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Annexure-2: Descriptor for mulberry germplasm collection of data

1. Sample number (assigned by the collector)

2. Collecting institute

3. Date of collection of original sample

4. Place of origin

5. Location of collection site
(in case of wild collection)

a) Collected in the wild
b) Postal address

6. Latitude of collection site

7. Longitude of collection site

8. Altitude of collection site

9. Collection source

10. Status of sample

11. Local/vernacular name

(Name as given by farmer)

12. Number of plants sampled

13. Photograph

14. Herbarium specimen

15. Type of sample

16. Nature of vegetative sample

17. Disease status

18. End use, general

19. Fruit use

20. Plant use

21. Plant data

a) Habitat
b) Growth habit
c) Colour of shoot
d) Leaf character

1) Lobation
2) Shape
3) Margin
4) Apex
5) Colour

e) Inflorescence and flower
f) Fruit

23. Other notes from collector

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