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ATTC Agricultural Technology Transfer Centre/Community Agricultural Services and Technology Transfer Centre
CLCCommunity Learning Centre
DNFEDepartment of Non-formal Education (Ministry of Education)
DOAEDepartment of Agricultural Extension (Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives)
DORADepartment of Local Administration (Ministry of Interior)
DPWDepartment of Public Welfare (Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare)
FAOFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
HAEPHill Area Education Project
HCLCHighland Community Learning Centre
ILOInternational Labour Organization
IMPECTInter Mountain Peoples' Education and Culture in Thailand Association
IYMInternational Year of Mountains
JICAJapan International Cooperation Agency
NESDBNational Economic and Social Development Board
NFENon-formal education
NGONon-governmental organization
RFDRoyal Forestry Department (Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives)
RTGRoyal Thai Government
TAOTambon (sub-district) Administrative Organization
UNUnited Nations
UNICEFUnited Nations Children's Fund

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