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ADCP (Aquaculture Development and Coordination Programme), 1979 Aquaculture development in China. Rome, FAO, ADCP/REP/79/10:65 p.

FAO, 1977 Learning from China. A report on agriculture and the Chinese People's Communes. Bangkok, FAO:112 p.

Nikol'skii, G.V. (J.I. Lengy and Z. Krauthamer, Transl.), 1961 Special ichthyology. 2nd ed. (1954). Jerusalem, Israel. Program for Scientific Translations, IPST Cat. No. 233, 475 p.

Pagán-Font, F.A. et J. Zinet, 1980a Propagation artificielle de carpes chinoises. Commentaire et film fixe. Rome, FAO, 270 photos (Publié aussi en anglais et en espagnol)

Pagán-Font, F.A. et J. Zinet, 1980b Rearing fry and fingerlings of Chinese carps. Filmstrip and commentary. Rome, FAO, 114 photos

Solecki, J.J., 1966 Economic aspects of the fishing industry in mainland China. Vancouver, University of British Columbia, 172 p.

Song, Z., 1980 Manual of small-scale reservoir fish culture. FAO Fish.Circ. (727):18 p.

Tapiador, D.D., H.F. Henderson, N.N. Delmendo et H. Tsutsui, 1978 Pêche et aquaculture continentales en Chine. FAO Doc.Tech.Pêches (168):86 p. (publié aussi en anglais et en espagnol)

Zhu De-Shan, 1980 A brief introduction to the fisheries of China. FAO Fish.Circ. (726):31 p.

Anonyme, 1980 Pond fish culture in China, Guangzhou, China. China National Bureau of Aquatic Products, Pearl River Fisheries Research Institute, 136 p.

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