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DRAFT REPORT - PART II (continued)


CHAIRMAN: We will have to go back to Sweden, if you remember this morning the Swedish delegation wanted to make a point.

G. HOERSTADIUS (Sweden): We have been asked to re-read our addition to paragraph 19 in REP/2, and our addition will be as follows, following at the end of the present wording, as amended with "some" as you may remember: "One delegation suggested that this evaluation should also include the extent to which decisionmaking and execution responsibilities had been decentralized to the Regional Offices and to the FAO Representatives, and also include the relations between the FAO Representatives and UNDP representations."

G.BULA HOYOS (Colombia): A la delegación de Colombia le interesa particularmente este asunto. No estamos ahora ya en condiciones de ser artífices de nuevas polémicas, pero queremos solamente dejar nuestra constancia en el sentido de que la propuesta de Suecia conduciría a reabrir de nuevo el problema que habíamos discutido en el pasado y cuya solución favorable yo creí que se había ya obtenido a través de las buenas relaciones que hay ahora entre el PNUD y la FAO. Sólo dejamos esta constancia para las actas, señor Presidente.

P. KANGA (Angola): Je voudrais simplement que la delegation de la Suède reconsidère sa proposition. Je crois que c'est plutôt a nous de faire cette proposition en tant que pays en voie de développement. Nous desirons simplement lancer un appel à la Suède pour qu'elle reconsidère sa position.

M. GUERRAOUI (Maroc): Je voudrais également m'associer à l'Angola pour lancer le même appel à la Suède en vue de retirer cette proposition a la fin du paragraphe 19. Je n'ai pas l'intention de rouvrir le débat sur cette question. Je voudrais que l'on tienne compte qu'un telle évaluation va amener notre Organisation à s'engager dans des dépenses supérieures et que de toute façon q'elle va amener les pays qui bénéficient de ces représentations a confirmer ce qu'ils ont déjà exprimé, a savoir qu'ils sont les mieux placés pour faire une telle évaluation ,

D. KOUESSEN (Cameroun): Je voudrais lancer le même appel parce que le procès-verbal initial a reflété fidèlement les débats de cette décentralisation des bureaux de la FAO. Nous qui sommes des pays en voie de développement et qui bénéficions des activités de ces bureaux, nous pensons que cette évaluation, que 1 on pourra envisager dans l'avenir, ne devrait pas être de nature à freiner ou a ralentir le rythme de la représentation de la FAO. Nous pensons que notre préoccupation a été suffisamment annoncée dans le procès-verbal initial et que l'on ne devrait pas continuer a montrer cette préoccupation par des considerations et des évaluations et que les pays en voie de développement souhaitent la décentralisation jusqu'a atteindre l'objectif initial.

K. CHOUERI (Liban) (interprétation de l'arabe): Il est déjà tard et je voudrais être concis. Je tiens a dire que je m associe a ce que viennent de dire mes collègues et lancer à la délégation de la Suède un appel de reconsidération.

J. TCHICAYA (Congo): Lorsque nous avons débattu cette question, après avoir entendu ie distingué délégué de la Suède, nous sommes nous-mêmes intervenus pour dire que nous étions, nous pays en voie de développement, les mieux placés pour pouvoir apporter tous les renseignements nécessaires à ce qui pourrait apaiser les délégués des pays développés. Je pense qu'à cet égard la démonstration que nous a faite ici le délégué de l'Inde à ce sujet avait édifié le délégué de Suède. Je suis donc surpris que cette question puisse persister et que le délégué de la Suède propose l'amendement qu'il nous indique. Je voudrais donc lancer également un nouvel appel au délégué de la Suède pour lui demander de retirer son amendement.

W. A. F. GRABISCH (Germany, Federal Republic of): In order to be brief I will merely recall that my delegation too spoke on the question of division of labour, staff and allocations between Headquarters, Regional Offices and the Country Offices; of course, in the sense of supporting the decentralization process. We did not see our view covered adequately in the Draft Report but we had no intention of insisting on it. I think what was stated, by Sweden is partly also the view of my delegation and had also been supported by others during our debate, so I could support part of it. However, we would not insist that it should be changed to "a few delegations" and would go along with what is now stated in the report.

G. W. MAHINDA (Kenya): My delegation was happy in the belief that we were beginning to make some progress and we are now afraid that we are being told to make another about-turn and return to another point. I think this is not in the interests of this Council and, unless we feel very strongly about this, I believe that the discussion which has been held already on this was exhaustive and adequate, and I would suggest that Sweden withdraw his amendment.

The alternative would be to keep us talking about this for a long time, without perhaps getting anywhere.

G. HOERSTADIUS (Sweden): We only claim to speak on our own behalf, and of course we are going to take into account the views expressed, the reactions to our amendment. But so far I think we have the right to speak like this, on our own behalf.

CHAIRMAN: Well, Sweden is not prepared to withdraw. He has said himself that it is only the view of his own delegation. But in spite of the overwhelming number of speakers, delegates who appealed to Sweden, if Sweden does not want to withdraw, there is nothing we can do. You would not consider withdrawing, Sweden, would you? No, I see. We go on with the following point.

You will recall that we were discussing paragraph 48, Part II of our Report when we closed for lunch. In the discussion in the morning it appeared that there were differences of opinion on one issue, and that is the question of the footnote. The French delegate proposed an amendment to paragraph 48, but this he withdrew because there is really a large measure of support, in fact everybody wanted paragraph 48 in, so that amending paragraph 48 may not satisfy everybody. So the French delegate withdrew the amendment that he proposed to paragraph 48. I assume that we will now discuss the question of the footnotes. We had a footnote from the delegate of the United States and a footnote from the delegate of Colombia, with both of which at one time we were almost agreeing on that text. But now we have paused and had a look and I am sure there will be some more ideas which will solve this problem.

RAMADHAR (Chairman, Drafting Committee): I would like to make some suggestions regarding the organization of the work. As you rightly pointed out in the beginning, Mr. Chairman, we should adopt paragraph 48 because there is complete unanimity on paragraph 48 in the existing form and, as was pointed out in the morning, this paragraph was finalized after a very detailed discussion in the Drafting Committee. It is a very delicately balanced paragraph and once you distort that balance there will be no end to the complications that we will have. So I suggest that we adopt paragraph 48.

Then we come to the footnote. My second proposal would be for this Council to examine that in case we ultimately decide to add a footnote where that should legitimately belong. The footnote in its present form as proposed talks about the non-inclusion of the views of certain member countries and these views have been mentioned in paragraphs 42 and 43 though according to them they have not been properly mentioned. So I throw it out for the consideration of the Council whether that footnote should belong to paragraph 42 or paragraph 43.

K. R. HIGHAM (Canada): I apologise to the Chairman of the Drafting Committee who has just suggested that we talk in terms of a complete unanimity over the acceptance of paragraph 48, because over the lunch hour we took the trouble to think in terms.of replacing paragraph 48 with language which is a little less controversial and perhaps even a little more precise in the form of its conclusion.

We took the liberty of discussing it with the delegation of Brazil, who very wisely added some amendments to it and we have circulated to a few members - we have not had time to speak to everybody so far - a sentence which would replace the language presently in paragraph 48. We put it forward with the support of Brazil on the understanding that it will sweep away any need for footnotes. I have not yet had the chance to confirm with those delegations who have requested a footnote that they would agree that this new language would justify removal of the footnotes, but I think at this stage the best thing would be to propose it and let us all think about it. I will read it out. Just to clarify, this would replace the language presently in paragraph 48 and is tabled on the understanding that the footnotes would no longer be required. It would say: ''The Council instructed the Secretariat to prepare the final proposal for the Programme of Work and Budget using the draft as a fully acceptable basis, and taking into account the viewpoints expressed in paragraphs 41 to 47.''

A. F. M. DE FREITAS (Brazil): As I stated in the morning, I took part in the discussions in the Drafting Committee, so of course I do prefer the present drafting of paragraph 48 as it is in the Draft Report. But since we seem to have come to some unsurmountable difficulties I decided to talk to some of my colleagues, and I think this proposition just put forward by Canada has two distinct advantages: one, there is no mention made about major or minor contributors; and two, there is no mention made that a majority supported the budget level and a minority did not support the budget level.

This seems to me to be the best alternative in case there are unsurmountable difficulties regarding the present drafting of paragraph 48.

E. M. WEST (Assistant Director-General, Office of Programme, Budget and Evaluation): Before we get too far in the discussion of this amendment I would like to make some comments on its form, Mr. Chairman; the substance is for you. With regard to the form I must point out that the Council cannot instruct the Director-General: it can recommend to him that he do something as was originally here, but it is his prerogative on the basic text to put forward his proposals taking into account all sorts of advice that he may receive. So the wording should be: "The Council recommended that the Director-General should prepare his final proposed Programme of Work and Budget" - and then it is not the draft - using the word Summary.

CHAIRMAN: That does not change the substance, as you said, but it puts it in a more constitutional or legal manner.

K. R. HIGHAM (Canada): Just to say as participants in the drafting of this text that the changes suggested by Mr. West do make sense.

P. S. McLEAN (United Kingdom): I should first express great appreciation on the part of my delegation for the initiative that the delegation of Canada has taken on this. I think, notwithstanding the comments made by the Chairman of the Drafting Group, the Council as a whole would prefer not to have any footnotes to this section. Therefore, reverting to the proposal that we find an acceptable form of words for paragraph 48 commends itself to my delegation. I have to say that the Canadian formulation, as amended by Mr. West, with which I have no difficulty, is less explicit on the point that the United Kingdom and the United States were making. However, the length of time that we have taken since this draft was put before us and the debate we have had must I think leave no member of this Council in any doubt as to the seriousness of those who have made the point about their beliefs

in the level of the budget, which are genuine and sincere. Therefore in the spirit of wishing to get on, I for my part and on behalf of the United Kingdom delegation, would be prepared to accept the Canadian proposal, as amended by Mr. West, to replace paragraph 48, which in my view would obviate the need for the footnote which I have previously supported.

M. TRKULJA (Yugoslavia): The problem for my delegation is that we are again speaking in terms of seriousness. I think that it again goes back to where we were in the morning, which implies that some countries should be considered as more equal among equals. The very concept, as I said this morning, is totally unacceptable to my delegation. This is indeed a sacred principle of the UN family. I think it is only natural to assume that we are all equally serious and our views as expressed during the debate and as expressed again in the morning debate should be equally seriously taken into account by the Director-General. With this general remark, I am trying to see how we could possibly agree. Again, more as a matter of form than perhaps a matter of substance, I think it would be more useful to reverse the words and then to start from the end and say, "Taking into account the views expressed" -- I have nothing against paragraphs 41-49 itself, it is quite obvious, but I don't think that it is a matter of substance that the Council agreed that the Summary presented a fully acceptable basis - "and accordingly recommended to the Director-General to" - I am just trying to improvise -- "upon which the Director-General should prepare the final Programme of Work and Budget for 1982-83 and recommended that he proceed accordingly".

I think we just have to reverse the order, nothing else. I don't think it is a matter of substance, and in that case, I think the substance is more or less as it was in paragraph 48 and we can.agree. I don't think it is disputable if it indeed implies having a certain connotation which I cannot agree with.

W.A.F. GRABISCH (Germany, Federal Republic of): My delegation is grateful for the initiative taken by Canada and Brazil and wishes to support the proposal put forward by both delegations and supported by others, because my delegation would have had some difficulties in accepting the text in the original paragraph 48 of the Draft Report.

CHAIRMAN: Will Canada read out slowly the amended version now, please.

K.R. HIGHAM (Canada): If I have got it correct as it reads so far, "The Council recommended" - instead of "instructed" - "that the Director-General" -- instead of "the Secretariat" - "The Council recommended that the Director-General should prepare his final proposal for the Programme of Work and Budget using the Summary as a fully acceptable basis, and taking into account the viewpoints expressed in paragraphs 41-47".

M. TRKULJA (Yugoslavia): I suggest that perhaps in keeping with the previous practice we reverse the order of the paragraphs and I suggest that we can perhaps agree on the following: "Taking into account the views expressed in paragraphs 41-47 the Council agreed" or "decided that the Summary represented a fully acceptable basis on which the Director-General should prepare the final Programme of Work and Budget for 1982-83, and recommended that he proceed accordingly". I think the substance is 100 percent the same.

R.A. S0RENS0N (United States of America): With great difficulty we could go along with the Canadian version but very frankly and in candour we could not accept the Yugoslav version which is not the same at all, or why is he asking to change it? In fact, it distorts the issue completely, and in this connection I would like to say that we fully agree that this Council consists of a community of nations, but the sense of community has to involve recognition of the rights of minorities, and the majority cannot continually and endlessly impose its will on the minority, and that is what is at stake here.

K.R. HIGHAM (Canada): I don't want to play around too much with this. We are obviously talking about something that is delicate for a lot of delegations. If it is agreeable that we remain with this text as I propose it, with the recommendations suggested by Mr. West, I think we are almost there and maybe can move on. I think that some of the ideas expressed by Yugoslavia are good, but there is, in fact, according to my reading of what he said, a tricky substantive change possibly, and I think we have nogotiated this order of the words quite a way down the line. If he is agreeable, I think, we are almost there.

M. TRKULJA (Yugoslavia): Certainly, Sir, I may be tricky, no question about that, but I am not aware that I was or that I am, so I would kindly ask Canada for my own education to show me where lies the tricky difference between what I suggested and what he suggested. The same applies, of course, to the United States on who is trying to impose views. Of course, our perspectives are totally different as spelled out by the United States. We think that what is at stake here is that some of the minority with the level of contributions now tries to impose its views on the majority much more than vice versa.

CHAIRMAN: You are the Chairman of the Programme Committee elected by Council so I do not think any member would consider you as anything other than a very, very good man.

T. AHMAD (Pakistan): For purposes of compromise and going forward, we are willing to consider the formulation which Canada has so kindly presented to us, but I have my reservations about it. The reservations are that the draft formulation presented now does not reflect what actually happened in the Council, it does not reflect the position of the majority of the Council. The formulation now presented waters down what the Council decided, and I agree with Yugoslavia that it is a question of basic principle: the principle is that Council sitting here is comprised of sovereign states, and out of the numbers of the sovereign states the majority supported a certain number, a certain level of the budget and the minority -- I am not trying to get into groups, whether one minority is important or the other minority is important; the majority had a certain viewpoint, and that viewpoint is not reflected in the draft Resolution as presented by Canada and I find it unacceptable.

CHAIRMAN: Canada, I think you should read out the draft again slowly, so that everyone can hear it.

K.R. HIGHAM (Canada): In response to Pakistan, whose opinions I have learned to respect very highly in the short time he has been here, I know exactly what he means and I understand why he has raised this question and that is why we who drafted the proposed text specifically included reference to paragraphs 41-47, which I believe we are in agreement do represent in themselves a fair reflection, of what took place in Council. What we are talking about here is the conclusion or the logical conclusion of those six paragraphs 41-47, and asking that the Director-General take them into account as he works on his final proposal for the Programme of Work and Budget. That is the reason we included those paragraphs 41-47. We were working from the understanding that we have agreement with those paragraphs which in-fact reflect accurately and satisfactorily what went on in the debate on the budget. I will read again the text: "The Council recommended that the Direetor-General should prepare his final proposal for the Programme of Work and Budget using the Summary as a fully acceptable basis, and taking into account the viewpoints expressed in paragraphs 41-47."

C. BATAULT (France): Je suis tout à fait d'accord avec la proposition canadienne et également avec les explications que vient de donner M. Higham. Il me semble que les paragraphes 44 et suivants répondent pleinement à ce que vient de dire le délégué du Pakistan. Nous avons ainsi une formule de compromis qui me paraît satisfaire tout le monde, puisque dans les paragraphes cités il y a les opinions des uns et des autres. Nous avons donc tout avantage à accepter cette formule de compromis, qui nous laisse la possibilité aux uns et aux autres de faire ce que nous voulons dans l'avenir, en tenant compte des débats qui ont eu lieu. C'est une formule qui contient la synthèse de ce qui s'est passé. Si nous voulons ajouter des détails dans le texte même, nous aurons de nouveau des tas de difficultés. Puisqu'on fait allusion aux paragraphes qui contiennent les opinions des uns et des autres, le texte du Canada répond au souci des deux parties. Dans un but de conciliation, de façon à faciliter à l'avenir les travaux du Conseil et de la Conférence, nous avons avantage à accepter la proposition canadienne à laquelle se rallie la délégation française.

M. W. MOORE-WILTON (Australia): Again I find myself in agreement with France. My delegation is grateful to the Canadian delegation for spending their lunch hour in this constructive way and I can support that text. In order not to burden you with further interventions on this on my part, we can accept the old paragraph 48 if that is necessary. The third alternative, that of continuing this debate into November, is not very attractive to me.

A, NAGA (Japan): We appreciate the initiative taken by Canada and Brazil. We can go along with the wording of Canada and Brazil, as amended by Mr, West, even though we still have difficulty in accepting it.

CHAIRMAN: Pakistan, will you reply to this.

T. AHMAD (Pakistan): Simply to get ahead, I would go along, but I do want to express my views that as far as I am concerned it is a very washed-down conclusion of the actual debate. But as the delegate from Australia does not wish to stay here until November, I will be here and I am ready to go on!

T.C. RAJAONA (Madagascar): Je vois que nos débats ont progressé, mais nous avons un peu oublié que le Comité de rédaction avait fort longuement débattu et cherché une formule qui essaierait de faire une moyenne sur cette question. Je suis de l'avis de rendre hommage aux travaux laborieux qu'a faits ce Comité hier.

Je propose donc comme formule définitive du libellé de ce paragraphe 48 de commencer par: "le Conseildécide que le sommaire de programme de travail et budget fournit au Directeur général une base pleinement acceptable pour préparer le programme de travail et budget définitif de 1982/83 et lui recommande " c'est à ce moment-là que va prendre la suite ce qu'a proposé la délégation du Canada

"d'agir en tenant compte des avis exprimés aux paragraphes 41 à 47".

M.W. MOORE-WILTON (Australia): Could I suggest that the best way we could show our appreciation to the Drafting Committee would be to quickly finish our consideration of this whole report? The Drafting Committee is merely an instrument of this Council.

My delegation can support the Canadian suggestion, but it cannot support and will not support the Madagascan change. We can always go through words, words, words, but the Canadian suggestion is generally acceptable.

CHAIRMAN: I think there is general acceptance of the Canadian proposal. As you said, it is words and words, and you can always improve on almost everything.

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Nuestra delegación desea, en primer lugar, agradecer a los distinguidos colegas de Camerún y Congo el apoyo que dieron esta mañana a nuestra posición al adherirse a la inserción de una nota de pie de página que hablamos propuesto. Compartimos con ellos y con otros delegados que se manifestaron en el mismo sentido, el punto de vista de que no es conveniente ni saludable que aparezcan notas a pie de página en nuestro Informe y si recurrimos a esta propuesta se debió a que era el último recurso que teníamos frente a una persistente actitud que seguimos considerando improcedente y carente de seriedad.

Para demostrar nuestra coherencia con lo que acabamos de decir, queremos expresar nuestro agradecimiento muy sincero a los colegas Higham, del Canadá y de Freitas de Brasil por la contribución positiva que han hecho a la feliz solución de este caso, que nos permite así presentar nuestro Informe de la mejor manera posible.

CHAIRMAN: I think in order to cut this debate short now, we have a proposal from Canada as amended by Mr. West, and it seems to be acceptable to many people. If you agree, we will adopt this and proceed with the rest of our report.

G.W. MAHINDA (Kenya): I see very little difference, and as a matter of fact I am unable to appreciate any real difference between the amended version and the original version except as has just been proposed or mentioned by Madagascar, and I would like your guidance or the guidance of Mr. West as to whether it makes a basic difference to use the words: "The Council recommended" or "The Council decided". If it really does not make very much difference, then I would go along with the Canadian amendment, but if it does make a basic difference I am afraid that there is a need to look further into it.

E.M. WEST (Assistant Director-General, Office of Programme, Budget and Evaluation): If the Council feels it necessary to take a decision, it could decide to recommend! The word "recommended" is also perfectly all right, and the Director-General - and I am not going to get into the substance - will take into account the few points expressed in this debate as in any other debate with due regard to the views of all member nations, and with due regard to his own best judgment of what to do in the circumstances.

K.R. HIGHAM (Canada): I have the feeling you were just about to bring down the hammer on this one, but before you do I would like to make very, very clear that it is only on the understanding the footnotes are reviewed; and secondly, to say one more time that I notice it is being referred to as 'The Canadian amendment", and I would like for future reference that it should be known as the Canadian/ Brazilian amendment, as at least 50 percent of the original suggestion comes from the Brazilian delegation.

CHAIRMAN: Both the United States and Colombia, who suggested the footnote, have accepted the Canadian/ Brazilian formulation, and if you agree to that, we will proceed.

Paragraphs 1 to 48, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 48, ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
Los párrafos 1 a 48, así enmendados, son aprobados

PARAGRAPHS 49 and 50
PARRAFOS 49 y 50

A. JUAN MARCOS ISSA (México): Sólo para sugerir, espero que no haya ningún problema por parte del Consejo, que en el párrafo 50, en la novena línea del texto español, la frase que comienza: "Subrayó que esto entrañaba un esfuerzo interno", después de esta frase, digo, nuestra Delegación desearía que se incluyera la siguiente frase de las palabras que el Presidente del CMA envió a este Consejo en su documento original, es decir, que después de la palabra "Subrayó" siguiera la frase: "Esto es esencial para abordar con eficacia los problemas alimentarios y estimular el apoyo exterior a dichas actividades.

Exponemos esto porque consideramos que con esta frase se complementa plenamente el sentido del contexto de la intervención del Presidente del CMA.

CHAIRMAN: Of course the full text of the message from the President of the World Food Council is in our records and with our Secretariat, so if this is an extract from it which you wish to add, if you give the piece to the Secretariat they can add it on. There is nothing new in it.

Paragraphs 49 and 50, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 49 et 50, ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
Los párrafos 49 y 50, así enmendados, son aprobados

Draft Report Part II, as amended, was adopted
Le projet de rapport - Ile partie, ainsi amende, est adopté
El pro
yecto de informe - Parte II, así enmendado, es aprobado



CHAIRMAN: We now start considering Part III of the Draft Report.

K.R. HIGHAM (Canada): On paragraph 3 - unless someone wants to speak on earlier paragraphs - first we have a technicality, but one that is quite important because of the growing recognition that investment in agricultural development comes from all sectors of the developing world, the developed world, from national and international sources. I should like to point out the second last sentence of paragraph 3. It starts with the words "It recalled that the annual flow" and then we get on to "of international financial assistance which would be needed to achieve this goal was estimated by the Secretariat at US$ 8-9 billion". I think what that figure 8-9 billion represents is in fact the annual flow of national and international investment, that is, it includes investment by countries in their own agriculture and resource transfers. The way it reads right now, it tends to suggest that the 8-9 billion is only resource transfers from the development assistance sources. So, if it read "the annual flow of investment which would be needed" taking out the words "international financial assistance".

RAMADHAR (Chairman, Drafting Committee): This has been taken exactly from the Report of the Committee on Agriculture. The question was raised in the Drafting Committee. We considered it and, coming to this question of internal/external, at that time the total investment was estimated to be $ 25 billion, and out of that, roughly one third was considered as external assistance; so it is all right here.

K.R. HIGHAM (Canada): I am being coached by someone sitting behind me who knows the details better than I do. I understand that in fact the figure reflects international investment that is transferred in addition to development assistance, it could include investment by the private sector internally or other forms of investment. I would therefore amend my amendment to leave in the word international and it would read: "It recalled that the annual flow of international investment which would be needed" etc.

N. ISLAM (Assistant Director-General, Economic and Social Policy Department): The traditional way it has been used, the annual flow of external resources, external financial resources, whch has been estimated at 8.3 or US$8-9 billion.

CHAIRMAN: I think we can take Professor Islam's wording which is standard.

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Deseamos proponer una adición al párrafo 5, pero anticipamos que nuestro ánimo solo es el de tratar de uniformar este párrafo con otro que ya hemos adoptado, de manera que si nuestra propuesta crea dificultades no insistiremos y aceptaremos el párrafo 5 como está. Pero proponemos que en el actual párrafo 5 donde dice "Africa", se pusiera una coma y se agregara el miembro de frase, que aparece en la primera del párrafo 29 del REP/2, o sea que se diría lo siguiente: "El Consejo se declaro de acuerdo con las recomendaciones del Comité de que se diera alta prioridad para las actividades en Africa, sin perjuicio de las necesidades acuciantes y legítimas de otras regiones."

Esto aparece ya en el párrafo 29 del REP/2 y no ofreció dificultades. Creemos que así estaría mejor el texto, pero repetimos, no insistiremos.

CHAIRMAN: No problem. In that case Colombia's proposal on this paragraph is accepted.

A. JUAN-MARCOS ISSA (México): Es sobre el párrafo 9. Simplemente proponemos añadir una palabra para ser más congruentes desde nuestro punto de vista en las diferentes sentencias del párrafo 9.

En la primera sentencia del párrafo 9 se habla del establecimiento de un banco internacional de genes bajo la custodia de la FAO que aseguraría el libre intercambio, etc. En la ultima sentencia del mismo párrafo 9 se habla nuevamente de que permitirán el mantenimiento y libre intercambio de los recursos. Nuestra propuesta es que se diga: "permitieran el mantenimiento y aseguren el libre intercambio de recursos", para hacerla congruente con la primera sentencia del mismo párrafo.

M. KRIESBERG (United States of America) : It is perhaps only a small matter but there are a limited amount

of things we can assure by putting them in a report. It seems to me the issue is to try to get on with

the kind of thing which is suggested here which might have the results sought rather than assure, whichcannot be done.

RAMADHAR (Chairman, Drafting Committee): We had very detailed discussion on this paragraph also in the Drafting Committee and since we had the advice and advantage of having Dr. Bommer there and he is also here, maybe we should listen to him.

D. F.R. BOMMER (Assistant Director-General, Agriculture Department): It is difficult for me to comment here because it is not a particular issue, if you wish to assure this or if you feel allowance is enough. I think Mexico requested us to put in to be sure, but I think we should recall that this is in the context of asking to make a study, so I think the study will look into what are possible measures and avenues that could be assured so I think there is no harm to accepting the suggestion made by the Mexican delegation.

CHAIRMAN: There is no objection to the word added by Mexico.

K.R. HIGHAM (Canada): The last sentence of the last paragraph of paragraph 15, we would like to suggest a slight clarification by making the following changes. I will read it as we propose it to be changed. It would read: "The Council also call on FAO to intensify its coordination'V that is dropping the word "guidance"- "for the coordination" and jumping right to "coordination" and then "with" rather than "among", so that it would read: "for the coordination with the International Agricultural Research Centres"- that is as it is - "under the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research"-- "to ensure the maximum complementarity of their respective activities."

RAMADHAR (Chairman, Drafting Committee): Actually FAO is also one of the three co-sponsors of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research so as far as the details are concerned I have no problem with this but keep that in view, the FAO is one of the co-sponsors of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. I do not know whether Dr. Bommer would have anything to say on this.

D. F.R. BOMMER (Assistan Director-General, Agriculture Department) : I think the Chairman of the Drafting Committee has already expressed the fact that we are strongly collaborating, cooperating within the CGIAR and made constant efforts to harmonize our collaboration. I do not see any serious difficulties how this is now being worded. I felt the first wording was adequate but now if you feel the second wording is better then we have no problems.

M. KRIESBERG (United States of America) : We too had a problem with that last portion as was evidenced by the Drafting Committee. We can accept most of what our Canadian colleague had suggested. However, we would propose one further clarification and that is where we talk about "the Council also called on FAO" I believe we need to have a qualifying phrase, something like the following: "within the context of its technical support role with the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research system". In other words, there is this collaborative relationship and it is within that framework that we are asking them to undertake these things, which it is already doing, but if we are implying they have a different role in relationship to the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research system then we run into problems with another governing body who has its role in relation to that system.

CHAIRMAN: I will ask Canada what the intention was, is it additional coordination or is it within the the existing arrangement?

K.R. HIGHAM (Canada): I suspect that when we made our changes we had the same ideas in mind that the Americans had with theirs. We were just asking for a little less precision. The proposed American addition does not bother me.

:d. F.R. BOMMER (Assistant Director-General, Agriculture Department): I think I have already informed the United States delegation that his wording of the technical support role is much too narrow. FAO is co-sponsor which makes it at the highest policy level in the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research and we are participating in all kinds of policy-making decisions, not purely in the form of technical support. I would turn it round and say that the CGIAR provides technical support to the overall emphasis of this Organization in providing food and agricultural production from the world. I think it could be misleading. On the other hand, I think the original sentence, which gives us the discussion in which the delegate from China asked very precisely that we should help with the rather uncoordinated way in which these centres are operating in the individual countries, they would be better improved to be better cooperating amongst themselves. We are less concerned with the cooperation of FAO with them but with cooperation between themselves and this is certainly an unsolved problem in which we are at present involved in the Committee of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research with a real solution in sight. So this is a real problem, whereas the cooperation of the CGIAR with FAO within the system is not a real problem.

CHAIRMAN: If the United States will agree we will drop your suggestion and the Canadian one will stand.

Paragraphs 1 to 48, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 48, ainsi amendés, sont approuves
Los párrafos 1 a 48. así enmendados, son aprobados

PARRAFOS 49 a 51

CHAIRMAN: We will now go on to the World Food Programme and the Annual Report, paragraphs 49 to 51.

P.S. McLEAN (United Kingdom): A small point in paragraph 5, in the eighth line half way down that paragraph which reads: "by contrast, the programme's resources were practically stagnant." is I think a somewhat over dramatic and stark statement, coming after the description in that paragraph of the reasons why the project-oriented development assistance of the WFP is constrained. My delegation I think made the point, as others did, that part of the difficulty is the fact that a large amount or the resources of WFP in recent years is having to go to emergency assistance. I am subject to correction from WFP but I think the thought that is intended by that sentence would be better understood if it said: "By contrast, the Programme's resources devoted to development were practically stagnant", so that is simple adding in the words "devoted to development" after the word "resources".

RAMADHAR (Chairman, Drafting Committee): If I could follow the amendment listed by the United Kingdom delegate, it was to have the words 'By contrast, the Programme's resources devoted to development were practically stagnant', and I remind the Council in this connexion that we have discussed the resources of the WFP in real terms many times and it was also discussed in the last CFA and referred to in the Council on account of price rise and also freight cost. So taking that in view what has been stated here is factually correct, they have been stagnant.

Yesterday it was pointed out by the Secretariat on another question raised that all the WFP assistance is development measures. Those being given for emergency are essentially development measures.

P.S. McLEAN (United Kingdom): I will not enter into a debate with the Chairman of the Drafting Committee on the last point except to remind him that this whole matter is to be considered, as he well knows, in CFA.

I am not going to stick on this but might I, through you, Mr. Chairman, ask the Executive Director ad interim if what I have suggested is not a statement of the position as he sees it in terms of the efforts which I know he is making to use more of the resources for what I regard as the real work of WFP, and I am sure all of us do, the development-oriented assistance. But, as I- say, if the view is that this is unnecessary I will not insist on it.

B. de A. BRITO (Executive Director ad interim, World Food Programme): I think the situation is rather clear. In real terms resources for development projects as such are stagnant; in emergencies there is no doubt that in real terms there is an increase. Perhaps it would be more precise and avoid any ambiguity if we could say 'resources earmarked for development projects' because that is even more precise, but then I think the amendment is correct.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you. We will accept the United Kingdom amendment.

P.A. MORALES CARBALLO (Cuba): Quiero referirme al párrafo 50. Creo que la tercera oración es donde comienza diciendo: "Hizo notar la competencia", al menos en el texto español dice: "Hizo notar la competencia por los escasos recursos". A nosotros no nos suena bien eso. Tal vez lo que se quiso es decir lo siguiente, y aquí añadimos nuestra enmienda: "Hizo notar la competencia del Programa teniendo en cuenta los escasos recursos". Tal vez ésa fue la idea que se quiso dar.

CHAIRMAN: I think this will be put right in the Spanish.

P.S. McLEAN (United Kingdom): Again I would like to make a suggestion for the consideration of the Council in regard to paragraph 56, which I think is the appropriate place. My recollection is that during the debate a large number of delegates drew attention to the problems of transportation, and this is indeed recorded elsewhere in the Report on the item. The importance of providing cash resources for transport, particularly by those who contributed essentially in commodities, was stressed by a number of delegates. I wonder if it would be acceptable to add at the end of paragraph 56 some small recognition of that by a sentence which would read: 'Several delegations drew attention to the need for those contributing commodities to provide also for the cost of transport'.

C. BATAULT (France): Je voulais simplement dire ce que mon collègue britannique vient exactement d'exprimer; je l'en remercie et je suis donc tout à fait d'accord avec lui.

CHAIRMAN: Then if there are no more comments these paragraphs are approved as amended.

Paragraphs 49 to 59, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 49 à 59, ainsi amendes, sont approuves
Los párrafos 49 a 59, así enmendados, son aprobados

Draft Report - Part III, as amended, was adopted
Le Projet de rapport, lile partie, ainsi amende, est adpoté
El proyecto de informe - Parte III, así enmendado, es aprobado


CHAIRMAN: We go on with Draft Report, Part IV, Paragraphs 1 - 9.


G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Queremos referirnos a la última frase del párrafo 5. La última frase del párrafo 5 dice: "A este respecto, algunas delegaciones subrayaron la necesidad .... etc.". Nosotros creemos que debe decirse: "A este respecto, el Consejo subrayo la necesidad ....". Creo que todos los miembros del Consejo tenemos interés en que esa Conferencia se prepare debidamente.

CHAIRMAN: Is there any difficulty on that?

RAMADHAR (Chairman, Drafting Committee): No. Actually we added this sentence at the suggestion of France in the Drafting Committee, but I have no objection.

CHAIRMAN: Then we accept the Colombian proposal.

G.BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Esperamos no crearle dificultades a usted en relación con el párrafo 8, pero pensamos que en su forma actual, el párrafo 8 está redactado en sentido negativo. Podíamos tratar de decir lo mismo en sentido positivo. Vamos a ensayar una redacción que no cambia mucho el texto sino que como digo tiende a hacerlo más claro y afirmativo.

Podríamos decir: "Numerosas delegaciones expresaron la opinión de que las propuestas para la pesca en el Programa Ordinario deberían reflejar más suficientemente las responsabilidades mucho mayores de la FAO en el mundo pesquero bajo el nuevo regimen de los océanos". Espero que esto no ofrezca dificultad. Hemos tratado de darle un giro que consideramos más favorable a este párrafo 8.

Diría este párrafo 8: "Numerosas delegaciones expresaron la opinión de que las propuestas para la pesca en el Programa Ordinario deberían reflejar más suficientemente las responsabilidades mucho mayores de la FAO en el mundo pesquero bajo el nuevo régimen de los océanos". Los términos que he usado son exactamente iguales.

RAMADHAR (Chairman, Drafting Committee): I think there is a basic difference between the two. The present sentence as it is drafted means that in v.iew of the greatly increased responsibilities of FAO the provisions which have been made in the proposals are not adequate, are not sufficient. But if we take the Colombian proposal it does not mean that exactly, it does not say that they are inadequate, it says that whatever had been proposed there does not adequately reflect the responsibilities which have increased. So I think we may ask the Secretariat what they had in mind in putting it in.

K.C. LUCAS (Assistant Director-General, Fisheries Department): The wording that was put into the draft that went before the Drafting Committee who did not change this paragraph was a copy of the wording that was in the Report of the COFI meeting. I personally subscribe to the interpretation that the Chairman of the Drafting Committee has placed on the change of the words. I think it changes the meaning. I personally prefer the way that it is worded now, not because I am in charge of the Fisheries Department, but because it does reflect what was said and what was reported to the Council.

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Estamos actuando de buena fe, señor Presidente, y creemos que nuestra redacción es mejor y se dice lo mismo porque se refiere a que debería reflejar suficientemente, o sea que no se ha dado la suficiente prioridad a la pesca en el Programa Ordinario; pero comprendemos que a estas alturas puede ofrecer dificultades y aceptamos que quede como esta el párrafo.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Colombia.

Paragraphs 1 to 9, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 9, ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
Los párrafos 1 a 9, así enmendados, son aprobados

PARAGRAPHS 10 and 11
PARRAFOS 10 y 11

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Esperamos no parecer demasiado legalistas, pero sobre el párrafo 11 quisiéramos hacer una pregunta al Presidente del Comité de Finanzas si estuviera presente y si no, al señor West, porque no estamos seguros acerca del Reglamento financiero. Cuando dice el Consejo tomo nota de la transferencia presupuestaria, pregunto ¿basta que el Consejo tome nota, o debería decir: el Consejo aprobó?

E.M. WEST (Assistant Director-General, Office of Programme, Budget and Evaluation): I think in this case it is enough to take note because this comes under transfers which are reported and do not require prior approval.

CHAIRMAN: Paragraphs 10 and 11 are approved.

Paragraphs 10 and 11 approved
Les paragraphes 10 et 11 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 10 y 11 son aprobados

CHAIRMAN: We go on with paragraphs 12 to 23.


G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Sobre el párrafo 21, en la primera frase se dice: "por lo que se refiere a la manera de sufragar esta suma, el Consejo tomo nota de que el Director General había hecho ya algunas revisiones en el Programa Ordinario". Creo que todas las delegaciones manifestaron satisfacción porque el Director General hubiera logrado esos ahorros, incluso aquellos países que no estaban de acuerdo en alguna manera de este punto, hicieron este reconocimiento.

Para no alterar el texto podríamos agregar: el Consejo tomo nota con satisfacción. ¿Le parece bien señor Presidente?

CHAIRMAN: That is accepted.

Paragraphs 12 to 23, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 12 à 23, ainsi amendes, sont approuvés
Los párrafos 12 a 23, así enmendados, son aprobados


P.J. SKOUFIS (Assistant Director-General, Administration and Finance Department): Just to complete the record, I would like to add under the figures given to the Council at the time this matter was in discussion in the Resolution in the first line first paragraph ending with "the unbudgeted extra costs arising from unforeseen inflationary trends are estimated to amount to $1§.5 million for the 1980-81 biennium".

We drop down to the last paragraph in the preamble: "Noting further that it is estimated that after taking the aforesaid actions unbudgeted extra costs amounting to $5.925 million remain to be financed".

The same figure, 5 925 million, would appear in the operative paragraph, "Authorizes the Director-General, in accordance with Financial Regulation 6.2(a) to withdraw an amount of up to $5 925 million from the Working Capital Fund to finance this additional expenditure".

CHAIRMAN: Paragraph 24 is adopted with the exact figures given by Mr. Skoufis.

Paragraph 24, including Resolution as amended, adopted
Le paragraphe 24, y compris la résolution ainsi amendée, est adopté
El párrafo 24, incluida la Resolución así enmendada, es aprobado


Paragraph 25 approved
Le paragraphe 25 est approuvé
El párrafo 25 es aprobado


Paragraphs 26 and 27, including draft resolution, approved
Les paragraphes 26 et 27, y compris le projet de résolution, sont approuvés
Los párrafos 26 y 27, incluido el proyecto de resolución, son aprobados


G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): En la tercera frase del párrafo 30 quisiéramos preguntar al señor Relator si se podrían suprimir las tres primeras palabras de esa tercera frase del párrafo, o sea las palabras que dicen: "Con escasas excepciones". Si suprimimos estas palabras quedaría: el Consejo consideró que tales situaciones debieran evitarse.

Así estaría esta frase de acuerdo con la primera del párrafo. Creemos que todos los miembros así lo pensamos y nosotros podríamos tener interés en evitar situaciones que afecten al Programa aprobado de la Organización.

RAMADHAR (Chairman, Drafting Committee): I have no objection but would like to ask Mr. West.

E.M. WEST (Assistant Director-General, Office of Programme, Budget and Evaluation): I have no objection at all. I would be very glad if Council did consider this without any qualification.

CHAIRMAN: Then the proposal by Colombia is accepted on paragraph 30.

Paragraphs 28 to 36, including draft resolution, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 28 à 36, y compris le projet de résolution, ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
Los párrafos 28 a 36, incluido el proyecto de resolución, así emmendados, son aprobados


Paragraph 37 approved
Le paragraphe 37 est approuvé
El párrafo 37 es aprobado


Paragraph 38 approved
Le paragraphe 38 est approuvé
El párrafo 38 es aprobado

PARRAFOS 39 a 41

Paragraphs 39 to 41 approved
Les paragraphes" 39 à 41 sont approuves
Los párrafos 39 a 41 son aprobados


Paragraph 42 approved
Le paragraphe 42 est approuve
El párrafo 42 es aprobado

Draft Report, Part IV, as amended, was adopted
Projet de rapport, IVe partie, ainsi amendée,"est adoptée
El proyecto de informe, Parte IV, así emmendado, es aprobado

CHAIRMAN: This concludes then the consideration of our Report at this Session. I would now like to give the floor to the Director-General.

DIRECTEUR GENERAL: Je vous remercie, Monsieur le Président.

Monsieur le Président, Mesdames, Messieurs les délégués, Mesdames, Messieurs,

Rassurez-vous, je ne vais pas vous faire encore un discours. Du reste, nous allons bientôt nous retrouver, lors de la Conférence. Mais permettez-moi tout de même de vous adresser quelques mots avant que vous ne vous sépariez.

A l'ouverture de la session, je vous ai parlé de la situation désolante de l'économie et de l'alimentation dans le monde. Aucune éclaircie n'est apparue depuis. Espérons que certains nuages seront dissipés d'ici nos retrouvailles en novembre. Je ne pense pas, Monsieur le Président, seulement aux réunions au sommet; il y en a trois: une en Australie, une au Canada et une au Mexique. Mais aussi à des questions telles que les objectifs du Programme alimentaire mondial, et les ressources futures de la Banque mondiale, du FIDA, et du PNUD.

En attendant, Monsieur le Président, le Conseil a une fois de plus conclu ses travaux dans les meilleurs délais sous votre direction éclairée et efficace. Certains points ont suscité beaucoup de controverses, et même des affrontements. Fort heureusement, malgré des divergences parfois considérables, vous avez su conserver une attitude pragmatique, réaliste et amicale, face aux problèmes inscrits à votre ordre du jour, et vous avez mené vos travaux à bonne fin en abordant la plupart des problèmes dans un esprit d'entente et de coopération.

Bien entendu, le point le plus sujet à controverse était le programme de travail et budget. Même dans le débat sur cette question, que vous avez examinée à fond, et sur laquelle les différences d'opinions ont été bien tranchées, le ton est resté constructif et cordial.

Monsieur le Président, la session qui s'achève n'est pas la dernière que vous êtes appelé à présider, mais c'est la dernière fois que le Conseil a l'avantage de bénéficier de votre présidence pour des débats d'une certaine durée, car la prochaine session, qui doit se tenir immédiatement avant la Conférence, sera courte. Assurément, j'aurai plus tard l'occasion de vous témoigner notre reconnaissance. Pourtant, je ne veux pas manquer aujourd'hui de saluer votre sagesse, votre grande connaissance de l'Organisation, ainsi que l'intelligence et la patience avec lesquelles vous avez dirigé les travaux du Conseil. Mais je ne veux pas non plus passer sous silence votre sens de l'humour, de 1'à-propos, qui vient toujours à point nommé pour détendre l'atmosphère et ramener les débats dans une perspective amicale et constructive.

Je parle ici pour mes collègues et pour moi-même, mais je suis certain d'être en même temps l'interprète de tous les Membres du Conseil qui ont travaillé avec vous, lorsque je vous exprime le profond respect que nous éprouvons à votre égard.

Comme je l'ai dit dans ma déclaration d'ouverture, nous devons envisager l'avenir dans un esprit constructif, entreprendre de nouveaux efforts et lancer de nouvelles initiatives, tout en restant réalistes et pragmatiques. Nous ne devons ni ne pouvons émettre un message de découragement et de désespoir. Nous devons au contraire consolider notre foi, notre courage et notre volonté de lutter sur tous les fronts contre la faim, ennemi commun de l'humanité.

A tous, je vous souhaite de bonnes vacances bien méritées et je vous dis "au revoir".

CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much, Mr. Director-General. I now give the floor to Colombia.

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Los nueve miembros latinoamericanos y del Caribe del Consejo, así como algunos observadores, han concedido a la delegación de Colombia el honroso encargo de hablar en nombre de nuestra Region. En este momento cuando termina el período de sesiones del Consejo los latinoamericanos y el Caribe queremos reconocer a usted, señor Presidente, la forma inteligente responsable y ponderada en que dirigió nuestros debates.

Después de los merecidos encomios que acaba de hacerle el señor Director General es poco lo que yopuedo alegar. Lamento defraudar a mis colegas de la Región. Solo quiero decir que usted, señorPresidente, ha cumplido una labor excelente y que los resultados de nuestros trabajos son muy satisfactorios gracias a la forma atinada con que usted nos dirigió en todo momento. Los latinoamericanos yel Caribe deseamos también expresar nuestra gratitud a los tres Vicepresidentes del Consejo, distinguidos representantes del Líbano, de la República Federal de Alemania y del Congo. Ellos tambiénoperaron con usted en cierta medida y buen éxito en nuestros trabajos.

Igualmente estamos reconocidos a los distinguidos colegas señores Trkulja, Bel Hadj Amor, Glaser, Presidentes de los Comités del Programa, de Finanzas y de Asuntos Constitucionales y Jurídicos.

Las presentaciones concisas e ilustradas que ellos hicieron en cada momento de los temas a su cargo facilitaron nuestras deliberaciones.

El señor Ramadhar sabe con cuanto aprecio los latinoamericanos y el Caribe registramos su elección y apreciamos la capacidad y la inteligencia que distingue a nuestro colega Ramadhar, representante de la India en la FAO.

Nuestro relator y sus compañeros miembros del Comité de Redacción cumplieron una gran labor a través de la cual nos presentaron un informe que ha permitido culminar exitosamente nuestros trabajos.

Igualmente queremos agradecer a la distinguida dama que aún a altas horas de la noche ocupó la Secretaría del Comité de Redacción con competencia y mucha eficacia, la señora Killingsworth.

El señor Director General y sos colaboradores merecen el más amplio reconocimiento y la más sincera gratitud de los latinoamericanos y del Caribe. Hemos admirado la forma de mejoramiento progresivo, cómo la presentación de los documentos en esta casa realmente hace más efectivo el trabajo de los representantes de los gobiernos. El Director General y sus colaboradores representan parte esencial del buen éxito de nuestros trabajos.

Ojalá no incurra en olvidos, pero quiero especialmente destacar la colaboración del doctor Philipps, Director General Adjunto, y de los Subdirectores Generales señores Yriart, West, Islam, Lucas, Bommer y todos los demás que han compartido con nosotros estos días.

Dentro de los colaboradores del Director General, por la naturaleza de sus funciones, está más cerca de la actividad directa de los miembros del Consejo el señor Sylla, Secretario de la Conferencia y del Consejo, y el señor De Caproña a quienes también queremos expresarles el aprecio positivo con que hemos admirado la manera como nos asisten y colaboran con nosotros.

Los latinoamericanos somos sensibles, señor Presidente, y no podemos dejar de expresar también nuestra gratitud a los intérpretes quehanhecho posible nuestro entendimiento; a las simpáticas mensajeras que nos han tenido en contacto permanente; y a todos aquellas personas que aún sin estar presentes en la sala, detrás de nuestras propias actividades han contribuido a que trabajemos mejor.

Los latinoamericanos y el Caribe pensamos que la forma como se ha desarrollado y ha culminado esta reunion confirma plenamente la general aceptación que tienen las estrategias y las prioridades y sobre las cuales el Director General ha basado el resumen del Programa de Labores y Presupuesto.

El Director General ha obtenido, por lo tanto, pleno apoyo de todos los gobiernos. Los gobiernos de América Latina y del Caribe aquí representados por nosotros hacemos propicia esta oportunidad para reiterar nuestro más pleno apoyo a las propuestas del Director General. Hemos apoyado esas propuestas porque estamos muy satisfechos, completamente satisfechos con el Programa que la FAO realiza en América Latina y el Caribe, porque tenemos una Oficina Regional eficiente, y porque son Oficinas de la FAO en muchos de muchos de nuestros países por medio de las cuales nuestros gobiernos están en permanente y constructivo contacto con la Organización.

Los latinoamericanos y el Caribe seguiremos apoyando al Director General, no solo en noviembre próximo en la Conferencia, sino mucho más allá porque sabemos que la FAO está en muy buenas manos.

Hemos estado muy complacidos de compartir con todos ustedes estas dos semanas. A quienes vinieron de sus propios países y ahora regresan les deseamos buen viaje, con la esperanza de que sus Estados y todos los países del mundo disfruten cada vez de más paz y de progreso

Señor Director General, finalmente, los latinoamericanos y el Caribe queremos felicitarle por el buen éxito que usted ha logrado. Creemos que usted ahora tiene todo el apoyo político para elaborar un buen Programa de Labores y Presupuesto y que aunque hayan surgido divergencias, naturales en un mundo democrático como el nuestro, una vez más hemos comprobado aquí los representantes de gobiernos de todo el mundo que la FAO es nuestra Organización, que es un club, que es una cooperativa, que es ungrupo de países en cuyo seno queremos vivir todos en armonía constructiva y en pleno espíritu de cooperación sin confrontaciones. Por eso estamos muy felices de que nuestra reunión haya terminado en esta forma ya que así el Director General podrá, aún más of recemos la seguridad con la cual contamos de que en el futuro, y particularmente en el bienio próximo, la FAO va a trabajar con más eficacia y con mayor entusiasmo en favor de todos los Estados Miembros, y particularmente en favor de los países en desarrollo.

Mrs. F.H. HAWHAR HAYAT (Kuwait) (Interpretation from Arabic): On behalf of my delegation I would like to commend the patience with which you, Sir, have chaired this session of the Council. I would also like to commend the spirit which prevailed during this Council and which led, despite differences of opinion, to consensus and agreement which should help to further reinforce this Organization. We should be able to undertake the humanitarian and developmental tasks that have befallen us.

I would like to express my thanks to the Director-General and the members of the Secretariat for the complete and full manner in which they prepared this Council, and for the excellent documents which were presented to us. These have helped us in our work at the appropriate times. I would like also to commend the Drafting Committee which submitted to us a very clear draft report, and would like to thank them for the patience with which they accepted the criticisms which were made of the report.

I thank also the translators, and all those who have helped the Council in doing this work. The final report of the Council will, I am sure, be received with great interest and agreement at the next Conference.

A. HAMAAMBA (Zambia): On behalf of the African region, we wish to join the others in expressing our congratulations to you, Mr. Chairman, for the manner in which you have steered the work of this Council. We also wish to thank those members of the Council for the spirit of understanding which they have displayed under some very difficult circumstances at times.

We hope that the Council will continue to work as one group, in spite of the differences which may divide us. Our thanks also go to the Vice-Chairmen who assisted you, Mr. Chairman, in guiding the work of the Council, and also the Secretariat, the interpreters, and all the others who were involved.

We hope that the work of the Council at this session will enable us to reach a successful conclusion at the forthcoming Conference.

We also wish to express our appreciation to the Director-General and all his staff for their guidance throughout the Council.

R.A. SORENSON (United States of America): On behalf of Canada and the United States, the North American region, I would like to express to you especially, Mr. Chairman, our appreciation for the marvellous way in which you have conducted our deliberations, and the sense of balance and fairness and your constant sense of humour and ability to guide us to a consensus.

I should like personally to beg the indulgence of my colleagues on the Council for the sometimes difficult moments I have probably created, and even more do I appreciate the care and effort you took, Sir, to lead us to a consensus.

I would like to express appreciation to the Director-General, the Secretariat, and all those who work at FAO. To the extent we sometimes express ourselves vividly, it is because we have great admiration for the organization of the Director-General and of the Secretariat, and we want to feel we are very much involved in and support the work they do.

I would also like to express our appreciation to the various chairmen of the committees. My only regret is that my colleague Mr. Trkulja is not here, as I would like to express appreciation for his patience with me. We worked together on the Drafting Committee.

I am grateful for the work of all the members of the Secretariat, the interpreters, and all those who helped to make this Council a success.

P.S. McLEAN (United Kingdom): Very briefly on behalf of the States of the European Community represented at this Council, I would like to associate myself with the remarks which have been made by all the representatives in this Council who have spoken before me in thanking all those, and especially you, Mr. Chairman, who have enabled us to complete our work here at the 79th Session in a cooperative spirit and in good time.

M.W. MOORE-WILTON (Australia): On behalf of the South West Pacific region I would like to associate our delegation with the representatives of other regions who have expressed their thanks to you as Chairman in particular, to the Director-General, to the Secretariat and to the many delegates and workers who have made this Council a success.

As a delegate who personally is making his debut in this august body, the words expressed by the previous delegates are so much more eloquent, so I will not attempt to improve on them, but I do wish to express to you, Mr. Chairman, our admiration for the very fine and balanced way in which you have managed and handled this Council session.

I would also like to express our admiration to the Secretariat for the very fine support they have given to you and the rest of us to enable this Council to be completed on time.

S.M. CHOWDHURY (Bangladesh): I would like to speak on behalf of the members of the Asian group of the Council and to associate ourselves with the representatives of the different regions and groups who have spoken before us in expressing our deepest admiration and sincerest praises for you, Mr. Chairman, for the Director-General, and the Secretariat, and the wonderful way in which this Council has been conducted to a very successful conclusion.

CHAIRMAN: This brings to an end the list of speakers I have. First of all, I would like to thank you, the Council Members, for the wonderful cooperation you have given to me and to the Vice-Chairmen.

This, I think, is one of the best Council meetings I have attended, either as a Member or as Chairman, because normally, as I said at the beginning, this is a very difficult meeting, tempers get frayed, people do not want to part with their money, others want to get more, and generally it develops into a very hard argument and dicussion, but this time it has been done in a very nice way. The differences are there, but there must always be differences. So I am very grateful to you for this cooperation.

We could not have worked so well and so smoothly if the Director-General had not been in full cooperation with me. He has worked with me very closely and very frankly and we have always discussed matters. So that there is nothing hidden between us and this has helped me a great deal.

I would also liked, on behalf of all of you, to thank the Secretariat, the Committee Members - the Drafting Committee, Programme and Finance Committees, and all the other Committee members - on behalf of all of you, for making our work easier because, for example, the way the Programme and Finance Committees handled the Summary Programme of Work and Budget made it very simple for you to decide on the merits of the Programme of Work and Budget; all the technical issues were taken care of properly, so that you can devote yourselves to policy issues. I would like to thank them all for that.

I should also like to thank all the staff, all the interpreters, messengers, everybody, for the help they have given us, and I hope we meet here in November just before the Conference. I wish all of you a safe journey home and a happy return when the time comes. Thank you.


The meeting rose at 17.15 hours
La séance est levée à 17 h 15
Se levanta la sesión a las 17.15 horas

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