mainly sold or traded [   ]

Part consumed by economic unit and part traded [   ]

No fish produced [   ]

Other:                                                                       [   ]

6.6If any of the fish produced were traded, what did you receive for them?

Cash [   ]

Goods [   ]

Services [   ]

Other:                                                                       [   ]

6.7For what reason(s) did you stop practicing fish culture?

Inputs not available [   ]

The ponds did not produce as much fish as expected [   ]

The ponds produced as much fish as expected but at higher than expected cost [   ]

The ponds produced as much fish as expected but with lower than expected revenue [   ]

I had better alternative uses for inputs used in fish culture (specify) [   ]

Land [   ]; Water [   ]; Labour [   ]; Fertilizer [   ]; Feed [   ]

6.8If in question 6.7 the respondent answered that inputs were not available, which ones were they?Land [   ]

Water [   ]

Fingerling [   ]

Labour [   ]

Organic fertilizer [   ]

Feed [   ]
6.9Did you try to obtain assistance to solve your problems and avoid abandoning your fish culture practice?Yes [   ]

No [   ]

6.10If the answer to 6.9 is YES: Who did you ask to assist you?

Other fish culturists [   ]

Department of Fisheries [   ]

Other government departments/representatives [   ]

Non-governmental organizations [   ]

Nobody [   ]

Others:                                                                                                     [   ]

6.11If the answer to 6.9 is YES: Who did you ask to assist you?

Credit [   ]

Borrow equipment [   ]

Supply of operating inputs [   ]

Labour [   ]

Diagnosis of problem [   ]

Demonstration of solution [   ]

Marketing information [   ]

Other:                                                                                                     [   ]

6.12From whom did you in fact receive assistance?  (Tick all that apply)

Other fish culturists [   ]

Department of Fisheries [   ]

Other government departments/representatives [   ]

Non-governmental organizations [   ]

Nobody [   ]

Others:                                                                                                                         [   ]

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