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Annexure-4: Descriptors and descriptor state of morphological characters



Growth stage and time for data recording




Growth nature

To be recorded at full growth stage of the whole plant after 90 days of pruning

1.1 Erect
1.2 Spreading
1.3 Drooping

Observe visually the angle between the foliage branches to the main trunk


Branching nature

To be recorded in the longest shoot after 90 days of pruning.

2.1 Straight
2.2 Slightly curved
2.3 Curved

Observe the straightness or curved nature of the branch visually and record


Young shoot colour

To be recorded after 30 days of pruning in the upper 1/3 rd portion of the young Shoots

3.1 Green
3.2 Greenish purple
3.3 Purple

The colour of the young shoots to be recorded visually using the standard colour charts


Mature shoot colour

To be recorded of 90 days of pruning in the lower portion of the longest shoot

4.1 Brown
4.2 Grey
4.2 Greyish green
4.3 Greyish brown
4.4 Purplish brown
4.5 Greenish brown

The colour of the matured shoots to be recorded visually using the standard coloured charts



To be recorded after 75 days of pruning in the middle portion of the longest shoot leaving first 5 leaves from the top and the lower portion of the shoot

5.1 Distichous (1/2)

One and third leaf in the same direction. All the leaves fall in two opposite orthostichies and the leaf on the second node is just opposite to the leaf on the first node

5.2 Tristichous (1/3)

One and forth leaf in the same direction. The leaves are three ranked and the forth leaf is above the first leaf, the fifth leaf is above second.

5.3 Pentastichous (2/5)

One and sixth leaf in the same direction. The genetic spiral completes 2 circles with five leaves so that sixth leaf is found above first leaf and 7 th leaf above 2 nd.


Lenticel density/

To be recorded after 90 days of pruning in the middle portion of the longest shoot

6.1 Sparse (<5)
6.2 Medium (5-10)
6.3 Dense (>10)

Placing one cut film roll around the stem surface and count the number of lenticels in that area. Three readings to be taken per one branch


Lenticel shape

As described above

7.1 Round
7.2 Elliptical
7.3 Oval

The matured lenticels from the middle portion of the shoot to be considered for recording the shape


Bud shape

To be recorded after 90 days after pruning in the longest shoot

8.1 Round

The buds are circular

8.2 Acute triangle

The tip of the bud is acute

8.3 Long triangle

The tip of the bud is slightly elongated

8.4 Spindle shaped

The basal portion of the bud is tapered to look like a spindle


Bud length (cm)

As described above

9.1 Short
9.2 Medium
9.3 Long

The length of the matured bud to be recorded from the basal portion to the tip of the bud


Bud attachment

As described above

10.1 Adhering to branch

The buds are attached to the stem

10.2 Slanting out ward

The buds are projected away from the stem

10.3 Tilting to one side

The tip of the bud is tilted to one side

10.4 With one accessory bud

The main bud is supported by one or two accessory buds

10.5 With dorsal accessory bud

The accessory bud is on the dorsal side


Leaf apex

To be recorded after 60 days of pruning in the middle portion of the longest shoot. Observe that portion of the leaf bounded by approximately upper 25 per cent of the leaf margin

11.1 Acute

The tip portion is straight to convex margins forming an angle of less than 90°

11.2 Acuminate

Leaf tip is slightly extended, either short or long acuminate and the margins are markedly concave

11.3 Caudate

The leaf tip extended greatly forming a tail like structure

11.4 Obtuse

Straight to convex margin forming an angle more than 90°


Leaf margin

To be recorded after 60 days of pruning in the middle portion of the longest shoot.

12.1 Crenate

Crenations are smoothly rounded without a pointed apex

12.2 Serrate

Serration’s are pointed with their axes are inclined forming oblique angle

12.3 Dentate

Dentations are pointed with axis approximately perpendicular to the trend of the margin

12.4 Repand

Margins forming a smooth line or arc without noticeable projections


Leaf base

To be recorded after 60 days of pruning in the middle portion of the longest shoot. Observe that portion of the leaf bounded by approximately lower 25 per cent of the margin

13.1 Truncate

Terminate abruptly as if cut and the margin perpendicular to the mid vein or nearly so

13.2 Cordate

Leaf base looks like a heart shaped embed in a sinus whose sides are straight or convex

13.3 Lobate

Base with two large pointed lobes


Leaf surface

To be recorded after 60 days of pruning in the middle portion of the longest shoot

14.1 Smooth 14.2 Slightly rough 14.3 Rough 14.4 Hairy (pubescent)

Rub the upper portion of the leaf blade gently with the fingers and feel the leaf surface


Leaf texture

as described above

15.1 Membranous

The leaves are thin and semi transparent like a fine membrane

15.2 Charatacious

The leaves are opaque and like a writing paper

15.3 Coriaceous

The leaves are like leathery, thick and stiff shoot


Stipule nature

To be recorded after 60 days of pruning in the longest shoot

16.1 Bud scale

The leaf stipules are very short, slender and pointed

16.2 Free lateral

The stipules are free hanging from both sides of the nodal portion

16.3 Foliatious

The stipules are broad and look like miniature leaves


Stipule duration

As described above

17.1 Caducous

The stipules fall off with the maturity of the leaves

17.2 Persistent

The stipules stay for longer period


Shape of the leaf scar

To be recorded after 90 days of pruning in the longest shoot after harvesting the leaves.

18.1 Circular
18.2 Elliptical
18.3 Triangular

Observe the leaf scars after the leaves are harvested from the matured lower portion of the stem


Leaf nature

To be recorded after 60 days after pruning in the longest shoot

19.1 Homophyllous

All the leaves in the plant are of similar nature either entire or lobed


All the leaves are lobed


All the leaves are unlobed or entire

19.2 Heterophyllous

When some leaves are lobed and some are unlobed either in the same branch or different branches of the same plant


Leaf lobation number

As described above

20.1 0- lobed
20.2 1-2 lobed
20.3 3-4 lobed
20.4 Multi lobed

Count the number of lobes of the individual leaves


Leaf lobation type

As described above

21.1 Shallow lobed

The lobation is restricted to the margins

21.2 Medium lobed

The lobation is extended up to the middle of the leaf blade

21.3 Deeply lobed

The lobation is very deep and extended up to the mid vein


Leaf colour

As described above

22.1 Light green
22.2 Green
22.3 Dark green

The natural colour of the matured leaves to be recorded visually using the standard colour charts


Leaf glossiness

As described above

23.1 Non glossy
23.2 Slightly glossy
23.3 Strongly glossy

Observe the upper portion of the leaf surface and note the shiny nature with cuticular wax content


Leaf wrinkleness

As described above

24.1 Smooth

When the leaves have no sign of waviness

24.2 Slightly wrinkle

When the leaves are slightly wavy

24.3 Wrinkled

When the leaves are fully wrinkled


Leaf angle

as described above

25.1 Acute (<35°)
25.2 Semi erect (> 35°- 75°)
25.3 Horizontal (> 75°-90°)
25.4 Drooping (>90°)

To be recorded in the bright sunlight by measuring the angle between the leaf petiole and the main stem


Lamina length (cm)

To be recorded after 75 days of pruning by taking the fully grown leaves from 7 th to 9th positioned leaves in the longest shoot

26.1 Short (<10)
26.2 Medium (>10-20)
26.3 Long (>20)

The length of the leaf blade is to be recorded from the leaf base at the juncture of the petiole attachment to the leaf tip leaving the extended portion of the tip


Lamina width (cm)

As described above

27.1 Narrow (<10)
27.2 Medium (>10-15)
27.3 Broad (>15)

The width of the leaf to be recorded from the widest point from both sides of the leaf margins


Leaf shape

The length and breadth of the leaves to be recorded from fully expanded leaves from 7th to 9 th position from the top in the longest shoot

28.1 Lanceolate
28.2 Narrow ovate
28.3 Ovate
28.4 wide ovate
28.5 Cordate

Length/width ratio= 3:1
L/w ratio = 2:1
L/w ratio =1.5:1
L/w ratio= 1.2:1
L/w ratio =<1:1


Petiole length (cm)

To be recorded after 75 days of pruning by taking the fully grown leaves from 7 th to 9th positioned leaves on the longest shoot

29.1 Small (£ 2) 29.2
Medium (>2-4)
29.3 Large (>6)

Cut the petiole portion of the leaf from the base of the leaf blade and measure the length


Petiole breadth (cm)

As described above

30.1 Small (£ 2) 30.2 Medium (> 2-4)
30.3 Large (>4)

Cut the petiole portion of the leaf from the base of the leaf blade and measure the breadth


Petiole groove

as described above

31.1 Present
31.2 Absent

Observe the lower portion of the petiole for presence or absence of the groove


Trichome density (no/

To be recorded after 75 days of pruning by taking the fully grown leaves from 7 th to 9th positioned leaves in the longest shoot

32.1 Sparse (<50)
32.2 Medium(50-100)
32.3 Dense (>100)

The density of the trichomes from both adaxial and abaxial leaf surface(on the veins and veinlets) to be recorded from cuticular replicas obtained by thin coating of thermocol-xylol solution on the leaf surface and after peeling the dried opaque film and observe in the microscope.

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