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Annexure-5: Descriptor and descriptor state of different reproductive characters



Growth stage and time for data recording

Classification unit

Measurement method


Flowering time

The main flowering time by observing the floral initiation to be recorded in the 3 year old plants

1.1 Spring (Feb-mar)

1.2 Autumn (Oct-Nov)

1.3 Both spring (Feb-Mar) and autumn (Oct-Nov)

Observe the main flowering season before the plants are pruned


Sex expression

To be recorded in the main flowering season

2.1 Dioecious (Male)

The plant bears only the male inflorescence in all the branches

2.2 Dioecious (Female)

The plant bears only the female inflorescence in all the branches

2.3 Monoecious

The plant bears male, female and bisexual inflorescence in same or different branches of the same plant

2.3.1 Male and bisexual

The plant bears predominantly male inflorescence with few bisexual inflorescence

2.3.2 Female and bisexual

The plant bears predominantly female inflorescence with few bisexual inflorescence

2.3..3 Male and female

The plant bears both male and female inflorescence

2.3.4 Male, female and bisexual

The plant bears male, female and bisexual inflorescence


Number of inflorescence/meter length of the branch

To be recorded in the main longest branch during the main flowering season

3.1 Low (<20)
3.2 Medium (20-40)
3.3 Many (>40)

Count the no. of inflorescence/meter length of the longest branch


Inflorescence length (cm)

To be recorded in the main flowering season by selecting the fully matured inflorescence from the longest shoot

4.1 Small ((<2)
4.2 Medium (2-4)
4.3 Large (>4)

The fully bloomed inflorescence of different male(before anthesis), female(at receptive stage) and bisexual catkins depending upon the sex expression of the accession to be recorded. The length (including the pedicel of the inflorescence to be recorded in minimum three inflorescence/plant and three plants/accession


Number of flowers/inflorescence

To be recorded in the main flowering season by selecting the fully matured inflorescence from the longest shoot

5.1 Low (< 25)
5.2 Medium (25-50)
5.3 Many (>50)

The same inflorescence which are considered for measuring the size are to be used. All the individual flowers around the rachis of the inflorescence should be dissected and counted. In case of bisexual inflorescence the different frequencies of male, female and bisexual flowers are to be counted separately


Stamen length (mm)

To be recorded in the main flowering season by selecting the fully matured inflorescences from the longest shoot

6.1 Small (<4)
6.2 Medium (4 - 6)
6.3 Large (> 6)

The individual male flowers from fully bloomed male inflorescence collected before anthesis are dissected under stereo microscope and the individual stamens (filament and anther) are stretched and the length of the stamen is recorded using ocular micrometer and then converted to mm. Minimum of nine readings to be taken considering three plants


Anther length(mm)

To be recorded in the main flowering season by selecting the fully matured inflorescences from the longest shoot

7.1 Small (< 0.5)
7.2 Medium (0.5-1)
7.3 Large (>1)

The same stamens are used for recording the anther length. The length of the anther to be recorded longitudinally


Pollen diameter (mm)

To be recorded in the main flowering season by selecting the fully matured inflorescence from the longest shoot

8.1 Small (<15)
8.2 Medium (15-30)
8.3 Large (>30)

The fully stained pollen grains, which are more frequent in occurrence, are to be considered for measuring the diameter using the ocular micrometer under 10 x45 magnification). However, in case of polyploidal accessions the micro and macro pollens are to be measured separately. Flowers from three plants are to be taken separately and per flower three microscopic fields considering minimum nine pollen grains to be measured


Pollen stainability (%)

To be recorded in the main flowering season by selecting the fully matured inflorescence from the longest shoot

9.1 Low (<50)
9.2 Medium (50-75)
9.3 High (>75)

The same slides used of measuring the pollen diameter are to be used for recording the pollen fertility. The fully stained pollen grains should be taken into consideration for counting the pollen stainability.


Number of germ pores/Pollen grain

To be recorded in the main flowering season by selecting the fully matured inflorescence from the longest shoot

10.1 Monozonoporate
10.2 Dizonoporate
10.3 Trizonoporate
10.4 Tetrazonoporate
10.5 Mixed

The frequency of mono (single germ pore) to pentazonoporate (five germ pores) pollen grains to be counted separately in each microscopic fields and record the observation


Style length (mm)

To be recorded in the main flowering season by selecting the fully matured inflorescence from the longest shoot

11.1 Short (< 0.5)
11.2 Medium (0.5-75)
11.3 Long (>0.75)

To be recorded when the stigma of the flowers is in receptive stage and before the ovary is fertilised. It is the length from the tip of the ovary to the base of the stigma. The style length has to be record in the stereo microscope using ocular micrometer


Stigma length (mm)

To be recorded in the main flowering season by selecting the fully matured inflorescence from the longest shoot

12.1 Small (<2)
12.2 Medium (2-4)
12.3 Long (>4)

To be recorded when the stigma are in receptive stage. The length of both of the bifid stigma should be taken separately and then finally added to get the total stigmatic length. The stigma length has to be recorded in the stereo microscope using ocular micrometer


Stigma nature

To be recorded in the main flowering season by selecting the fully matured inflorescence from the longest shoot

13.1 Pubescent

The stigma surface is covered with long hairs

13.2 Papillate

The stigma surface is plain without any hairs or covered with minute hairs


Stigma type

To be recorded in the main flowering season by selecting the fully matured inflorescence from the longest shoot

14.1 Erect

The stigmas are straight and erect

14.2 Spreading

When both the stigmas are spreading forming wide angle from the style

14.3 Divericate

Both the stigmas are bent to form a curve like structure

14.4 Twisted

When the both the stigmas are twisted around each other


Fruit length(cm)

To be recorded in the main flowering season by selecting fully matured fruits in the longest shoot

15.1 Small (<2)
15.2 Medium (2-4)
15.3 Long (4- 8)
15.4 Very long (>8)

The data should be recorded when the fruits are in full ripening stage. It is the length of the full fruit including the peduncle. Minimum of nine fruits from three plants to be considered collecting three fruits from a plant


Fruit breadth(cm)

To be recorded in the main flowering season by selecting fully matured fruits in the longest shoot

16.1 Small (<1)
16.2 Medium (1-1.5)
16.3 More (>1.5)

The same fruits, which are used, for recording the length to be used.


Fruit weight(gm)

To be recorded in the main flowering season by selecting fully matured fruits in the longest shoot

17.1 Low (<2)
17.2 Medium (2-4)
17.3 High (>4)

The same fruits which are used for taking the data on length and breadth of the fruits are to be used for taking the weight of the fruits individually


Fruit colour

To be recorded in the main flowering season by selecting fully matured fruits in the longest shoot

18.1 Black 18.2 White 18.3 Greenish white 18.4 Purple

The colour of the fruits to recorded when the fruits are in full ripen stage and graded on visual observation


Fruit taste

To be recorded in the main flowering season by selecting fully matured fruits in the longest shoot

19.1 Sour
19.2 Less sweet
19.3 Sweet

The fruit taste is to be recorded when the fruits are in full ripen stage (tongue taste)


Seed shape

To be recorded in the main flowering season by selecting fully matured fruits in the longest shoot

20.1 Round
20.2 Elliptical

The seed shape has to be recorded after the seeds are harvested from the ripened fruits by observing under the stereo microscope


Seed colour

To be recorded in the main flowering season by selecting fully matured fruits in the longest shoot

21.1 Light yellow
21.2 Light brown
21.3 Yellowish brown
21.4 Dark brown
21.5 Blackish brown

The seed colour has to be recorded after the seeds are harvested from the ripened fruits by observing under the stereo microscope


Hundred seed weight (mg)

To be recorded in the main flowering season by selecting fully matured fruits in the longest shoot

22.1 Low (<100)
22.1 Medium (100-200)
22.3 High (>200)

The data has to be recorded after the seeds are harvested from the ripened fruits (after initial drying on the blotting sheets)


Percentage of seed set (%)

To be recorded in the main flowering season by selecting fully matured fruits in the longest shoot

23.1 Low (<50) 23.1 Medium (50-75) 23.2 High (>75)

The data has to be recorded when the fruits are in full ripening stage. It is the ratio between total number of healthy seeds per fruit to the total number of achenes per fruit


Apomictic nature

To be recorded in the main flowering season by selecting fully matured fruits in the longest shoot

24.1 Weak apomictic
24.1 Medium apomictic
24.3 Strongly apomictic

The data has to be recorded from the pure diecious female accessions, which are bagged before initiation of flowering to avoid cross-pollination. The seed set percentage is to be recorded as above. The seed germination to be recorded after 20 days of seed showing. However the apomictic nature is to be confirmed through embryological means.

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