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3. Recommendations

3.1 Strategy for aquaculture and small reservoir fisheries development

Within the broad context of Namibia's social and economic objectives, the immediate aim of any strategy for aquaculture and small reservoir fisheries development should be to increase the availability of freshwater fish for consumption or sale. In the short-medium term, a cautious approach is needed. Namibia should determine the nature of demand and the need for fish where technically and economically feasible, and implement focussed interventions to develop aquaculture and small reservoir fisheries potential which can meet this demand. Elements of the strategy should balance development of aquaculture and small reservoir fisheries resources against the potential contribution of Namibia's large marine resource, as follows:

3.2 Special issues

3.3 Project ideas

These projects would contribute to strategy implementation. They are presented in order of priority.

3.3.1 Economic study of fish supply and demand inland, and socio-economic benefits of inland aquaculture

Objective:Socio-economic basis for strategy to increase fish availabiliity inland, especially in the north.
Outputs: Report on feasibility of aquaculture
Activities:Surveys and interviews with suppliers and consumers.
Inputs:Socio-economist, aquaculturist, enumerators, transport.
Time frame:2 months field work, monitoring of supply/demand over one year.

Parts of this project could be covered by the FAO/UNDP TSS-1 proposal on strategies for increasing the contribution of fish to food security and nutrition.

3.3.2 Technical assistance to Oxfam CANAMCO aquaculture activities, Okavango

Objective:Fish farming established as part of vegetable gardening system in Okavango.
Outputs: Aquaculture and finglering production packages, trained community mobilizers, active fish farmers, fish.
Activities:-Advise on aquaculture system and fingerling production
  - Train community promotors
Inputs:Aquaculturist, local training
Timeframe:3 man-months over one year.

A good example of aquaculture integrated with agriculture and NGO activities. A field visit would be necessary to formulate the project in detail. If possible, TCP funding should be sought.

3.3.3 Integration of aquaculture into agriculture and rural development extension services, Owambo

Objective:Existing extension services promoting aquaculture.
Outputs: Aquaculture packages, trained specialist and extension workers, active fish farmers, fish.
Activities:-Prepare technical aquaculture packages relevant to Owambo
  -Train extension workers
  -Technical backstopping, on-the-job training, study tour for MFMR specialist
Inputs:MFMR Aquaculturist, outside Aquaculturist adviser (part-time), training costs
Timeframe:Part-time over several years.

The project has two preconditions:

There are several technical issues to consider in the oshanas, which could form the basis for separate investigations or projects:

3.3.4 Promotion of fishing in selected state dams

Objective:Fishing in state dams.
Outputs: Subsistence and commercial fishing, fish.
Activities:-Allow access by subsistence fishers
  -Publicize subsistence fishing opportunities
  -Evaluate backlog of small reservoir sampling data
  -Establish economic and sustainable yield basis for issuing commercial licences
  -Monitor results from licenced commercial fishing
Inputs:MFMR Fisheries Biologist

3.3.5 Other project ideas

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