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CL 57/1Agenda
CL 57/2Report of the Forty-Sixth Session of Committee on Commodity Problems
CL 57/3No document
CL 57/4Report of the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (CCLM)
CL 57/4- Corr.1 (F, S only)Corrigendum to above
CL 57/5Report of the Joint Meeting of the Programme Committee and Finance Committees,
Report of the Twentieth Session of the Programme Committee;
Report of the Twenty-Sixth Session of the Finance Committee
CL 57/6United Nations Joint Inspection Unit Report Report on UN Activities in Indonesia
CL 57/7Roles of Senior Agricultural Advisers/FAO Country Representatives,
Regional Offices and Headquarters in Country,
Inter-Country and Regional Programme
CL 57/8 (F, S only)Inter-Agency Relations and Consultations on Matters of Common Interest - Other Matters: Decolonization
CL 57/8- Rev.1 (E only)Revision to above
CL 57/9WFP: Draft Resolution for the Conference Setting out the Pledging Target for the 1973–74 biennium
CL 57/9- Add.1Addendum to above
CL 57/10Invitations to International Non-Governmental Organizations which do not have Status with FAO
CL 57/10 Corr.1Corrigendum to above
CL 57/11Report on Unscheduled Sessions of FAO Bodies in the 1970–71 Biennium
CL 57/11-Add.1Addendum to above
CL 57/12Financial Position of the Organization as at 30 September 1971
CL 57/13Statutes, Rules of Procedure and Financial Regulations of FAO Subsidiary Bodies
CL 57/13-Corr.1Corrigendum to above
CL 57/14UN Joint Inspection Unit Report Report on Methods of Computing Reimbursements for Services Supplied by FAO to the World Food Programme
CL 57/INF Series 
CL 57/INF/1-Rev.1Timetable for the Session
CL 57/INF/2Provisional List of Delegates and Observers attending the Fifty-Seventh Session of the Council - FIRST DRAFT
CL 57/LIM Series 1 
CL 57/LIM/1Invitation to Non-Member Nations to Attend FAO Sessions
CL 57/LIM/2Nomenclature of CCP Subsidiary Bodies and Membership in Commodity Study Groups
CL 57/LIM/3Opening Statement by the Independent Chairman of the Council
CL 57/LIM/4Statement of the Director-General to the Council Concerning China
CL 57/LIM/5Developments in Management/Staff Relations
CL 57/OD Series 
CL 57/OD/1 to
CL 57/OD/4
First to Fourth Orders of the Day of the Council
CL 57/REP Series 
CL 57/REP/CWDraft Report of the Committee-of-the-Whole
CL 57/REP/CW-Sup.1
CL 57/REP/1Draft Report of the Council
CL 57/REP/2
CL 57/PV Series 
CL 57/PV/1 to
CL 57/PV/7
First to Seventh Verbatim Records of the Council


Mr. Chairman, I should like to use this opportunity to mention to the Council a matter of great importance which is also a matter of common interest to all United Nations Agencies. As you know, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted on 25 October 1971 a Resolution (A/Res./2758(XXVI)) restoring the lawful rights of the People's Republic of China in the United Nations. I should like to quote briefly the operative paragraph of this Resolution where it is stated that the General Assembly

Decides to restore all its rights to the People's Republic of China and to recognize the representatives of its Government as the only legitimate representatives of China to the United Nations, and to expel forthwith the representatives of Chiang-Kai-shek from the place which they unlawfully occupy at the United Nations and in all the Organizations related to it”.

When informing me of this decision by telegram dated 26 October 1971, the Secretary-General, U Thant, also drew the attention of FAO to a General Assembly Resolution adopted in 1950 (Resolution 396(V)) which recommends, inter alia,

“that the attitude adopted by the General Assembly … concerning any such question [that is a controversial question of representation of a Member State] should be taken into account in other organs of the United Nations and in the Specialized Agencies”.

A further exchange of communications has since taken place between FAO and the United Nations and we have been informed that the Government of the People's Republic of China has now announced its intention to take its place in the United Nations and has informed the Secretary-General that it will send a delegation to attend the Twenty-Sixth Session, the present session of the General Assembly.

This development in the United Nations is, of course, a matter of great importance also for the Specialized Agencies, and the Secretary-General has in fact asked to be informed immediately of any action taken on the matter in each Organization. I understand that the Executive Heads of various agencies have submitted this question to their governing bodies or are about to do so in the near future. A conclusion has already been reached in Unesco where the Executive Board decided on 29 October 1971 “that from today onwards the Government of the People's Republic of China is the only legitimate representative of China in Unesco”. As regards ILO, it is expected that the matter will be considered by the Governing Body of ILO at its Session commencing 15 November 1971. Similar steps are being taken in other Agencies.

For FAO the problem poses itself differently and is in a way less acute than for other specialized agencies since, as you know, China is not at present a member of FAO. China - then represented by the Government of the “Republic of China” (Taiwan) - was an original member of the Organization but withdrew on 20 July 1951 with effect from 21 July 1952. 1

I should also recall in this context that prior to this withdrawal the right of the Government of the “Republic of China” to represent China in FAO had been contested by the Government of the People's Republic of China in a telegram to the then Director-General dated 12 May 1950. After an interim reply the Director-General circulated this telegram to the Ninth Session of the Council 2 which was taking place at the time and the Council came to the conclusion that this was a matter for consideration by the Conference 1. However, shortly thereafter the “Republic of China” notified its intention to withdraw from the Organization and while some discussion on the point took place at the Special Session of the Conference held at Washington in November 1950, 2 the necessity for a decision was obviated by the withdrawal.

1 State Circular Letter G/8 of 2 August 1951.
2 Document CL 9/WP 8a.

Question of Admission to Membership

The Council may wish to consider whether in view of the recent developments an approach should be made to ascertain whether the Government of the People's Republic of China may wish to seek readmission to FAO. In this connexion, it may be recalled that, on the basis of a wish expressed by the Council at its Forty-Ninth Session (in 1967), 3 I have made in the past similar approaches to invite Members of the United Nations to consider the desirability of joining or re-joining FAO.

The admission of the People's Republic of China to the Organization would of course raise a number of technical and financial questions - some of which have already been referred to by the Chairman in his opening statement 4 - and at the appropriate time I would seek the guidance of the Finance Committee and of the Council.

As you know an application by the People's Republic of China for admission to the Organization would, under Rule XIX-2 of the General Rules of the Organization, have to be received thirty days before the opening of the Conference, but this Rules could of course be suspended by the Conference. Precedents exist in fact for suspension of this Rule in cases in which applications for membership were received after the deadline 5.

Communications and Invitations Based on UN Membership

In the meantime, that is pending receipt of any application from the Government of the People's Republic of China for membership in FAO, certain steps have to be taken with regard to communications, distribution of publications, invitations to meetings and eligibility for adherence to Conventions. Wherever the criterion is that of UN membership, the Organization will take into account the General Assembly Resolution recognizing the representatives of the Government of the People's Republic of China as the only legitimate representatives of China to the United Nations, and such communications and invitations will be sent to that Government. As a matter of administrative expediency, I have designated one office in this Organization as a central point for all correspondence with China.

Conventions and Agreements

The “Republic of China” is not a party to any of the Conventions and Agreements concluded under FAO auspices. To the extent that participation to these Conventions and Agreements is open to non-Member Nations of FAO that are members of the United Nations, accession by the People's Republic of China will be possible in the future.

1 Summary Record of the 11th Meeting on 17 May 1950, CL 9/SR 11, page 3.
2 Verbatim Record of the Plenary Meeting held on 8 November 1950, C 50/PV-4, pages 2–4.
3 Report at the Forty-Ninth Session of the Council (1967), paragraph 163.
4 CL 57/LIM/3, page 2.

5 Examples may be found in the reports of the following Conference Sessions: Second Session (p. 3); Third Session (p. 3); First Special Session (p. 2); Seventh Session (paras. 12–15); Eighth Session (para. 431); Tenth Session (para. 665); Eleventh Session (para. 555).

In 1969 the FAO Council approved a request from the “Republic of China” to be admitted to participate in an observer capacity in meetings of the Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council, a body established by an Agreement concluded under Article XIV of the Constitution 1. Invitations to attend Sessions of Article XIV bodies may only be extended to non-members of FAO which are members of the United Nations. Since the “Republic of China” no longer meets this condition it will not be invited to future meetings of the IFPC.

Article VI Bodies

Membership in Article VI bodies is limited to Member Nations and Associate Members of FAO, except in the case of joint bodies with other intergovernmental organizations which are also open to Member States of such other organizations. The only intergovernmental bodies for which China is eligible are the Joint FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission and its subsidiary bodies. China is a member of that Commission on the basis of its WHO membership. Accordingly the future representation of China in the Codex Alimentarius Commission will depend on decisions made by the governing bodies of WHO.

Programme Activities

There are no programme activities in Taiwan under the FAO Regular Programme, under FFHC or under Trust Funds. Such activities, however, are being carried out with FAO participation in the fields of UNDP, UNICEF and WFP.

As regards UNDP and UNICEF activities, consultations are proceeding with the United Nations Secretariat and it may be expected that FAO will follow the lines of action adopted by UNDP and UNICEF upon completion of these consultations.

As regards WFP, which is a programme operated jointly by FAO and the United Nations, we are also consulting the United Nations Secretariat. It should be noted, however, that the Inter-Governmental Committee, whose members are elected one half by the FAO Council and one half by ECOSOC has, under the General Regulations of WFP, the responsibility of providing general guidance on the policy, administration and operation of the programme and, accordingly, the matter will have to be placed before the IGC at its next Session. In the meantime, I understand that no new project agreements or plans for operation providing for WFP assistance will be entered into in respect of projects in Taiwan that have been approved but that are not operational.

1 Report of the Fifty-Second Session of the Council (1969), paras. 206–210, and document CL 52/33.


 1970 and Prior Arrears1971 CurrentTotal
Afghanistan-12 77612 776
Argentina50 142-50 142
Bolivia 1  2 89312 77615 669
Brazil-337 691  337 691  
Burundi  2 20512 77614 981
Chad17 11112 77629 887
Chile138 596  92 626231 222  
Congo, People's Rep. of  1 73812 77614 514
Costa Rica  3 568  3 104  6 672
Cuba     34476 65677 000
Dominican Republic44 17812 77656 954
Ecuador-12 77612 776
Egypt, Arab Rep. of     58279 85080 432
El Salvador12 77612 77625 552
Guinea12 94512 77625 721
Haiti37 50512 77650 281
Honduras  1 80812 77614 584
India-10 52010 520
Indonesia-137 342  137 342  
Iran-89 43289 432
Iraq-28 74628 746
Israel  4 64179 85084 491
Khmer Republic-12 77612 776
Laos-12 77612 776
Lebanon-19 16419 164
Mali23 24912 77636 025
Mauritania-11 91211 912
Nepal-12 77612 776
Nicaragua  8 55812 77621 334
Paraguay60 42212 77673 198
Peru32 426-32 426
Philippines-137 342  137 342  
Romania-  9 618  9 618
Senegal-12 77612 776
Sierra Leone-10 28310 283
Sudan-19 16419 164
Syria-12 77612 776
Turkey49 052140 536  189 588  
Uganda-  7 495  7 495
U.S.A.376 827  2 500 000    2 876 827    
Uruguay35 13435 13470 268
Venezuela-182 058  182 058  
Yemen Arab Rep.23 74312 77636 519
Yemen, People's Dem.Rep.of12 77612 77625 552
Yugoslavia-32 80532 805
 953 219  4 309 624    5 262 843    

1 Represents arrears instalment and current assessment due in 1971 under Conference Resolution 33/65. Excludes instalments to be paid in future years.



Regulation XII

External Audit


Regulation 12.1 An External Auditor, who shall be the Auditor-General (or person exercising an equivalent function) of a Member State, shall be appointed in the manner and for the period decided by the Council.

Tenure of Office

Regulation 12.2 If the External Auditor ceases to hold the office of Auditor-General (or equivalent function) in his own country, his tenure of office as External Auditor shall thereupon be terminated and he shall be succeeded as External Auditor by his successor as Auditor-General. The External Auditor may not otherwise be removed during his tenure of office except by the Council.

Regulation 12.3 (Applicable to the UN only. The numbering of the Regulations has been maintained to bring it in line with the UN numbering. The final version will be renumbered so that all numbers are used, i.e. 12.1 through 12.10).

Scope of Audit

Regulation 12.4 The audit shall be conducted in conformity with generally accepted common auditing standards and, subject to any special directions of the Finance Committee, in accordance with the Additional Terms of Reference set out in Annex I to these Regulations.

Regulation 12.5 The External Auditor may make observations with respect to the efficiency of the Financial procedures, the accounting system, the internal financial controls and, in general, the administration and management of the Organization.

Regulation 12.6 The External Auditor shall be completely independent and solely responsible for the conduct of the audit.

Regulation 12.7 The Finance Committee may request the External Auditor to perform certain specific examinations and issue separate reports on the results.


Regulation 12.8 The Director-General shall provide the External Auditor with the facilities he may require in the performance of the audit.

Regulation 12.9 For the purpose of making a local or special examination or of effecting economies of audit cost, the External Auditor may engage the services of any national Auditor-General (or person exercising an equivalent function) or commercial public auditors of known repute or any other person or firm who, in the opinion of the External Auditor, is technically qualified.


Regulation 12.10 The External Auditor shall issue a Report on the audit of the financial statements and relevant schedules, which shall include such information as he deems necessary in regard to matters referred to in Financial Regulation 12.5 and in the Additional Terms of Reference.

Regulation 12.11 The External Auditor's Reports shall be trasmitted through the Finance Committee, together with the audited financial statements, to the Council in accordance with any directions given by the Finance Committee. The Council shall examine the financial statements and the audit reports and shall forward them to the Conference with such comments as it deems advisable. The Report on the interim accounts shall be submitted to the Finance Committee.

Additional Terms of Reference Governing External Audit
(Annex I to Financial Regulation XII)

1. The External Auditor shall perform such audit of the accounts of the Organization, including all trust funds and special accounts, as he deems necessary in order to satisfy himself:

  1. that the financial statements are in accord with the books and records of the Organization;

  2. that the financial transactions reflected in the statements have been in accordance with the rules and regulations, the budgetary provisions and other applicable directives;

  3. that the securities and monies on deposit and on hand have been verified by certificate received direct from the Organization's depositaries or by actual count;

  4. that the internal controls, including the internal audit, are adequate in the light of the extent of reliance placed thereon;

  5. that procedures satisfactory to the External Auditor have been applied to the recording of all assets, liabilities, surpluses and deficits.

2. The External Auditor shall be the sole judge as to the acceptance in whole or in part of certifications and representations by the Director-General and may proceed to such detailed examination and verification as he chooses of all financial records including those relating to supplies and equipment.

3. The External Auditor and his staff shall have free access at all convenient times to all books, records and other documentation which are, in the opinion of the External Auditor, necessary for the performance of the audit. Information classified as privileged and which the Director-General (or his designated senior official) agrees is required by the External Auditor for the purposes of the audit and information classified confidential shall be made available on application. The External Auditor and his staff shall respect the privileged and confidential nature of any information so classified which has been made available and shall not make use of it except in direct connexion with the performance of the audit. The External Auditor may draw the attention of the Finance Committee to any denial of information classified as privileged which, in his opinion, was required for the purpose of the audit.

4. The External Auditor shall have no power to disallow items in the accounts but shall draw to the attention of the Director-General for appropriate action any transaction concerning which he entertains doubt as to legality or propriety. Audit objections to these or any other transactions arising during the examination of the accounts shall be immediately communicated to the Director-General.

5. The External Auditor shall certify the financial statements in the following terms: “I have examined the financial statements of the Organization for the year ended 31 December … I have obtained all the information and explanations that I have required, and I certify, as a result of the audit, that, in my opinion, the financial statements are correct”; adding, should it be necessary, “subject to the observations in my Report”.

6. The Report of the External Auditor on the financial statements should mention:

  1. The type and scope of his examination;

  2. Matters affecting the completeness or accuracy of the accounts, including where appropriate:

    1. Information necessary to the correct interpretation of the accounts;

    2. Any amounts which ought to have been received but which have not been brought to account;

    3. Any amounts for which a legal or contingent obligation exists and which have not been recorded or reflected in the financial statements;

    4. Expenditures not properly substantiated;

    5. Whether proper books of accounts have been kept. Where in the presentation of statements there are deviations of material nature from the generally accepted accounting principles applied on a consistent basis, these should be disclosed;

  3. Other matters which should be brought to the notice of the Finance Committee, such as:

    1. Cases of fraud or presumptive fraud;

    2. Wasteful or improper expenditure of the Organization's money or other assets (notwithstanding that the accounting for the transaction may be correct);

    3. Expenditure likely to commit the Organization to further outlay on a large scale;

    4. Any defect in the general system of detailed regulations governing the control of receipts and disbursements or of supplies and equipment;

    5. Expenditure not in accordance with the intention of the Conference after making allowance for duly authorized transfers within the budget;

    6. Expenditure in excess of appropriations as amended by duly authorized transfers within the budget;

    7. Expenditure not in conformity with the authority which governs it.

  4. The accuracy or otherwise of the supplies and equipment records as determined by stock-taking and examination of the records.

In addition, the reports may contain reference to:

  1. Transactions accounted for in a previous year concerning which further information has been obtained or transactions in a later year concerning which it seems desirable that the Finance Committee should have early knowledge.

7. The External Auditor may make such observations with respect to his findings resulting from the audit and such comments on the Director-General's financial report as he deems appropriate to the Finance Committee or to the Council or to the Director-General.

8. Whenever the External Auditor's scope of audit is restricted, or he is unable to obtain sufficient evidence, the External Auditor shall refer to the matter in his report, making clear the reasons for his comments and the effect on the financial position and the financial transactions as recorded.

9. In no case shall the External Auditor include criticism in his Report without first affording the Director-General an adequate opportunity of explanation on the matter under observation.


Regulation XII

External Audit

12.1 Having regard to the joint system for external audit of the United Nations and specialized agencies (Annex II), the Council

  1. may, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, appoint or employ a qualified person, agency, authority or firm in no way connected with the Organization, to make annually and at such time as may be necessary for special purposes, an independent audit of the Organization;

  2. may alternatively, with or without recommendation of the Finance Committee, appoint one or more members of the audit panel set up by the United Nations and/or specialized agencies to perform such audit.

12.2 After consultation with the Finance Committee relative to the scope of the audit, the external auditor shall perform such an audit as he deems necessary to certify:

  1. that the financial statements are in accord with the books and records of the Organization;

  2. that the financial transactions reflected in the statements have been in accordance with the rules and regulations, the budgetary provisions, and other applicable directives;

  3. that the securities and moneys on deposit and on hand have been verified by certificate received direct from the Organization's depositaries or by actual count.

12.3 Subject to the directions of the Finance Committee, the auditor shall be the sole judge as to the acceptance in whole or in part of the certifications by the officials of the Organization and may proceed to such detailed examination and verifications as he chooses of all financial records including those relating to supplies and equipment. The auditor may engage commercial auditors of international repute.

12.4 The auditor may affirm by test the reliability of the internal audit and may make such reports with respect thereto, as he may deem necessary, to the Finance Committee, the Council, the Conference or to the Director-General.

12.5 The auditor and his staff shall have free access at all convenient times to all account books and records which are, in the opinion of the auditor, necessary for the performance of the audit. Information classified in the records of the Organization as confidential, and which is required for the purpose of the audit, shall be made available on application to the Director of Administration.

12.6 The auditor, in addition to certifying the accounts, may make such observations as he deems necessary with respect to the efficiency of the financial procedures, the accounting system, the internal financial controls and, in general, the financial consequences of administrative practices. In no case, however, shall the auditor include criticism in his audit report without first affording the officials of the Organization an opportunity of explanation to the auditor of the matter under observation. Audit objections to any item in the accounts shall be immediately communicated to the Director of Administration.

12.7 The auditor shall have no power to disallow items in the accounts, but shall draw to the attention of the Director-General for appropriate action any transaction concerning which doubts are entertained as to legality or propriety.

12.8 The auditor shall prepare a report on the interim and on the final accounts certified and on any matters on which the Finance Committee, the Council or the Conference may from time to time give specific instructions.

12.9 The auditor shall submit his report on the interim accounts to the Finance Committee not later than 1 May following the end of the calendar year to which the accounts relate. The Finance Committee shall examine the accounts and the auditor's report thereon and, if deemed advisable by the Committee, shall forward them to the Council with their comments.

12.10 The auditor shall submit his report on the final accounts to the Conference, to be made available to the Finance Committee not later than 1 May following the end of the financial period to which the accounts relate. The Finance Committee shall consider and approve the final report, except for matters involving policy issues, which it shall refer to the Council.

12.11 If deemed advisable, the auditor may be present when his report is considered.

Annex I

Principles governing audit procedures

Recommended by the Economic and Social Council at its Ninth Session to the General Assembly of the United Nations at its Fourth Session.

1. The external auditor shall be appointed by the Assembly 1 of each Organization and may not be removed except by the Assembly.

2. The external auditor shall report to the Assembly, and shall be present when his report is being considered by the Assembly.

3. The external auditor shall perform such an audit as he deems necessary to certify:

  1. that the statements of financial positions are in accord with the books and records of the Organization;

  2. that the financial transactions reflected in the statements have been in accordance with the rules and regulations, the budgetary provisions, and other applicable directives of the Assembly;

  3. that the cash on deposit and on hand has been verified by certificates received direct from the Organization's bankers and by actual count.

4. The external auditor shall not be restricted in any way in carrying out the audit.

1 Where “Assembly” is used in this text, it is interpreted to mean the supreme legislative Conference of the Organization or a body to which the Conference has delegated appropriate authority.

5. The external auditor shall be free to see any of the books and records of the Organization necessary for the performance of his audit. Confidential information required by him for the purposes of his audit shall be made available to him on application to the official designated by the administrative head of the Organization. He shall use discretion in his treatment of confidential information.

6. In the performance of the audit, the external auditor shall be the sole judge as to the acceptance in whole or in part of certifications by the administration and may proceed to such detailed examination and verification as he chooses, including the physical verification of stocks.

7. The external auditor may affirm by test the reliability of the internal audit, and he may report to the administrative head of the Organization and the Assembly on the efficiency of the internal audit.

8. Notwithstanding that the accounts as such may be correct, the external auditor shall be entitled to report on the efficiency and economy of operations of the Organization but not including general policy matters. He may comment upon financial procedure, the accounting system, internal financial control, and the financial consequences of administrative procedure.

9. In no case, however, shall the auditor include criticism in his audit report without first affording the administration an opportunity of explaining to him the matter under observation. Audit objections to any item arising during the examination of the accounts shall be immediately communicated to the administration.

Annex II

Joint system of external audit

Approved by the Fourth Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations.

1. In principle, there should be a panel of external auditors of the United Nations and the specialized agencies, composed of persons having the rank of auditor-general (or its equivalent in the various Member States).

2. Such a panel should consist of the auditors appointed by the United Nations and the specialized agencies, chosen by common consent for a period of three years, in such a manner that the members of the panel would not exceed six in number, and bearing in mind the location of the specialized agencies, the ability of the governmental audit staffs to undertake the total audit load within the appropriate time limits, and the desirability of securing continuity of audit.

3. Each organization should select one or more members of the panel to perform its audit. Payments of salaries, fees, or honoraria should be a matter for settlement between the parties directly concerned.

4. Each auditor (or the auditors) performing an audit should sign his (or their) own report or reports.

5. Members of the panel selected to perform the audit should be requested to take appropriate steps, in particular by meeting together annually, to coordinate their audits and to exchange information on methods and findings. The panel of auditors should be invited to submit from time to time any observations or recommendations which it might wish to make on the coordination and standardization of the accounts and financial procedures of the United Nations and the specialized agencies.

6. The cost of annual meetings of active members of the panel should be borne by the participating organizations.


(Codex Alimentarius Commission)

No.TitleCost $Art. of Const.CategoryAttendance
CX  848Joint Codex/IOOC Meeting on the Standardization of Table Olives1 750VI-I(2)MNs of FAO/WHO/IOOC and Int. Orgs.
- Recommended by Codex Alimentarius Commission and International Olive Oil Council
GIL804Panel of Experts on an International Information System for the Agricultural SciencesNilVI-4(3)Individuals selected in personal capacity
GIL 806
- Panel established in April 1970 to advise the DG on the development of a proposed international agricultural information system under the auspices of FAO. Two sessions recommended per year.
AGA881Meeting of Representatives of Selected Research Institutes and Universities9 000VI-4(3)Individuals selected in personal capacity
- To encourage closer contact with research institutes, in order, interalia, to obtain more technical support from them
AGA 883Joint FAO/OIE Working Group to review the criteria governing the importation of beef from countries not entirely free from Virus Disease Exotic for Europe1 500VI-4(3)Individuals selected in personal capacity
- In substitution of AGA 816 - OIE/FAO Regional Conference on Epizootics for Asia and the Far East
FI    891CARPAS/ACMRR Joint Working Party on the Scientific Evaluation of the State of the Stocks in the Southwest Atlantic  200VI-1(2)Selected MNs
- In substitution of Session FI 838 (CARPAS Working Party on Biological Investigations and the Evaluation of Fishery Resources) postponed to next biennium
FI     892GFCM Working Party on Demersal Resources Appraisal and Exploitation (Third Session)  200XIV(3)Individuals selected personal capacity
- Recommended by Second Session of the Working Party
FI     894GFCM/ICSEM Group of Consultants on Marine Pollution in the Mediterranean  100XIV(3)Members of Group
- Recommended by GFCM
ESC880Consultative Committee on Tea, Standing Exporters' Group, Fourth Session5 400V(1)Members of Group
- Recommended by Third Session of Standing Exporters' Group
ESR867Ad Hoc Consultation on Planning and Methodology of Intermediate Agricultural Education and Training1 300VI-5(2)Selected MNs and AMs
- In substitution of Session ESR 823 (Training Centre on Agricultural Education in Africa)
ESR 870Ad Hoc Consultation between Trade Union Organizations and FAO on Rural Employment and Development2 150VI-5 International Organization
- To increase cooperation between FAO and Non-Governmental Organizations as recommended by the Second World Food Congress and the FAO Council.



No. TitleEstimated Cost $Reason for Cancellation
AGS802FAO Regional Commission on Farm Management for Asia and the Far East (Fifth Session)9 445Interest in participation not sufficiently strong to warrant holding a session this biennium
AGS804Dryland Farming Seminar in the Near East6 350To avoid duplication of efforts with bilateral agencies conducting dryland farming projects in the region
AGP801International Conference on Vegetable and Grain Legumes (Field and Horticultural Crops) in Tropical Areas5 800 become availableWas approved subject to availability of funds which did not however
FI    804CARPAS Working Party on Fishery Economics and Utilization   200Postponed to next biennium
FI    809GFCM Working Party on Fishery Statistics and Biological Sampling   200Being replaced by Unsceduled Session (FI 892) (GFCM Working Party on Demersal Resources Appraisal and Exploitation)
FI    822EIFAC Working Party of Sub-Commission III on Water Quality Criteria   100The report, which was to be reviewed by the Working Party, was not completed on time and will now be submitted to the Working Party at its December meeting
FI    823Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Inland Fishery Resources and Fish Culture   150The Group will meet in 1972 in conjunction with FI 839
FI    824Ad Hoc Working Party of the Panel of Experts for the Facilitation of Tuna Research (EPFTR)   200Working Party no longer required due to postponement of the 4th Session of the Panel (FI 856) to late 1971
FI    828Ad Hoc Working Party of Experts on the Assessment and Utilization of Unconventional Marine Resources   400A seminar on this subject is programmed for the next biennium
FI    838CARPAS Working Party on Biological Investigations and the Evaluation of Fishery Resources   200Postponed to next biennium. Being replaced by Unscheduled Session FI 891 (CARPAS/ACMRR Joint Working Party on the Scientific Evaluation of the State of Stocks in the South-west Atlantic), requested by the 5th Session of CARPAS held in March 1971
FI    842GFCM Executive Committee (41st Session)NILPostponed to next biennium because of postponement of FI 841 (11th Session of GFCM) (Reported to 55th CL Session)
FI    843GFCM Executive Committee (42nd Session)NIL
FI    846IOFC Working Party on Stock Assessment in relation to Immediate Problems of Management in the Indian Ocean   200Necessary data for the Working Party not yet available
FI    849IPFC Working Party on TrawlingNILWas to have been replaced by Unscheduled Session FI 890 (IPFC Working Party on Economic and Social Aspects of National Fisheries Planning and Development), requested by the 14th Session of IPFC but this latter proposal had to be cancelled owing to illness of convenor.
FI    852ACMRR Working Party (4)   250The Agenda of these 2 Working (Parties will be incorporated in Session FI 850 (ACMRR Working Party on Aquaculture) to be held next biennium
FI    853EIFAC Working Party of Sub-Commission II on the Economic and Technical Appraisal of Fish Culture 
FI    861Symposium on the Improvement of Small Fishing Vessels and the Mechanization of Indigenous Craft in Africa (French-speaking countries)1 000Substituted by Third FAO/SIDA Training Centre on Boat-building, planned for next biennium
ESC808Study Group on Citrus Fruit, Steering Committee (Third Session)2 700To be replaced by full Study Group to be held next biennium
ESC812Study Group on Jute, Kenaf and Allied Fibres (6th Session)3 200Cancelled at request of governments as its tasks can be undertaken by Consultative Committee
ESC829Study Group on Citrus Fruit (Fifth Session)4 000For technical reasons postponed to next biennium
ESC832Study Group on Wine and Vine Products (2nd Session)4 000Postponed to next biennium at request of governments
ESC833Advisory Working Party on Hard Fibre Research (3rd Session)2 850These two Sessions were approved subject to availability of funds, which did not however become available
ESC839Expert Group on Rice Grading and Standardization (7th Session)2 500
ESC840Working Party on Long-Term Measures (Tea) (2nd Session)6 500Postponed to next biennium at the request of governments
ESC841Consultative Committee on Tea (3rd Session)4 000 
ESC879Consultative Committee on Tea, Standing Group on Promotion (2nd Session)NILThis Unscheduled Session, reported to the 56th Session of the Council, has now been cancelled, as it was to have been held jointly with ESC 840, which has been postponed to the next biennium
ESE802National Training Course on Planning, Implementation and Evaluation of Agricultural Projects. (Latin America)   600Cancelled at the request of the host government
ESE806Symposium on the Economic Aspects of High-Yielding Varieties in Asia and the Far East11 550Cancelled due to other commitments of host government
ESR814Conference on Agricultural Credit in Latin America   300Cancelled due to unavailability of specialized personnel
ESR823Training Centre on Agricultural Education in AfricaUndet.Replaced by Unscheduled Session ESR 867 (Ad Hoc Consultation on Planning, and Methodology of Intermediate Agricultural Education and Training, Khartoum, Sudan).
ESR825Training Centre on Agricultural Education in AfricaUndet.Cancelled due to pressure of work in connexion with World Conference on Agricultural Education
ESS806FAO/ECE Conference of European Statisticians Study Group on Food and Agricultural Statistics in Europe   100Postponed to next biennium in view of number of other statistical meetings in Europe this biennium
EU    803Consultation of National Rapporteurs on the Study on the Economic and Social Development of Rural Population in the Mediterranean Mountain Regions2 050Cancelled owing to difficulty in obtaining documentation
EU    809Ad Hoc Conference on the Economic and Social Development of Rural Populations in the Mediterranean Mountain RegionsUndet.Cancelled because purpose of sessions was to do preparatory work for Session EU 803, now cancelled
EU    813Expert Consultation on Environmental Control of Plant GrowthUndet.Cancelled at request of ECA

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