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Annexure-9: Descriptors for growth and yield parameters






Number of branches

1.1 Low (<20)
1.2 Medium (20-40)
1.3 High (>40)

To be recorded on 70 th day after pruning by counting the total number of branches/plant (mean of 3-5 plants)


Length of longest shoot (cm)

2.1 Low (<75)
2.2 Medium (75-150)
2.3 High (>150)

To be recorded on 70 th day after pruning by selecting the longest branch of the plant (mean of 3-5 plants)


Total shoot length (cm)

3.1 Low (1500)
3.2 Medium (1500-3000)
3.3 High (>3000)

To be recorded on the 70 th day after pruning by measuring the length of all the shoots of the plant (mean of 3-5 plants)


Internodal distance (cm)

4.1 Less (<3)
4.2 Medium (3-6)
4.3 High (>6)

To be recorded on 70 th day after pruning by counting the total number of nodes on the longest shoot divided by the total length of the shoot (mean of 3-5 plants)


Weight of the hundred leaves (gm)

5.1 Low (<300)
5.2 Medium (300-600)
5.3 High (>600)

To be recorded on 70 th day by weighing the equal number of top (leaving first five leaves), middle and lower leaves on the longest shoots (mean of 3-5 plants)


Leaf area (

6.1 Small (<200)
6.2 Medium (200-400)
6.3 Large (>400)

To be recorded on 70 th day with equal number of top (leaving first five leaves), middle and lower leaves (leaving lower leaves) on the longest shoot. It is calculated by total leaf area/number of leaves studied (mean of 3-5 plants)


Lamina petiole ratio by length

7.1 Low (<2.5)
7.2 Medium (2.5-5)
7.3 High (>5)

To be recorded on 70 th day after pruning by measuring the length of the fully grown leaves from 7th to 9th position on the longest shoot.It is the ratio between lamina length (excluding the petiole)/petiole length (mean of 3-5 plants)


Lamina petiole ratio by weight

8.1 Low (<5)
8.2 Medium (5-10)
8.3 High (>10)

To be recorded on 70 th day after pruning by weighing the fully grown leaves from 7th to 9th position on the longest shoot It is the ratio between lamina weight(excluding the petiole)/petiole weight (mean of 3-5 plants)


Leaf yield/plant (kg)

9.1 Low (<2)
9.2 Medium (2-4)
9.3 High (>4)

To be recorded after 75 days after pruning by harvesting all the leaves of the plant (mean of 3-5 plants)


Leaf- shoot ratio

10.1 Low (< 1)
10.2 medium (1-1.5)
103 High (>1.5)

To be recorded after 75 days after pruning by taking the total leaf yield/plant and total shoot yield/plant separately. It is the ratio between leaf yield/shoot yield (mean of 3-5 plants)


Moisture content (%)

11.1 Low (<60)
11.2 Medium (60-70)
11.3 High (>70)

To be recorded after 70 th day after pruning with equal number of tender, medium and course leaves of the main branches (mean of 3-5 plants)


Moisture retention capacity (%)

12.1 Low (<60)
12.2 Medium (60-70)
12.3 High (>70)

To be recorded after 70 th day after pruning with equal number of tender, medium and course leaves of the main branches (mean of 3-5 plants)

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