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X. Concluding Remarks

24. In the Final Session, the Chairperson thanked FAO for having organized such a broad-based inter-disciplinary consultation to address the potential environmental effects of GM crops holistically. He summarised the discussion emphasising that the wide-ranging discussion over two days, lead to the recognition of the full range of environmental effects that needed to be considered on introduction of GM crops within any specific agro-ecosystem. It was stressed that when GM crops were grown, their benefits and the potential hazards to the environment needed to be considered within the context of the broader ecosystem. There was a defined need for understanding the environmental effects of GM crops and it was very important that these effects were assessed locally, on a case by case basis. The group recognised that advances in molecular biology were providing new and innovative tools. However, there were several key knowledge gaps in this area that needed attention. The experts felt that monitoring could be a useful way forward; however, its challenges and constraints needed to be addressed thoroughly. However, lack of resources, inadequate regulatory frameworks and limited technical capacity in many countries where GM crops were being adopted also need immediate attention. There was an urgent need to establish effective collaborations and partnerships with all stakeholders in order to ensure sustained benefits to agriculture and its environment. It was emphasised that FAO had an enormous responsibility in facilitating and coordinating collaborations, technical assistance and capacity building as well as continuing the dialogue that has been initiated.

25. Dr. Louise O. Fresco thanked the experts and all the participants for the interesting discussions and for indicating the next steps to be taken. Dr. Mahmoud Solh delivered a vote of thanks to conclude the session.

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