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4. References

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GRN. 1992. Oshanas: sustaining people, environment and development in Central Owambo, Namibia. 56 p.

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Remedios, L. and R. Regadera. 1991. Preliminary report to the Government of Namibia about the possibilities for the development of aquaculture. National Enterprise of Aquaculture, Cuba. 36p.

Sandlund, O.T. and I. Tvedten. 1992. Pre-feasibility study on Namibian freshwater fish management. NORAD. 46 p. + 2 ap.

Schrader, H.J. and J.T. Ferreira. 1991. Growth of the Mozambique tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus on natural food in floating cages, Hardap Dam, Namibia. Madoqua 17(2):217–220.

Schrader, H.J. 1992. Die visbevolkingsdinamika in vier staatsopgaardamme in Namibie met verwysing na watervoelpredasie, kommersiele ontginning en hengeltoestande. PhD Dissertation, Rand Africaans University, Johannesborg. p. iii-iv, 200.

Tapscott, C. and Hubbard D. 1991. Country Gender Analysis Namibia. Prepared for the Swedish International Development Authority.

UNICEF Namibia and Namibian Institute of Social and Economic Research (NISER), University of Namibia. 1991. A situation analysis of children and women. Windhoek. 158p.

van der Waal, B.C.W. 1980. Aspects of the fisheries of Lake Liambezi, Caprivi. J. Limnol. Soc. sth. Afr., 6(1):19–31.

van der Waal, B.C.W. 1983. The fishery and its development in Caprivi, South West Africa. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the Limological Society of Southern Africa. 8 p.

van der Waal, B.C.W. 1988. Fisheries potential and development in Kavongo and Owambo. In: Besprekingforum: 'n ontwikkelingstrategie vir varswatervis in S.W.A, 2–3 February 1988, Freshwater Fish Institute, Hardap. Dept of Agriculture and Nature Conservation. p. 151–156.
(also in: Walmsley, R.D. and M.L. Botten, eds. Aquaculture '88: Proceedings of a symposium. Occ. Rep. CSIR, 37:84–88)

van der Waal, B.C.W. 1990. Aspects of the fishery of Eastern Caprivi, Namibia. Madoqua, 17(1):1–16.

van der Waal, B.C.W. 1991a. A survey of the fisheries in Kavango, Namibia. Madoqua, 17(2):113–122.

van der Waal, B.C.W. 1991b. Fish life of the oshana delta in Owambo, Namibia, and the translocation of Cunene species. Madoqua, 17(2):201–209.

van Zyl, B.J. 1992. 'n Visekologiese ondersoek van die Okavango-en Kuneneriviere met spesiale verwysing na visontginning. PhD Dissertation, Rand Africaans University, Johannesburg. 380 p.

Wilton, S. 1990. A review of aquaculture in Namibia and the opportunities for Oxfam. Oxfam (UK & I), Windhoek. 28 p. + 8 ap.

Yaron, G., G. Janssen, U. Maamberua. 1992. Rural Development in the Okavango Region of Namibia: An Assessment of Needs, Opportunities and Constraints. Gamsberg Macmillan, Windhoek. 245 p.

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