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7. FINDING OUT MORE: building on existing knowledge and practice

This section provides an overview and links to the various "tools" that can provide you with information or techniques that are directly or indirectly concerned with forest reproductive material. It will be periodically updated as required. If you think any key information sources are missing, please let us know and we will try to include them in the future. Of course, due to space and time, we cannot include everything, but - if you have access to the internet - you will be well on the way to finding further tools.


We list here the main organisations that may be directly or indirectly relevant to your work. There is a description of the work of each institution, and of any sections or initiatives that are of potential relevance (often extracted from the Web site of the organisation). Where given, the contact name is the person who is most directly concerned with forest reproductive material - but remember that these may change.

7.1.1 CAB International (CABI)

CABI is an international, intergovernmental organisation concerned with dissemination, application and generation of scientific knowledge in agriculture, forestry and related disciplines. CABI is best known for its publications, which include the CAB ABSTRACTS and the Global Forestry Compendium.

CAB International
Wallingford, Oxon, OX10 8DE, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1491 832111
Fax: +44 (0)1491 829292
Email: [email protected]

For information on CABI's general work, visit the Web site

CABI Global Forestry Compendium

an operational tool to aid decision-making by forest managers and forest officers

a reference guide for researchers, forest planners, policy makers, conservationists and consultants

an educational and training tool for extension workers, teachers, lecturers and students

In addition, basic data is available for over 20,000 species of forestry interest from CABI's TREENAMES taxonomic database

A species selection module which aids decision-making for selecting suitable species to plant on a required publication.

A bibliography containing references, many with abstracts provided from CAB ABSTRACTS

A multilingual glossary, including forestry terms defined in English, French, Spanish, German and Portuguese

ICRAF’s Tree Seed Suppliers Directory

CABAbstract Database

CABI Forestry related Abstracts


7.1.2 Central American and Mexico Coniferous Resources Co-operative (CAMCORE)

CAMCORE is a non-profit, international program that works for the conservation of tropical and subtropical forest tree species within Central America and Mexico. Primary activities are to: (i) identify threatened species and provenances; (ii) collect seeds from these vulnerable populations; (iii) distribute seeds for ex situ conservation and growth studies: (iv) assess genetic diversity to improve methods of in situ conservation; (v) evaluate adaptability and growth of trees in various locations; and (vi) Develop long-term improvement programs to ensure sustainability of resources.

Contact: Bill Dvorak

CAMCORE Cooperative
International Tree Conservation and Domestication
Department of Forestry
Grinnells Lab, Room 1110 / Faucette Drive
Raleigh, NC 27695 - 7626 USA
Tel: (919) 515.6424
Fax: (919) 515.6430
[email protected]

For more information, visit the Web site: 

7.1.3 Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Centre (CATIE)

CATIE is a regional centre dedicated to graduate education and research in agriculture and the management, conservation and sustainable use of natural resources. Its Regular Members include the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), Belize, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama and Venezuela. CATIE's core budget is strengthened by annual contributions from these members. The Ministers of Agriculture or of the Environment of member countries constitute its Governing Council.

Contact: Director General: Pedro Ferriera 
[email protected]
or for further general information, visit the Web site

Tree Seed Bank (TSB)

Training - The TSB offers formal courses, promotional courses or training services for technicians and seed producers on the following topics: seed source selection, evaluation and management; seed collection techniques (scaling); tree seed collection planning (costs and yields); tree seed management (collection, processing and storage); analysis of the physical quality of tree seeds (ISTA Norms); tree seed evaluation (desiccation and storage); tree seed germination protocols; and tree seed documentation system.

Research - The TSB has trained personnel and equipment needed to carry out research in the following areas: evaluation and identification of populations of species of interest; determination of the best times for seed collection and collection techniques; evaluation of forest seeds (desiccation and storage); determination of the best harvest techniques; and determination of the best germination protocol;

Availability - The TSB makes available its Tree Seed Database to the Tree Seed Banks of the region. It contains information of available seeds from more than ten banks, and has more than 100 species and information about prices, availability, and physical condition of the seeds

Tree Seeds Project (PROSEFOR)

Central American and Caribbean Regional Organisation of Forest Seeds (REMSEFOR)

7.1.4 Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)

The CGIAR was established in 1971, sponsored by the World Bank, FAO and UNDP. CGIAR's mission is to contribute to food security and poverty eradication in developing countries through research, partnership, capacity building, and policy support through promotion of sustainable agricultural development based on the environmentally sound management of natural resources. There are five major research themes: (i) increasing productivity; (ii) protecting the environment; (iii) saving biodiversity; (iv) improving policies, and (v) strengthening national research. Sixteen international agricultural research centres (IARCs), also known as "Future Harvest Centres", form the global network of CGIAR, conducting research programmes in collaboration with a range of partner institutions. Details of the IARCs are found on the Web site. There are three of direct relevance to forest reproductive material, and are the Centre of International Forestry Research (CIFOR), the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) and the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI).

See  ORGANISATIONS - CIFOR for further information and links to Web site
See ORGANISATIONS - ICRAF for further information and links to Web site
See ORGANISATIONS - IPGRI for further information and links to Web site

For more information on other centres, visit the Web site:

7.1.5 Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)

CIFOR was established under the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) system in response to global concerns about the social, environmental and economic consequences of loss and degradation of forests. It operates through a series of highly decentralised partnerships with key institutions and/or individuals throughout the developing and industrialised worlds. The nature and duration of these partnerships is determined by the specific research problems being addressed. This research agenda is under constant review and is subject to change as CIFOR's partners recognize new opportunities and problems.

CIFOR's Mission is to contribute to the sustained well being of people in developing countries, particularly in the tropics, through collaborative strategic and applied research and related activities in forest systems and forestry, and by promoting the transfer of appropriate new technologies and the adoption of new methods of social organization, for national development.

Objectives are: To improve the scientific basis for ensuring the balanced management of forests and forest lands; to develop policies and technologies for sustainable use and management of forest goods and services; to strengthen national capacities for research; and to support the development of policies and technologies for the optimal use of forests and forest lands.

CIFOR's medium-term plan 20002003 groups activities under nine main programmes: (i) Underlying Causes of Deforestation; (ii) Sustainable Forest Management; (iii) Adaptive Co-Management; (iv) Plantations; (v) Biodiversity and Managed Forests; (vi) Forest Products and People; (vii) Research Impacts and Priorities; (viii) Policies, Technologies and Global Changes; and (ix) Alternatives to Slash and Burn. The biogeographic focus of the plan is on humid and sub-humid tropical lowlands in Asia and Latin America, and the seasonally dry forest of India and tropical America.

P.O.Box 6596 JKPWB
Jakarta 10065
Tel: +62 (251) 622622
Fax: +62 (251) 622100
[email protected]

For further information, visit the Web site: 

CIFOR's Biodiversity and Managed Forests Programme (BIO)

Criteria and Indicators Modification and Adaptation Tool (CIMAT)

Guidelines for Developing, Testing and Selecting Criteria and Indicators (C&I) for Sustainable Forest Management

7.1.6 Centre de coop�ration internationale en recherche agronomique pour le d�veloppement CIRAD-For�t

CIRAD-FOR�T is based in Montpellier, France, and addresses complex technical and scientific challenges through its development-oriented research activities on natural forests, forest plantations, rural stands and their environment, forest products, and the impact of human activities on the natural environment - marshalling a wide range of skills and know-how in the fields of environmental and social sciences.

Fields of activity are: Designing tools and methods for the development and sustainable management of natural areas with forestry potential while preserving biodiversity; Proposing environment-friendly plans for the management of trees within agroecosystems, and assisting in setting up village and commercial forest plantations; Promoting sustainable and cost-effective use of wood materials and balanced development of the wood-production subsector.

For further information, visit the Web site:

A Forest Seed Bank Management System (GESSEM)

7.1.7 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Forestry and Forest Products

CSIRO Forestry and Forest Products is the largest single organisation in Australia conducting research into forestry, wood and paper science. The Division has an established international reputation as a centre of excellence in forestry and forest products research, both through the quality of its science and the impact of its research on economic and environmental issues.

For more information, visit the Web site:

Australian Tree Seed Centre (ATSC)

Australian Suppliers of Tree Seed

Queensland Forest Research Institute (QRI)

7.1.8 Danida Forest Seed Centre (DFSC)

DFSC is an institution administered by Danida, the Danish International Development Administration, and is situated in Humlebaek, Denmark. DFSC has been in operation since 1969 and provides advice and guidance on seed procurement, tree improvement, conservation of forest genetic resources for tropical and subtropical developing countries.

Publications are available free of charge to all relevant organisations or individuals. All publications from the year 2000 onwards will be made available online. See  SELECTED REFERENCES - GENERAL - DFSC

Seed - DFSC does not provide seed in bulk quantities for general planting purposes. In connection with programmes where DFSC is involved, seed is received and redistributed from well-documented seed sources for species and provenance trials as research samples; establishment of seed stands, conservation stands and pilot plantations as semi-bulk samples;research on seed biology and technology as research samples
For information on seed available, see Seed Catalogue:

Project Support Programme - forms a major part of DFSC's training and extension activities. Much of the transfer of knowledge and experience gathered by DFSC takes place via the direct support to projects. Most of these are Danida-supported national tree seed programmes. Tree seed programmes financed by other organisations and forestry programmes financed by Danida may receive technical support from DFSC. Technical support is currently being given to projects in Burkina Faso, Central America, Eritrea, Indonesia, Laos, Nepal, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda and Vietnam.

Training -It is the general policy of DFSC that training courses should be held in the country or region involved. Most courses are held under the Project Support Programme. Courses can be held in seed source identification, seed collection, establishment of seed laboratories, elementary tree improvement, and conservation of forest gene resources.

Direct seeding: DFSC is currently involved in collecting available information about direct seeding of woody species. The aim is to compile knowledge about this technique and present it in a report together with a bibliography of available papers.

Contact: Director, Lars Graudal

Danida Forest Seed Centre,
Krogerupvej 21,
DK3050 Humlebaek, Denmark
Tel.: + 45 49 19 05 00
Fax: + 45 49 16 02 58
[email protected]

For further information, visit the Web site: 

The IPGRI/DFSC Project on Handling and Storage of Recalcitrant and Intermediate Forest Tree Seed

DFSC Publications

7.1.9 European Forestry Institute (EFI)

EFI is based in Helsinki, Finland. Its mission is to: promote, conduct and co-operate in research of forestry and forest products at the pan-European level; and to make the results of the research known to all interested parties, notably in the areas of policy formulation and implementation, in order to promote the conservation and sustainable management of forests in Europe.

In order to achieve its objectives, the Institute (i) provides relevant information for policy-making and decision-making in European countries relating to the forest and forest industry sector (ii) conducts research in the above mentioned fields (iii) develops research methods (iv) compiles and maintains data concerning European forests (v) organises and participates in scientific meetings (vi) organises and participates in forest research training and (vii) publishes and disseminates knowledge of its work and results

For more information, visit the Web site

Certification Information Service (CIS)

7.1.10 European Tropical Forest Research Network (ETFRN)

Established in 1991, the European Tropical Forest Research Network (ETFRN) is a forum for communication between European organisations, researchers, EU institutions and others concerned with (sub-)tropical forest research. The ETFRN Network seeks to promote the involvement of European research expertise towards the conservation and wise use of forests and woodlands in tropical and subtropical countries.

The network has participants in 16 European countries, including Norway, Switzerland, and all European Union member states, except Luxembourg. There is an ETFRN national focal point in each of these countries. The names and addresses of the focal points are available under National Focal Points.

ETFRN provides Network Services which include:

ETFRN contributes to the wider coordination approach envisaged under the European Initiative on Agricultural Research and Development (EIARD).

ETFRN is not a funding organisation but does provide links to funding information.

ETFRN aims to provide a European focal point for information exchange and debate on tropical forest research activities at international level. ETFRN maintains links with international organisations such as the Global Forum for Agricultural Research, FAO, IUFRO and CIFOR. As a regional network, ETFRN is particularly well placed to interact with other regional networks. Links have been established with APAFRI, AAS, CORAF-For�t and CATIE.

c/o The Tropenbos Foundation
P.O. Box 232
6700 AE Wageningen
The Netherlands

Tel. *31317-495516
Fax *31317-495521 
[email protected]/nl
For more information, visit the Web site:

7.1.11 European Union (EU)

The European Union (EU) comprises 15 member states: Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Denmark, Ireland, United Kingdom, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Finland and Sweden. It is preparing for the accession of 13 eastern and southern European countries. The EU is based on the rule of law and democracy, and is neither a new State replacing existing ones nor is it comparable to other international organisations. Its Member States delegate sovereignty to common institutions representing the interests of the Union as a whole on questions of joint interest. All decisions and procedures are derived from the basic treaties ratified by the Member States.

for more information, visit the Web site

EU Standing Committee on Agricultural, Horticultural and Forestry Seeds and Plants

7.1.12 Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)

According to its mandate, FAO provides a global, neutral forum for debate and discussion of all issues related to food, agriculture, forestry and fisheries. In the field of forest genetic resources, FAO provides technical and scientific support to countries, covering all aspects of the conservation, sustainable use and development of forest genetic resources; and facilitates the free exchange of information and know-how between nations. FAO's work falls into two broad categories: the Regular Programme, covering normative work, policy and planning, advice to member nations and internal operation; and the Field Programme, mainly consisting of projects, through which assistance is provided to member countries.

7.1.13 Global Forum on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (GFAR)

GFAR brings together key players in agricultural research around the world. It became operational in 1998, after 18 months of work to develop an organizational framework and to mobilise the funds required to establish the GFAR Secretariat. GFAR was founded by representatives of the national agricultural research systems in developing countries (NARS), advanced research institutions (ARIs), regional and sub-regional organisations, universities, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), farmers' organisations, the private sector, international agricultural research centres (IARCs), and the donor community.

GFAR's mission is "to mobilize the scientific community and all stakeholders in agricultural research for development in their efforts to alleviate poverty, increase food security and promote the sustainable use of natural resources". Its objectives are to: (i) facilitate the exchange of information and knowledge in all agricultural research sectors: crop and animal production, fisheries, forestry and natural resources management; (ii) promote the integration of NARS from the South and enhance their capacity to produce and transfer technology that responds to users' needs; (iii) foster cost-effective, collaborative partnerships among the stakeholders in agricultural research and sustainable development; (iv) facilitate the participation of all stakeholders in the formulation of a truly global framework for development-oriented agricultural research; and (v) increase awareness among policymakers and donors of the need for long-term commitment to, and investment in, agricultural research

For more information, visit the Web site

7.1.14 International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF)

ICRAF was established in Nairobi in 1977 and is an autonomous, non-profit research body supported by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. ICRAF aims to improve human welfare by alleviating poverty, improving food and nutritional security, and enhancing environmental resilience in the tropics.

The Centre conducts strategic and applied research, in partnership with national agricultural research systems, for more sustainable and productive land use. It has five research and development themes: diversification and intensification of land use through domestication of agroforestry trees; soil fertility replenishment in nutrient-depleted lands with agroforestry and other nutrient inputs; socioeconomic and policy research to allow policies that will benefit smallholder farmers; acceleration of impact on farm by ensuring that research results are used; and capacity and institutional strengthening through training and the dissemination of information.


International Centre for Research in Agroforestry
PO Box 30677, Nairobi, Kenya
Telephone: +254 2 524000 via USA +1 650 833 6645
Fax: +254 2 524001 via USA +1 650 833 6646 
[email protected]

For more information, visit the Web site:

ICRAF Tree Seed Suppliers Directory

ICRAF Agroforestree Database

7.1.15 International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI)

IPGRI is an international research institute with a mandate to advance the conservation and use of genetic diversity for the well-being of present and future generations. It is a Centre of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)

For more information, visit the Web site: 

Forest Genetic Resources Programme

The IPGRI/DFSC Project on Handling and Storage of Recalcitrant and Intermediate Forest Tree Seed

Sub Saharan Africa Forest Genetic Resources Programme (SAFORGEN)

European Forest Genetic Resources Programme (EUFORGEN)

7.1.16 International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)

The primary purpose of the ISTA is to develop, adopt and publish standard procedures for sampling and testing seeds and to promote uniform application of these procedures for evaluation of seeds moving in international trade.

The secondary purposes of the Association are to actively promote research in all areas of seed science and technology (sampling, testing, storing, processing and distributing seeds), to encourage variety (cultivar) certification, to participate in conferences and training courses aimed at furthering these objectives and to establish and maintain liaison with other organizations having common or related interests in seed.

ISTA - International Seed Testing Association
Secretariat, P.O. Box 308 Zuerichstrasse 50
8303 Bassersdorf, CH-Switzerland
Tel +41 1 838 60 00 Fax +41 1 838 60 01
E-mail  [email protected]

For more information, visit the Web site: 

Forest Tree and Shrub Seed Committee

ISTA Publications

7.1.17 International Tropical Timber Organisation (ITTO)

The ITTO is a commodity organization which brings together countries which produce and consume tropical timber to discuss and exchange information and develop policies on all aspects of the world tropical timber economy. The ITTO is headquartered in Yokohama, Japan and hasly 2001 had 57 members, including the European Community, which together represent 95 percent of world trade in tropical timber and 75 percent of the world's tropical forests.

For more information, visit the Web site:

ITTO Guidelines

7.1.18 World Conservation Union (IUCN)

The World Conservation Union was founded in 1948, and brings together States, government agencies and a diverse range of non-governmental organizations in a unique world partnership: over 980 members in all, spread across some 140 countries.

IUCN's mission is to to influence, encourage and assist societies throughout the world to conserve the integrity and diversity of nature and to ensure that any use of natural resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable.

2000 IUCN Redlist of Threatened Species

1997 IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants

7.1.19 International Union of Forest Research Organisations (IUFRO)

IUFRO is an international non-governmental scientific body founded in 1892. Its secretariat is in Vienna, Austria. IUFRO unites more than 15,000 cooperating member scientists in over 700 member institutions in over 100 countries, and is an associate member of ICSU, the International Council for Science. Members collaborate via eight Divisions and some 260 research networks to attain IUFRO's objectives. There are many working groups of relevance to forest reproductive material, but the most relevant to seed are concerned with seed physiology and technology, and cone and seed insects.

For more information on IUFRO, visit the Web site:

Seed physiology and technology research group. IUFRO Unit 2.09.00

Cone and seed insects research working group. IUFRO Unit 7.03.01

IUFRO SylvaVoc Programme

World Directory of Forest Geneticists and Tree Breeders

7.1.20 Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

The OECD groups 30 member countries sharing a commitment to democratic government and the market economy. With active relationships with some 70 other countries, NGOs and civil society, it has a global reach. Best known for its publications and its statistics, its work covers economic and social issues from macroeconomics, to trade, education, development and science and innovation. Governments have long intervened in domestic and international markets to support agricultural production. Many of these interventions, mainly through production subsidies and trade barriers, impose costs on consumers and taxpayers, reduce economic efficiency, distort production and trade, impede growth in developing countries, and may damage the environment.

OECD Ministers of Agriculture have agreed to "the long-term objective of substantial progressive reductions in support and protection", and have adopted a set of shared goals for the agro-food sector. In 2001 OECD Ministers again recognised that "OECD's an essential contribution to the understanding of agricultural policies and their international impacts".

Contact: Bertrand Dagallier, Administrateur
Codes et Systemes agricoles de l'OCDE
2, Rue Andre-Pascal, 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France
tel: +33 (0) 1 45 24 18 78

For more information on OECD's forest related activities, visit

OECD Scheme for Certification of forest reproductive material moving in international trade








Seed Source








Seed Plantation




Seed Orchard




Parents of Family(ies)








Clonal Mixture




x = authorised combinations


7.1.21 Oxford Forestry Institute (OFI)

The OFI comes under the Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford, UK

Over the last 30 years the OFI has undertaken an extensive programme of research on forest genetic resources of a range of socio-economically important tropical tree species, largely funded by the Forestry Research Programme of the UK Department for International Development, DFID (formerly the Overseas Development Administration, ODA). This involved the field exploration, and collection of more than 7,000 seedlots, mainly in Central America and Africa, and distribution of seed for the establishment of international trial networks, seed orchards and genetic conservation plantings, as well as laboratory research to investigate taxonomic and genetic diversity. Seed has been sent to more than 900 recipients (academic institutions, research organisations, NGOs, government depts., research sections of commercial companies) in some 140 different countries. Over this period, these networks of species, provenance and progeny trials have yielded a large body of important data and information on the relative performance of the material as well as patterns of taxonomic and genetic diversity across a range of plantation and agroforestry species.

The seed was collected, in large part from natural populations, in collaboration with forest tree seed centres and forest research organisations in the countries of origin under a variety of collecting permits and research agreements between the relevant regulatory authorities and OFI, on the mutual understanding that material would be made available to research organisations (in line with the principles of the FAO Code of Conduct 1991). In addition to the transfer of seed for development and research purposes, a subset of this material, consisting of provenances identified as under threat in situ, was transferred in 1995 for preservation within the long term seed storage facilities of the  Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Changing research priorities, funding constraints and greatly enhanced national and regional capacities to carry out this sort of work in tropical countries, mean that OFI is no longer in a position to continue to maintain these seed collections, nor to continue distribution of seed for trials. It has been agreed that seed collections of the legume (and other agroforestry) tree species will be transferred to the  International Centre for Agroforestry Research (ICRAF) in Kenya , while the pine seed will go to the DANIDA Forest Seed Centre (DFSC) in Denmark, who will continue to make small research quantities of seed widely available for research or tree improvement purposes. Under these new arrangements, priority will be given to researchers in developing countries, and the seed will continue to be made available free of charge, but the holders reserve the right to recoup handling/carriage costs. All seed has now been rationalised and shipped from OFI to ICRAF and DFSC.

 CAMCORE, CATIE, China, Mexico, and Zimbabwe have also received smaller quantities of seed for direct use within specific countries or regions. Small amounts of some seedlots suitable for laboratory-based research are being stored in Oxford under the umbrella of the Oxford University Herbaria and managed by Herbarium staff. This seed will remain available for distribution for small, laboratory-scale research requests.

The associated hard copy documentation and database files (publication descriptions, seed test data, history of seed distribution and trial establishment, etc.) have been reviewed as part of the rationalisation exercise to ensure that relevant documentation accompanies seedlots whilst maintaining a basic archive in Oxford. Files at OFI have been rationalised and incorporated into the Oxford University Herbaria as a permanent hard copy archive, along with maintenance of the SISTEM+ database, which is currently being incorporated into  BRAHMS.

Although the OFI seed distribution programme has now effectively ceased, active research on forest genetic resources continues in Oxford. Current projects include a Sourcebook on Central American Trees (, the EU-funded FRAXIGEN research project on Ash in Europe (, and new work on indigenous domestication and diversity in Leucaena (see Research, C.E. Hughes at:


For legume / agroforestry seedlots:

Genetic Resources of Agroforestry Trees Unit,
International Centre for Research in Agroforestry,
P.O. Box 30677, Nairobi. KENYA.
Tel + 254 2 524161/524000 ext 4161 or via USA +1 650 833 6645
Fax + 254 2 524001 or via USA +1 650 833 6645
e-mail  [email protected]

For Pine seed lots:

The Director
Danida Forest Seed Centre
Krogerupvej 21
3050 Humlebaek
Phone 0045 49 19 05 00
email: [email protected]

For Broadleaves (Cordia)

CATIE 7170137, Turrialba, Costa Rica.
Tel: (506) 5561933 - 556-6431
Fax: (506) 556-7766 - 5561533 
[email protected]
[email protected]

For small quantities of seed for laboratory-based research (e.g. in systematics, populations genetics)

Curator, Oxford Herbaria
Department of Plant Sciences
University of Oxford
South Parks Road

For more information about OFI visit the Web site:

7.1.22 Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK (RBGKEW)

The mission of the RBG Kew is to enable better management of the Earth's environment by increasing knowledge and understanding of the plant and fungal kingdoms - the basis of life on earth.

This mission will be achieved by:

developing RBG Kew's global reference collections and making them more accessible to the greatest possible variety and number of users;

undertaking world-wide research into systematics, economic and ethnobotany, biological interactions, conservation and horticulture;

supporting the conservation and sustainable use of plant resources in the UK and overseas;

informing the wider public about our activities, through the maintenance and development of world-class Gardens that provide a window into RBG Kew's work;

providing education, advice and information in various forms to our stakeholders, and building the global capacity for studying and conserving plant diversity through collaborative partnerships and by training scientists from developing.

Contacts: see below

Millennium Seed Bank Project

Database on Tropical Tree Seed Research (DABATTS)

7.1.23 Tropenbos International (TBI)

Tropenbos International (TBI) is non governmental organization (NGO) based in the Netherlands. To meet the needs of policy makers and forest users, Tropenbos International facilitates the formulation and organisation of participatory, objective-oriented and multidisciplinary research and development programmes.

Through a process of research programme articulation through stakeholder consultations, with stakeholders being local forest dependent people, forest managers, governmental authorities, commercial forest enterprises, conservationists and researchers. The dissemination and uptake of research results by the different stakeholders are an important part of the programmes.

TBI is currently operating and developing research in Cameroon, Colombia, Ghana, Indonesia and Vietnam (so called publication countries). C�ted'Ivoire and Guyana were publication countries in the previous phases of Tropenbos. Contacts are maintained and opportunities for renewed co-operation are being investigated. Suriname is planned as a publication country in the near future.

For more information visit the Web site:

7.1.24 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)

UNESCO's constitution was adopted in 1945, and entered into effect on the 4th of November 1946 when 20 states had depopublicationd instruments of acceptance. It currently has 188 Member States. The main objective of UNESCO is to contribute to peace and security in the world by promoting collaboration among nations through education, science, culture and communication in order to further universal respect for justice, for the rule of law and for the human rights and fundamental freedoms which are affirmed for the peoples of the world, without distinction of race, sex, language or religion, by the Charter of the United Nations.

For more information, visit the Web site:

Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB)

7.1.25 UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC)

The UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre was established in 2000 as the world biodiversity information and assessment centre of the United National Environment Programme (UNDP).

The Centre's roots go back to 1979 when IUCN established a Cambridge office to monitor endangered species. In 1988 the independent, non-profit World Conservation Monitoring Centre was founded jointly by IUCN, WWF and UNEP. Their financial support and guidance in the Centre's formative years is widely recognised and appreciated. The transition to UNEP in the year of the new millennium received the full support of IUCN and WWF, as well as the political and financial backing of the UK government. A high level Scientific Advisory Council is being established to guide the Centre's work, which is closely linked to the UNEP Programme on Environmental Information, Assessment & Early Warning.

For more information, visit the Web site:

Tree Conservation Information Service

Global Trees Campaign

World List of Threatened Trees

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