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Annex VII
Project Proposal 1

TITLE:Assistance to Planning of Aquaculture Development Strategies
DURATION:12 months


The National Seminar on Fisheries Policy and Planning, held May 1988 in Dar-es-Salaam, has set out strategies and action programmes for the five year fisheries development plan (1988–1992). The seminar reviewed constraints to medium/short term expansion of nationwide aquaculture development and recognized the development potential in low-technology fish farming such as pond culture of Tilapia species. In view of the limited resources available at the Department of Fisheries and the costs of extension services, it was concluded that aquaculture development should concentrate on improving existing pond management practices in those areas where geophysical conditions are suitable for fish farming and where other sources of animal protein are scarce and fish supplies insufficient.

The state of aquaculture, however, is little known. The estimated number of fish ponds ranges from 5000 to 10000. Average size of ponds, standard fish farming practices and productivity are unknown. Moreover, economic performance, fish farmers' household economies and social aspects, particularly gender-related issues of fish farming, have not been investigated to enable practical development strategies to be proposed.

A pilot socio-economic study of aquaculture in Ruvuma region was carried out during August and September 1992. The survey revealed basic information concerning current practices of fish farming in the region. It is proposed to implement similar surveys in other priority regions so as to generate basic information essential for planning aquaculture development strategies at a national level.

Development Objective

To strengthen the Government's capabilities to develop/improve aquaculture so as to ameliorate the living standards of rural populations.

Immediate objectives

  1. Basic information on the status of fish farming/aquaculture is provided in terms of physical conditions of fish ponds, technical aspects of pond management practices, productivity, social characteristics of fish farming/aquaculture households and communities and economic performance of fish farming units. Gender issues are taken into consideration as an integral part of all these aspects.

  2. Aquaculture development strategies are set out and cost-effective aquaculture extension activities and monitoring schemes developed and/or improved.

Outputs and activities

Output 1

Socio-economic surveys conducted in four priority regions and report prepared.

Activity 1.1

Identify priority districts and prepare list of Fish Farming Units in each district

Activity 1.2

Preparatory appraisal mission to each district in order to:

  1. test and modify questionnaires

  2. plan organization of survey

  3. select survey areas

The preparatory appraisal mission will be conducted by a multi-disciplinary mission composed of an aquaculturist, socio-economist and agriculture extension specialist.

Activity 1.3

Prepare data processing and tabulation procedures in consultation with Agriculture Statistics and Fisheries Statistics Divisions.

Activity 1.4

Implementation of the survey activities

Output 2

(National) Aquaculture extension strategy formulated

Activity 2.1

Conduct series of techno-economic feasibility studies on semi-commercial fish culture operations in collaboration with proposed project “integration of semi-intensive aquaculture with market-oriented agriculture” in Morogoro.

Activity 2.2

Prepare a draft aquaculture development strategy. The draft strategy should contain:

  1. classification of sites and suitable species for cultivation

  2. classification of level of management (eg. extensive, semi-intensive, capital intensive) suitable for different socio-economic conditions

  3. identification of target population, extension service, training and infrastructure required

  4. plan of a cost-effective extension scheme

  5. production of extension aids

Activity 2.3

Organize national seminar for planning of aquaculture development strategy

Institutional arrangement

The Fisheries Division of Ministry of Tourism, Natural Resources and Environment will be the implementing agency. The inter regional programme GCP/INT/555 Aquaculture for Local Community Development (ALCOM) will provide close technical backstopping.


National project coordinator(12 p/m)US$  10,000
National consultants(4 p/m)US$     4,000
International consultants
Aquaculturist(2 m/m)US$130 000
Socio-economist(3 m/m)
System analyst/statistician(2 m/m)
Fishery planning analyst(6 m/m)
Survey expenditureUS$  40,000
(approximately 10,000 US$ per region)
One 4WD vehicleUS$  20,000
Two portable computersUS$     8,000
National seminarUS$  10,000
Extension aidsUS$     8,000

Project Proposal 2

TITLE:Strengthening aquaculture extension in Ruvuma region
Duration:18 Months


A pilot socio-economic survey of aquaculture in Ruvuma region conducted in 1992 has revealed that there are about 2,100 active fish farming units.

Difficult access to fingerlings of good quality and information/knowledge of suitable pond management practices were identified as major bottlenecks to the development of aquaculture in Ruvuma region. In particular, female farmers have not been informed about fish farming possibilities since existing extension does not accord special attention to reaching female members of farming households.

Development objective

Improved living standards of rural populations in Ruvuma region through better aquaculture practices.

Immediate objectives

  1. Village based fingerling production and distribution system established.

  2. Village based aquaculture extension system established.

Outputs and activities

Output 1

50 men and women trained in fingerling production in the village.

Activity 1.1

Rehabilitation of Government hatchery at Songea urban district

Activity 1.2

Identification of suitable species for the region and re-stocking of the government ponds with these species

Activity 1.3

Experimental production of fingerlings at villages by selected pilot farmers (men and women).

Activity 1.4

Development of training module for village based fingerling producers.

Activity 1.5

Training of identified village based fingerling producers.

Output 2

Fisheries officers, agricultural extensionists, community development workers and identified key fish farmers trained in fish farming technologies and extension methods in collaboration with Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania (ELCT).

Activity 2.1

Visit of ELCT staff to the Ruvuma region for planning of training modules.

Activity 2.2

Implementation of training courses either at ELCT centre at Babati or at Ruvuma region.

Activity 2.3

Evaluation of training module and monitoring visit by ELCT staff.


National coordinator(18 p/m)US$ 15,000
International consultant(2 p/m)US$ 20,000
Training (5 training) US$ 60,000
4WD vehicle US$ 20,000
Equipment US$ 40,000
Total US$ 155,000

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