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Annexure-6: Descriptor and descriptor state for leaf histological characters


Classification unit

Measurement method


Stomatal size
1. (Sq. mm).

1.1 Small (£ 200)
1.2 Medium (> 200- 400)
1.3 Large (> 400)

The length and breadth of the stomata to be recorded using ocular micrometer under oil immersion and then convert to Minimum three microscopic fields per leaf to be considered for measuring the stomatal size avoiding the giant stomata’s which come in the focus


Stomatal frequency

2.1 Low (£ 400)
2.2 Medium (> 400 - 800)
2.3 High (> 800)

To be recorded preferably under low magnification (10 x 45) so as to accommodate more number of stomata per microscopic field. Total number of stomata per microscopic field to be counted and then convert to one Giant stomata’s are to be avoided while counting. Minimum three microscopic fields per leaf and three leaves per accession to be considered


No. of chloroplast/stomata

3.1 Less (£ 12)
3.2 Medium (> 12 -16)
3.3 More (> 16)

Total number of chloroplast including both the guard cells of the stomata to be counted. Minimum of nine stomata’s to be considered for counting


Idioblast projection length (mm)

4.1 Small (£ 5)
4.2 Medium (> 5-15)
4.3 Large (> 15)

To be recorded under 10 x 45 magnification using the eye piece ocular micrometer. The total length of the idioblast projection which protrude from the upper epidermis to be measured. Minimum of three leaf sections per leaf and three leaves per accession from 7 th to 9th position to be considered


Idioblast type

5.1 Blunt
5.2 Beak

The type of idioblast to be recorded by observing the nature of idioblast projection from the upper epidermal cells of the leaf surface


Idioblast frequency (no/

6.1 Less (£ 15) 6.2 Medium (> 15 - 30) 6.3 High (> 30)

To be recorded preferably under low magnification (10 x 10) so as to accommodate more number of idioblast in the microscopic focus


Cystolith length (mm)

7.1 Small (<50)
7.2 Medium (50-75)
7.3 Large (>75)

The same idioblast which are considered for measuring the projection length should be taken for measurement of the length of the Cystolith under 10 x 45 magnification. The cystolyths are embedded in the upper epidermis, which contains calcium carbonate crystals in them. The length of the Cystolith without the idioblast projection to be measured using the ocular micrometer and then convert to mm


Cystolith breadth (mm)

8.1 Small (<50)
8.2 Medium (50-75)
8.3 Large (>75)

As described above


Upper cuticular thickness (mm)

9.1 Thin (£ 4)
9.2 Medium (> 4 -8)
9.3 Thick (> 8)

To be recorded under 10 x 45 magnification using ocular micrometer and then convert into mm. Minimum of three leaf sections per leaf and three leaves per accession from 7 th to 9 th position to be considered


Upper epidermal thickness (mm)

10.1 Thin (£ 20)
10.2 Medium (> 20 - 40)
10.3 Thick (>40)

As described above


Palisade thickness (mm)

11.1 Thin (£ 50)
11.2 Medium (>50- 75)
11.3 Thick (> 75)

As described above In some of the accessions the paliside layers are more than one (Multilayered). The thickness of all the layers to be recorded to get the total palisade thickness


Spongy thickness (mm)

12.1 Thin (£ 50)
12.2 Medium (>50 -75)
12.3 Thick (>75)

As described above


Lower epidermal thickness (mm)

13.1 Thin (£ 5)
13.2 Medium (>5 -10)
13.3 Thick (>10)

As described above


Lower cuticular thickness (mm)

14.1 Thin (£ 2)
14.2 Medium ((>2 - 4)
14.3 Thick (> 4)

As described above


Total leaf thickness (mm)

15.1 Thin (£ 150)
15.2 Medium (> 150 -175)
15.3 Thick (>175)

The individual thickness of each layer from upper cuticular to lower cuticular thickness is added to get the total leaf thickness.

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