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3. Germplasm Database

3.1 Management and utilization of database

The investigated data for each genotype has been fed to the host computer as the passport data in accordance with the manual (Kawada et al., 1996), and is controlled by Management Section of the Genebank. An effort has also been done to introduce the part of the passport data for the general public at the homepage of Laboratory of Mulberry Breeding and Genetics, NISES (<>) in both Japanese and English versions. Along with the above information ‘Manual for the Characterization and Evaluation of Mulberry Genetic Resources’and’Characterization and Evaluation Data of Mulberry Genetic Resources’has also been incorporated in the English version.

The above web site includes a lot of information on mulberry traits data base etc. which are very useful for the improvement of mulberry varieties, we hope that this information will contribute to the future mulberry breeding programs for other sericultural countries including Japan.

3.2 Descriptors/Stock/Clone Characterization

Characterization and evaluation of mulberry genetic resources is being enforced in accordance with the manual which has already been enacted (Machii et al. 1997). The characterization and evaluation of each item is classified into three groups as primary characters, secondary characters and tertiary characters. Primary characters are morphological characters such as leaf and bud. Secondary characters contain agronomical characters such as sprouting and disease resistance. Tertiary characters include commercial characters on agricultural productions such as yield and quality. As for the details of each item, please refer to the home page or the publication.



Essential primary characters


Optional primary characters


Essential secondary characters


Optional secondary characters


Essential tertiary characters


Optional tertiary characters




3.3 Samples of germplasm directory or stock catalogue

Information about the germplasm has been introduced to the public with the help of electronic (via homepage of NISES through internet) as well as manual publications. We will introduce the screen of our homepage as a sample in this paper.

Fig. 6 is the top page of the Laboratory of Mulberry Breeding and Genetics, NISES. For proceeding to the next screen, click the item indicated in blue. Fig. 7 is the page representing a manual for the characterization and evaluation of mulberry genetic resources.

Details of the method employed in doing research can be accessed by clicking on blue item (Fig. 8). Fig. 9 shows the pages which have been arranged as per results obtained on the characteristic in the data base. The detailed data which is indicated in Fig. 10 can be seen by clicking on the name of genotypes.

3.4 Promotion of global sharing of germplasm information

As already mentioned, the information about mulberry genetic resources in our country has already been introduced to the public by the publication and on the Internet, which can be freely access all over the world. We hope in future several other countries will come forward to share the valuable information globally to enhance the utilization of mulberry genetic resources more effectively.

In order to use the information more efficiently it is essential that techniques involved in the investigation are unified up to certain level within the limits of important characters.

In order to build up the new system for global sharing of germplasm information, it is important that the international organization leads the countries involved in maintaining mulberry genetic resources. Therefore, we support the proposal from Dr. Tzenov, Bulgaria, that FAO and ISC should take leadership on this project. Though it is a personal opinion, and we are ready to provide technical support, if a request is brought from the country with less expertise in the research of mulberry genetic resources.

In future, new international organization should be established to collectively preserve and carry out unified investigation on the mulberry genetic resources. The control of the database should be carried out more efficiently which might be useful in complementing the preservation of genetic resources that are lost by unknown reasons in some countries. Moreover, the institute concerned with the genetic resources should be located at the minimum of two places (tropical and temperate zone), because the suitable environment is not equable for each mulberry genotypes based on their hereditary characters.

Finally, it is desirable that the established international organization will not only serve as a source of information but will also be involved in distributing the mulberry genetic resources.


Kawada M., M. Takeya, S. Sasaki and S. Miyashita (1996) A manual for the plant genetic resources database. Misc. Publ. Natl. Inst. Agrobiol. Resour., 9, 1-60. (in Japanese)

Kobayashi S., H. Machii, H. Yamanouchi and K. Katagiri (1994) Morphological traits of mulberry varieties. Misc. Publ. Natl. Inst. Seric. Entomol. Sci., 17, 1-17. (in Japanese)

Koizumi G. (1917) Taxonomical discussion on Morus plants. Bull. Imp. Sericult. Exp. stat., 3:1-62. (in Japanese)

Koyama A., H. Yamanouchi and H. Machii (1998) Polyploidy of Morus boninensis K., Breed. Sci., 48 (suppl. 2), 194. (in Japanese)

Koyama A., H. Yamanouchi and H. Machii (2001) Screening of mulberry genotypes suitable for fruit production and development of high-yielding strains with large fruits. JARQ, 35 (1), 59-66. (in English)

Machii H., A. Koyama, H. Yamanouchi and K. Katagiri (1997) Manual for the characterization and evaluation of mulberry genetic resources. Misc. Publ. Natl. Inst. Seric. Entomol. Sci., 22, 105-124. (in English)

Machii H., A. Koyama and H. Yamanouchi (1999) Fruit traits of mulberry genetic resources. J. Seric. Sci. Jpn., 60 (2), 1-11. (in English)

Machii H., A. Koyama and H. Yamanouchi (1999) A list of genetic mulberry resources maintained at National Institute of Sericultural and Entomological Science. Misc. Publ. Natl. Inst. Seric. Entomol. Sci., 26, 1-77. (in Japanese)

Machii H., A. Koyama, H. Yamanouchi, K. Matsumoto, S. Kobayashi and K. Katagiri (2000) A list of morphological and agronomical traits of mulberry genetic resources. Misc. Publ. Natl. Inst. Seric. Entomol. Sci., 29, 1-307. (in English)

Fig. 6. Home page of the Laboratory of Mulberry Breeding and Genetics, NISES

Fig. 7. The page representing a manual for the characterization and evaluation of mulberry genetic resources

Fig. 8. Methods employed in carrying out the investigation of mulberry genetic resources

Fig. 9. Detailed characteristics of 260 mulberry genotypes (Top page)

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