Conservation Status of Sericulture Germplasm Resources in the World - I. Conservation Status of Mulberry (Morus spp.) Genetic Resources in the World

By: Kee-Wook SOHN
Expert in Sericulture Germplasm Management

From Papers contributed to Expert Consultation on Promotion of Global Exchange of Sericulture Germplasm, Bangkok, Thailand
September 2002

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome
April, 2003

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Conservation status of mulberry germplasm resources in Bulgaria

1. Introduction
2. Conservation of mulberry genetic resources in Bulgaria

2.1 Present stat us of mulberry germplasm maintenance
2.2 Management and utilization of mulberry germplasm resources

2.2.1 Methodology for maintenance of mulberry accessions
2.2.2 Methodology for mulberry germplasm characterization and evaluation

2.3 Development of mulberry germplasm resources

3. Mulberry germplasm database

3.1 Management and utilization of database
3.2 Descriptors/Stock characterization

3.2.1 Characterization of mulberry genetic resources
3.2.2 Evaluation of mulberry genetic resources

3.3 Promotion of global sharing of mulberry germplasm information.

3.3.1 Sharing information about the mulberry genetic resources
3.3.2 Sharing mulberry genetic resources

4. Annexes

Charts, Tables 1 - 3
Chart, Table 4
Chart, Table 5
Chart, Table 6
Chart, Table 7
Chart, Table 8
Chart, Table 9
Charts, Tables 10 - 15

2. Conservation status of mulberry genetic resources in China

1. Introduction
2. Conservation of mulberry genetic resources in China

2.1 Present status of germplasm maintenance
2.2 Management and utilization of germplasm resources

2.2.1 Methodology for maintenance of mulberry accessions
2.2.2 Methodology for mulberry germplasm characterization and evaluation

2.3 Development of germplasm resources

3. Germplasm Database

3.1 Management and utilization of database
3.2 Descriptors/Stock/Clone Characterization

3.2.1 Characterization of mulberry genetic resources
3.2.2 Evaluation of mulberry genetic resources

3.3 Samples of germplasm directory or stock catalogue
3.4 Promotion of global sharing of germplasm information

3.4.1 Sharing information about the mulberry genetic resources
3.4.2 Sharing mulberry genetic resources

4. Annexes (Tables)

Tables 4 - 10
Tables 11 - 18

5. Appendixes (References)

3. Conservation status of mulberry genetic resources in France

1. Introduction
2. Conservation of Mulberry in France

2.1 Present status of germplasm maintenance

2.1.1 Porquerolles collection.
2.1.2 INRA/St Christol-les-Alès collection
2.1.3: INRA/Unité Nationale Séricicole
2.1.4: Others distributions:

2.2: Management and utilization of Mulberry collections.

3. Mulberry germplasm Database.

4. Annexes

4. Conservation status of mulberry genetic resources in India

1. Introduction

1.1 Importance of mulberry genetic resources
1.2 Mulberry genetic resources at global level
1.3 Mulberry genetic resources-Indian scenario

2 Conservation of Mulbery Genetic Resources in India

2.1 Present status of germplasm maintenance

2.1.1 Survey, exploration, collection and introduction of mulberry germplasm resources
2.1.2 Conservation strategies of mulberry genetic resources Ex situ conservation In situ conservation of mulberry genetic resources

2.2 Management, utilization of mulberry germplasm resources in India

2.2.1 Status on characterization of mulberry genetic resources
2.2.2 Status on evaluation of mulberry genetic resources
2.2.3 Utilization and development of mulberry genetic resources
2.2.4. Registration, quarantine and exchange of mulberry genetic resources

3. Mulberry germplasm database

3.1. Management and utilization of database
3.2 Descriptors on characterization and evaluation
3.3 Mulberry germplasm catalogue
3.4 Promotion of global sharing of germplasm information

4. Suggestions

5 References

Tables 1 - 7
Tables 8 - 14

Annexure-1: Descriptor for mulberry germplasm passport data
Annexure-2: Descriptor for mulberry germplasm collection of data
Annexure-3: List of descriptors mulberry genetic resources at glance
Annexure-4: Descriptors and descriptor state of morphological characters
Annexure-5: Descriptor and descriptor state of different reproductive characters
Annexure-6: Descriptor and descriptor state for leaf histological characters
Annexure-7: Descriptors and descriptor state of cytological characters
Annexure-8. Descriptor and descriptor states for biochemical characters
Annexure-9: Descriptors for growth and yield parameters
Annexure-10: Morphology data

Leaf histological data
Reproduction data
Growth evaluation data
Propagation data
Biochemical data

Annexure-11: Sample Pages of CSGRC Webiste (

5. Conservation Status of Genetic Resources of Mulberry species in Italy

1. Introduction

2. Conservation of Mulberry Genetic Resources in Italy

2.1 Present status of germplasm maintenance

2.1.1 Recent improvement in the status of the collection thanks to a specific project of germplasm conservation by the Italian Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry Policies.
2.1.2 Duplication of part of the mulberry collection in the research framework of the project “New technologies to re-launch Italian mori-sericulture”
2.1.3 Local initiatives already begun to evaluate and collect mulberry germplasm

2.2 Management and utilization of germplasm resources

2.2.1 Future plan for utilization of germplasm resources

2.3 Development of germplasm collection

3. Germplasm database

3.1 Management and utilization of database
3.2 Descriptors/Stock Characterization
3.3 Samples of germplasm directory or stock catalogue
3.4 Promotion of global sharing of germplasm information

3.4.1 Other subjects
3.4.2 Global sharing of germplasm

3.5 Application and utilization of germplasm database for farmers and extension workers training

4. Annexes

Annex 1 - Complete List of Mulberry Accessions
Annex 2 - Mulberry collection belonging to the Regional Agency for Research and Experiments in Agriculture of Calabria
Annex 3 - References

6. Conservation Status of Mulberry Genetic Resources in Japan

1. Introduction
2. Conservation of Mulberry Genetic Resources in Japan

2.1 Present status of germplasm maintenance

2.1.1 Mulberry Species maintained at NIAS
2.1.2 Origin of Mulberry species
2.1.3 The place of origin
2.1.4 Ploidy level in mulberry
2.1.5 Classification of the existing germplasm
2.1.6 Encountering challenges and their solutions

2.2 Management and utilization of germplasm resources

2.2.1 Methods employed in preservation
2.2.2 Utilization of germplasm resources

2.3 Development of germplasm resources

2.3.1 Development of a new cultivar suitable for mechanical harvesting
2.3.2 Development of a new cultivar suitable for fruit production
2.3.3 Genetic analysis of the peculiar characters

3. Germplasm Database

3.1 Management and utilization of database
3.2 Descriptors/Stock/Clone Characterization
3.3 Samples of germplasm directory or stock catalogue
3.4 Promotion of global sharing of germplasm information

7. Conservation status of mulberry genetic resources in Korea

1. Introduction
2. Conservation of mulberry genetic resources in Korea

2.1. Present status of mulberry germplasm maintenance

2.1.1 Mulberry Species maintained at NIAST
2.1.2 Origin of mulberry species
2.1.3 The place of origin

2.2 Management and utilization of mulberry germplasm resources

2.2.1 Methods employed in preservation

2.3 Development of mulberry germplasm resources.

2.3.1 Artificial hybridization and selection
2.3.2 Polyploidy breeding
2.3.3 Mutation breeding

3. Germplasm Database

3.1 Management and utilization of database
3.2 Descriptors/Stock/Clone Characterization
3.3 Promotion of global sharing of mulberry germplasm information