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Annex 3

Phase 2: Searching for solutions & concrete actions

For the three most voted priority issues each sub-group had to work on very concrete solutions and action plan.


To analyse in-depth through one topic (the chosen priority issue) some solutions and action plan taking into account the forces interacting.

To sensitise participants with the fact that for one given idea or solution, one always has to face pro- and contra- people. Therefore whether one accepts it as an immutable fact, either one learns how to deal with it.

1°The Ideal Scenario

The ideal scenario is use to rapidly generate (new) ideas of solutions, then translate them into realistic solutions + action plan and encourage individual involvement.

2°Force field analysis
The Force field analysis is used to identify and visualise the various forces in interactions: forces that drive or restrain change for a new situation. The tool also helps to have a visual analysis of the interactions between the forces and therefore make it clearer the actions that should be taken in order to reinforce or counter balance them.


Since each group studied a different priority issue, no real synthesis of the results could be made. Each group result has to be studied on its own.

The priority issues studied by participants were the following:

Balancing owners' and public interest in use of forest


Some general comments can be done upon the results of the three sub-groups.

It was very interesting for the participants to note that

Group 1: Searching for solutions

Improving viability of the forest sector



Critical Force

Driving Force

1. Forestry management system are rationalised, they are less expensive and more efficient

1. The cost for wood production and other activities in different managemental levels are decreased (government, enterprise, private level), cost-effective activities (sol. 1, 6)

Country readiness - political situation, economical situation (act 1, 2, 3, )

"Forest" enterprises, entrepreneurs, private forest owners - (act 1, 2, 4, 5)

2.Transfer payments for non-wood benefits - those who benefit from the certain services pay for it,f.E city who need forest for recreational matters pay for it

2. To increase the people's understanding teaching an overall business economy and marketing, in general (sol. 5, 7)

Conservatism of Foresters - people who doesn't want to change the attitude towards forestry (social, environmental, economical issues) (act 1, 2)

Forestry institutions- who are opened to politics and society, bring in knowledge, interests Positively motivated and understand each other the best. Know more about the forests than others, like society They are bottle-neck if the decision concerning personnel/employment should be done (act.1, 3, 4, 5)

3. Improvement of financial management and market conditions

3. Decentralisation of state forest management - favours financial compensation for local services (sol. 4)

Politicians - their attitude towards forestry and national coalition agreement (act. 1, 3, 4)

Educators (act.2, 5)

4. State/private interests and functions are separated

4. Strengthening of monitoring/control functions as well as courts efficiency (sol.3, 4)

Forestry institutions - who are not opened. Bottle-neck, if the discussions are going on employment and managemental issues (act. 1, 3, 5)

Employees (act. 1, 2, 5)

5. Consensus on multifunctional forestry reached

5. Increase of innovative activities and know how (sol.. 6)

Lack of marketing (act. 1, 6)

Country readiness - if the country has well-developed and ready to face challenges and there are not so many (act 1, 3, 4, 5))


6. Communication strategy among stakeholders (sol. 5, 7)

Lack of professional and expert knowledge (act. 1, 5)

EU integration, globalisation, international community, international business environment - press competitiveness and more efficiency (act 4)

6. Competitiveness of forest and wooden products are raised

 7. Active and regular advertising campaigns and ecological extension (sol. 7)

International commitments - more obligations and don't make their contributions and to impossible who should solve them (act. 1, 4)

State Policy (taxes a.s.o information) - an overall favours economically viable forest sector (act 1, 3, 4)

7. Promoting use of wood and non-wood forest products and services


Lack of valuation of non wood benefits and other services offered by forests (sol. 2, 7)

Changing attitudes and demands in society- in our society 70 %are living in urban areas; society itself favours the solutions (act 2,6).


NGO - in many cases are not interested in improving of econ. viable, if you improve then environmental functions will decrease; lack of knowledge (act.1)

Strong Political role of local communities - local and regional decision making favours transform payments for multifunctional forestry (act.1, 2, 3)


Raising social problems and employment problems, where forestry is most important branch and employer and tax payer (act 1)

Local Governance - local and regional decision making favours transform payments for multifunctional forestry (act. 2, 3)

Group 2: Searching for solutions on the following priority issue

Implementation of cross-sectoral responsibility for forest and forestry sector



Critical Forces

Driving Forces

1. NFP should established or revised:

1.1.Cross-sectoral issues should be identified;

1.2. Cross-sectoral influences should be evaluated

1.3 Mechanisms for balancing cross-sectoral influences should be established

1.4 Mechanisms for balancing should be implemented

1. Organize the process of elaboration or revision of NFP

- NGOs and stakeholders from related sectors affected by balancing of responsibilities (for example, losing resources, funding, or influence as a result of changes). [Action 2, Action 3]

-Ministries of related sectors affected by balancing of responsibilities. [Action 4]

-Ministries responsible for forestry and forest industry.

-Forest sector stakeholders (including NGOs)

-Stakeholders from related sectors (communication & collaboration).

-Ministries responsible for related sectors.

2. The related sectors, (forest cluster) needs to be defined and established;

2. Promote good cooperation within forest cluster


3. Sector wise responsibilities need to be authorized by legislation

3. Support communication and exchange information including public awareness

4. Establish or revise general government policy.


Group 3: Searching for solutions on the following priority issue

Balancing owners' and public interest in use of forests



Critical Forces

Driving Forces

Pan-European approach to NFP as overall framework (focus on informational policy means)

1. Economic analysis & evaluation of multifunctional forestry and the functional potential of forests

    On economic impact and contributions to the society

    Economic impacts and implications caused by restrictions on forest use

1. Prepare information on state of art of existing knowledge and related information needs

2 a. Organize workshops on Balancing owners and public interest in use of forests with researchers, stakeholders and policy decision makers;

2 b. Establishment of continuous communication process

3. Raise funding for regional/national research programmes for solution 1, including continuous communication

4 a. Establishing regional/national research programmes for solution 1

4 b. Research policy forum providing knowledge and information produced by research programme

to stakeholders, policy /decision makers

5. Encourage public dialogue as an input for

political decision making process on




for balancing interests of forest owners and society in use of forests

- Financing

- Capacities

- Political support

- Support from society

- forest owners,

- forest industries,

- international political commitments

-parliament members

-other forest related NGO's ,

2. Communication & awareness raising of evaluation and analysis results to forest owners, forest industries, other forest related NGO's , decision/policy makers and public

- Financing

- Capacities

- Political support

- Support from society

- Political support

- Support from society

3. Economic incentives (compensations of income gone, payment for services/ non price externalities, tax exemptions)

- Financing

- Capacities

- Political support

- Support from society

- forest owners,

- forest industries,

- international political commitments

-parliament members

-other forest related NGO's

- Political support

- Support from society

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