RAP publication 2002/05

Case study


Implications for sustainable rural development


Rika Fujioka

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Photo Credits: R. Fujioka

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1          Introduction

1.1   Purpose of the research

1.2   Methodology

1.3   Hill tribes in Thailand - general background

2          Government policies and support programmes

2.1   Government policies

2.1.1   The national economic and social development plans

2.1.2   The Master Plan on Community Development, Environment and Narcotic Crop Control in Highland Areas

2.2   Support programmes

2.2.1   The Department of Non-formal Education

2.2.2   The Department of Agricultural Extension

2.2.3   The Department of Public Welfare

3          Implementation of policies: analysis of crucial issues

3.1   Participation of and communication with hill tribe communities

3.2   Local curriculum development

3.3   Local capacity-building

3.4   Inter-organizational collaboration

4          Future prospects


Annex I        References

Annex II       Interviews

Annex III      Location map

Annex IV      Monitoring of the Second Master Plan on Community Development, Environment and Narcotic Crop Control in Highland Areas (1997–2001) - summary

Annex V       DNFE CLCs

Annex VI      DNFE primary education for hill area community curriculum 1999

Annex VII     DOAE highland agricultural extension structure

Annex VIII    DOAE highland community agricultural services and technology transfer centres

Annex IX      DPW hill tribe public welfare and development structure

Annex X       DPW hill tribe welfare and development in 1999 and 2000


Box 1           FAO and education

Box 2           International Year of Mountains

Box 3           Hill tribes in Thailand

Box 4           ATTC, Ban Huai Soi, Hang Dong District

Box 5           JOCV assistance to DPW

Box 6           Inter Mountain Peoples Education and Cultures in Thailand Association (IMPECT)

Box 7           Radio

Box 8           The IMPECT experience

Box 9           The Royal project

Box 10         Community colleges