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CL 55/1Agenda
CL 55/2State of Food and Agriculture - 1970 Preliminary version, Chapter I and Chapter II
CL 55/3Report of the Seventeenth Session of the Programme Committee
CL 55/3-Corr.1 (E only)(Corrigendum to above)
CL 55/4Report of the Twenty-Third Session of the Finance Committee
CL 55/4-Corr.1 (E only)(Corrigendum to above)
CL 55/4-Corr.2 (F only)(Corrigendum to above)
CL 55/5 (E + S only)Report of the Eighteenth Session of the Programme Committee
CL 55/5-Rev.1 (F only)(Revision to above)
CL 55/6Report of the Twenty-Fourth Session of the Finance Committee
CL 55/7Report of the Forty-Fifth Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems
CL 55/7-Corr.1(Corrigendum to above)
CL 55/8Report of the Twenty-Second Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters
CL 55/9Proposals for Medium-Term Activities and Programmes
CL 55/9-Corr.1 (E only)(Corrigendum to above)
CL 55/10Report on the Second World Food Congress
CL 55/10-Corr.1(Corrigendum to above)
CL 55/11Summary Statement: FAO/Unesco/ILO World Conference on Agricultural Education and Training
CL 55/12The Evolution of the IWP into a Perspective Study of World Agricultural Development and the Preparation of FAO's Contribution to the United Nations Second Development Decade: Action on Resolution 1/69 of the Fifteenth FAO Conference
CL 55/12-Sup.1(Supplement to above)
CL 55/13FAO Activities Related to the United Nations Second Development Decade over the Period of the Medium-Term Programme
CL 55/14Eighth Annual Report of the United Nations/FAO Intergovernmental Committee of the World Food Programme
CL 55/15Summary of Recommendations Formulated by the 1970 Regional Conferences
CL 55/16 (a)Programme Activities: Commodities and Trade Division
CL 55/16 (b)Programme Activities: Economic Analysis Division
CL 55/16 (c)Programme Activities: Rural Institutions Division
CL 55/16 (c)-Corr.1(Corrigendum to above)
CL 55/16 (d)Programme Activities: Statistics Division
CL 55/17Junior Professional Career Training Programme
CL 55/17-Corr.1(Corrigendum to above)
CL 55/18Interagency Relations and Consultations on Matters of Common Interest: Action to Implement United Nations General Assembly Resolutions on Decolonization and Racial Discrimination
CL 55/18(Corrigendum to above)
CL 55/18-Add.1(Addendum to above)
CL 55/19Report of the Fifth Session of the Committee on Fisheries
CL 55/20FAO Fellowships Programme
CL 55/21The Associate Expert Scheme
CL 55/22Organization of Conference Sessions
CL 55/23Report of Unscheduled Sessions of FAO Bodies
CL 55/23-Corr.1(Corrigendum to above)
CL 55/23-Add.1(Addendum to above)
CL 55/24Interagency Relations and Consultations on Matters of Common Interest: Matters Arising out of the General Assembly, Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, Administrative Committee on Coordination and UNDP Governing Council
CL 55/25FAO's Role in the Preparation of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment
CL 55/26 (a)Programming and Budgets in the UN Family of Organizations (JIU/REP/69/7)*
CL 55/26 (b)A Visit of Inspection to Malaysia and Singapore (JIU/REP/69/8)*
CL 55/26 (c)Selected Ideas for Improving Field Operations (JIU/REP/69/9)*
CL 55/26 (d)Observations Arising from a Visit of Inspection to Malawi (JIU/REP/69/11)*
CL 55/26 (e)Observations on Three Projects of FAO in Madagascar (JIU/REP/70/6-3)*
CL 55/26 (f)Report on a Rationalization of the Proceedings and Documentation of the Conference of FAO (JIU/REP/70/1)*
CL 55/26 (g)Observations on the Work of the Food and Agriculture Organization in Colombia (JIU/REP/70/2-2)*
CL 55/26 (h)A Report on United Nations Activities and Operations in Nepal (JIU/REP/70/4)*
CL 55/26 (i)United Nations Joint Inspection Unit Report on Central America - Part I and Part II
CL 55/26 (j)Second Report on the Activities of the Joint Inspection Unit - July 1969 – June 1970
CL 55/27Review of FAO Statutory Bodies
CL 55/28(No document)
CL 55/29(No document)
CL 55/30Establishment of the FAO Olive Production Committee
CL 55/31FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission - Part I – II – III
CL 55/31-Corr.1(Corrigendum to above)
CL 55/31-Corr.2 (S only)(Corrigendum to above)
CL 55/32(No document)
CL 55/33(No document)
CL 55/34Agreement for the Establishment of an article XIV Body: Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in North-West Africa
CL 55/35Appointment of Alternate to the FAO Staff Pension Committee
CL 55/35-Corr.1(Corrigendum to above)
CL 55/36Format and Method of Presentation of the Programme of Work and Budget 1972–73
CL 55/37(No document)
CL 55/38(No document)
CL 55/39(No document)
CL 55/40(No document)
CL 55/41(No document)
CL 55/42(No document)
CL 55/43Regular Programme: Financial Report and Statements 1968–69 - Volume I
CL 55/44United Nations Development Programme (TechnicalAssistance): Financial Report and Statements 1969 -Volume II
CL 55/45United Nations Development Programme (Special Fund):Financial Report and Statements 1969 - Volume III
CL 55/46Freedom From Hunger Campaign: Financial Report and Statements 1969 - Volume IV
CL 55/47European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease: Financial Report and Statements 1969 - Volume V
CL 55/48World Food Programme: Financial Report and Statements 1969 -Volume VI
CL 55/49Trust Funds: Financial Report and Statements 1969 -Volume VII
CL 55/50(No document)
CL 55/51Date and Place of the Sixteenth Session of theFAO Conference
CL 55/52Recommendations of the World Food Congress
CL 55/53(No document)
CL 55/54Multilateral Food Aid: Action on General Assembly Resolution 2462 (XXIII)
CL 55/55Rules of Procedure of the European Commission on Agriculture
CL 55/INF Series 
CL 55/INF/1Travel of Council Representatives
CL 55/INF/2List of Documents
CL 55/INF/3-Rev.1Proposed timetable for the Session
CL 55/INF/4Election of four members of the Intergovernmental Committee of the World Food Programme
CL 55/INF/5Opening Statement by Mr. A.H. Boerma, Director-General,to the fifty fifth session of the Council
CL 55/INF/6Provisional list of delegates and observers
CL 55/INF/7(No document)
CL 55/INF/8Nomination Form for Intergovernmental Committee of the World Food Programme
CL 55/INF/9Information for Delegates and Observers
CL 55/LIM Series 
CL 55/LIM/1Personnel Matters: Grading of Regional Representatives'Post
CL 55/LIM/2Personnel Matters: Grading of Associated Regional Officers
CL 55/LIM/3Appointment of Alternate Chairman of the FAO Appeals Committee
CL 55/LIM/4Invitations to Non-Member Nations to attend FAO Sessions
CL 55/LIM/5Substitutions and Cancellations in Programme of Publications and Main Documents 1970
CL 55/LIM/6-Rev.1 (E, S only)Assistance to Pakistan in Connexion with the Cyclone and Tidal Waves in East Pakistan
CL 55/LIM/6-Rev.2 (F only)(Revision to above)
CL 55/LIM/7Assistance to Pakistan in Connexion with the Cyclone and Tidal Waves in East Pakistan
CL 55/LIM/8Dates for Nominations for the Office of Director-General
CL 55/LIM/9General Service and Professional Staff Remuneration -Longevity Steps
CL 55/LIM/10Draft Report on Items 4, 6, 7 and 8
CL 55/LIM/10-Add.1(Addendum to above)
CL 55/LIM/10-Add.2Amendments to the Second World Food Congress Report
CL 55/LIM/11Draft Resolution - Duration of the Term of Office of the Director-General
CL 55/LIM/11-Corr.1(Corrigendum to above)
CL 55/LIM/12Draft Report on Item
CL 55/OD Series 
CL 55/OD/1
CL 55/OD/13
Order of the Day
CL 55/REP Series 
CL 55/REP/1
CL 55/REP/5
Draft Report of the Council
CL 55/PV Series 
CL 55/PV/1
CL 55/PV/24
First to Twenty-Fourth Verbatim Records of the Council

* United Nations Joint Inspection Unit Report.

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